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perfSONAR Architecture: Design, Usage, Extension and Next Steps

perfSONAR Architecture: Design, Usage, Extension and Next Steps. Presented by Prof. Martin Swany University of Delaware / Internet2 05 August, 2008 26 th APAN Conference Queenstown, New Zealand. What is perfSONAR. A collaboration

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perfSONAR Architecture: Design, Usage, Extension and Next Steps

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  1. perfSONAR Architecture: Design, Usage, Extension and Next Steps Presented by Prof. Martin Swany University of Delaware / Internet2 05 August, 2008 26th APAN Conference Queenstown, New Zealand

  2. What is perfSONAR • A collaboration • Production network operators focused on designing and building tools that they will deploy and use on their networks to provide monitoring and diagnostic capabilities to themselves and their user communities. • An architecture & a set of protocols • Web Services Architecture • Protocols based on the Open Grid Forum Network Measurement Working Group Schemata • Several interoperable software implementations • Java, Perl, Python… • A Deployed Measurement infrastructure

  3. perfSONAR Architecture • Interoperable network measurement middleware (SOA): • Modular • Web services-based • Decentralized • Locally controlled • Integrates: • Network measurement tools and data archives • Data manipulation • Information Services • Discovery • Topology • Authentication and authorization • Based on: • Open Grid Forum Network Measurement Working Group schema • Currently attempting to formalize specification of perfSONAR protocols in a new OGF WG (NMC) • Network topology description being defined in the Network Markup Language WG

  4. Decouple 3 phases of a Measurement Infrastructure

  5. perfSONAR Services • Measurement Point (MP) Service • Enables the initiation of performance tests • Measurement Archive (MA) Service • Stores and publishes performance monitoring results • Transformation Service • Transform the data (aggregation, concatenation, correlation, translation, etc) • Resource protector • Arbitrate the consumption of limited resources • Other services delegate a limited portion of the authorization decision here These services are specifically concerned with the job of network performance measurement and analysis

  6. (perfSONAR) Information Services • Lookup Service • Allows the client to discover the existing services and other LS services. • Dynamic: services registration themselves to the LS and mention their capabilities, they can also leave or be removed if a service goes down. • Topology Service • Make the network topology information available to the framework. • Find the closest MP, provide topology information for visualisation tools • Authentication Service • Based on Existing efforts: Internet2 MAT, GN2-JRA5 • Authentication & Authorization functionality for the framework • Users can have several roles, the authorization is done based on the user role. • Trust relationship between networks These services are the infrastructure concerned with discovering federating the available network services

  7. Example perfSonar client interaction Where can I get more about network Doman B/IP d,e,f and Domain A/IP a,b,c? gLS Useful graph Client LS A, LS B Where is link utilization for – IPs a,b,c? a,b,c : Network A, MA A Get link utilization d,e,f Where is link utilization for - IPs d,e,f? Here you go Get Link utilization a,b,c d,e,f : Network B, MA B Here you go LS A LS B MA B MA A a b f e c d Network A Network B

  8. perfSONAR works E2E when All Networks Participate m1 m1 m1 m1 m1 m4 m4 m4 m4 m4 m3 m3 m3 m3 m3 Many collaborations are inherently multi-domain, so for an end-to-end monitoring tool to work everyone must participate in the monitoring infrastructure user performance GUI Analysis tool measurement archive measurement archive measurement archive measurement archive measurement archive GEANT (AS20965) [Europe] DESY (AS1754) [Germany] FNAL (AS3152) [US] DFN (AS680) [Germany] ESnet (AS293) [US]

  9. perfSONAR Architecture Overview • perfSONAR schema and protocol • Understanding the structure of the schema is informative when discussing the architecture and extensibility mechanisms • Information Services • The Lookup Service and Topology Service utilize the base model and provide system “glue” that allows for service discovery and contextualization of both data and services • Extensibility and ongoing work

  10. perfSONAR Schema • Key Goals: Extensibility, Normalization, Readability • Break representation of performance measurements down into basic elements • Data and Metadata • Measurement Data • A set of of measurement events that have some value or values at a particular time • Measurement Metadata • The details about the set of measurement data

  11. Schema Normalization • Can simplify the database representation for many types of measurement data • While optimizations are possible, many measurement types can be viewed as one value measured over time • Assists Combination/Concatenation of metrics • Creating derived metrics • Normalization helps with inferring relationships between types of metrics

  12. Schema Basic Elements - Metadata • Subject (Noun) • The measured/tested entity • EventType (Verb) • What type of measurement, value, or event occurred • Characteristic, tool output, or generic event • Parameters (Adjectives and Adverbs) • How, or under what conditions, did this event occur?

  13. Schema Basic Elements - Data • Some sort of value - Datum • Existence of an event might point to the case where there no additional value • As in “Link up/down” or threshold events • Time • Is extensible since various representations are appropriate in different cases • E.g. UNIX timestamp vs NTP time

  14. Metadata Data A Message Message Message

  15. Metadata Data An Object Store Store

  16. A Data is Linked to a Metadata Metadata <id>someId</id> Data <metadataIdRef> someId </metadataIdRef>

  17. A Metadata may be linked to another Metadata <id>someId</id> Metadata <id>someOtherId</id> <metadataIdRef> someId </metadataIdRef>

  18. Schema Namespaces • All measurements have some sort of Data and Time • All measurements can be described by the Metadata identifying who, what and how • The specific structures of the Data and Metadata elements depend on the measurement • Approach: Consistently use Data and Metadata elements and vary the namespaces of the specific elements

  19. Schema Namespaces - 2 • We encode the measurement/event type in the namespace • And as a standalone element • Some components of the system can pass Data and Metadata elements through without understanding their specific structure • Allows and implementation to decide whether it supports a particular type of data or not • Allows validation based on extended (namespace-specific) schemata

  20. Schema Namespaces and Extensibility • One key to extensibility is the use of hierarchy with delegation • Similar to OIDs in the IETF management world • The NM-WG has a hierarchy of network characteristics • Good starting point • However, not all tools are cleanly mapped onto the Characteristic space • Often a matter of some debate

  21. Schema Namespaces and Extensibility - 2 • Organization-rooted tools namespace addresses this • Some top-level tools • ping, traceroute • Easy to add new tools in organization-specific namespaces • Performance Event Repository • Add a schema and get a URI • Add Java classes

  22. Linking Metadata A A A B B(A) B B • Metadata can be linked in series in two ways • Merge chaining allows for elements to be reused and a complete metadata can be built • Operation chaining requests or describes operations on data sets

  23. Operation Metadata • Functions applied to the data have URI-based names • Common parameters • Ideally, a series of these metadata elements can completely describe the provenance of any resultant dataset • As well as requesting selection and reduction operations at query time

  24. Topology Schema • Topology schema grew from network measurement description • Reusable “Subject” elements for common cases • Also reduces redundancy • Relationships between measurement Subjects • Same basic structure at all layers • Networks are graphs • Define: • Node • Port (Interface) • Link • Domain • Network • Path • Service

  25. Topology

  26. Topology - Recursive Links

  27. Topology Schema • Structured by layers and the same elements recurring there • Varied by namespaces • Reuse visualization logic, etc. • Validate layer- or technology-specific attributes • 4 Layers: Base (both abstract and L1), L2, L3, L4 • Also technology-specific layers like Ethernet, SONET/SDH

  28. Relationships between Subjects • To completely capture the relationships, we need to do a few more things • Recursive definition of links • Logical links consist of physical links • Ordered lists of links - Path • Like above, but we need to introduce an Index attribute • Networks • Physically consist of links but that is not always the most convenient logical view • Special element to which Interfaces or Links belong

  29. Relationships between Subjects • Elements at the same layer have relationships • A link references two ports/interfaces • At Layer2 or Layer3 • Elements of the same sort have relationships between themselves at different layers • A Layer 1 Interface (physical NIC) can have one or more Layer 2 Interfaces, which can each have one or more Layer 3 Interfaces • Node is special • Since a Node doesn’t really have any higher-layer characteristic independent of its Interfaces

  30. Schema - Network Element Identifiers • A scheme for identifying network elements • Each network element gets a unique identifier • This identifier will be included with any measurement associated with that element.

  31. Network Element Identifiers • Use Cases: • A topology service can be used to find the identifier for a network element • An LS could then be queried to find all measurements associated with that element • Dynamic service path-finding can be integrated with ongoing measurements

  32. Network Element Identifiers • Identifiers use URN notation • Prefixed with “urn:ogf:network:” • Consists of name/value pairs separated by colons • Possible field names: domain, node, port, link, path, network • Set of rules defined for each field to keep identifiers compact and finite • Referred to as NURNs

  33. Network Element Identifiers • Examples • urn:ogf:network:domain=Internet2.edu • urn:ogf:network:domain=internet2.edu:node=packrat • urn:ogf:network:domain=internet2.edu:node=rtr.seat:port=so-2%2F1%2F0.16 • urn:ogf:network:domain=internet2.edu:node=rtr.seat:port= • urn:ogf:network:domain=Internet2.edu:node=packrat:port=eth0:link=1 • urn:ogf:network:domain=internet2.edu:link=WASH to ATLA OC192 • urn:ogf:network:path=anna-11537-176

  34. perfSONAR Protocol • Utilizes the basic message container • With type attribute • Contains various data and metadata elements • Uses a message-level parameter element to communicate message-level options • Messages return a result datum with a type system identical to that of a measurement datum

  35. perfSONAR Information Services • The Lookup Service and the Topology Service comprise the perfSONAR IS • Topology and Service Lookup information are linked with references and NURNs • Not necessarily a single instance of each information service • These services are being utilized outside the measurement world

  36. perfSONAR Lookup Service • Directory service of perfSONAR deployments • Accept service registrations • Handles queries for service location and capabilities and location of available data • Manage the lifetimes of data and services to keep information up to date • Web Service interface to XML Database • Sleepycat/eXist XML Databases • Service Info/Data kept in native formats • Draw away complex query tasks from otherwise 'busy' services

  37. Lookup Service • Also use an XML based configuration/protocol • Native storage/query mechanisms [Xpath/XQuery] • Uses LS-specific messages • Targeted at single domain deployment • Single instance to manage multiple services • Client components and applications use the LS to find services

  38. perfSONAR Topology Service • Provides a queryable repository for obtaining topology information about a domain • Can obtain the entire network • Xquery interface allows the construction of complex queries about the network • Topology is specified according to the topology schema • Various Uses • as a “Subject” repository for measurement information • Topology discovery for dynamic circuit pathfinding

  39. Distributed/Global Lookup Service • Federation of individual LS instances into a global system • “Meta”-lookup phase allows a query to find the specific LS that has relevant information • Or perhaps the relevant LSes that have said info • The specific query is sent directly to the LS in question

  40. Distributed Lookup Service • Service and measurement metadata is “summarized” for propagation to distant domains • IP addresses in service and measurement metadata are compressed into network/netmask pairs in the same way that routes are advertised (CIDR-style) • These summarized metadata elements are advertised to external “scopes” • A “scope” is a set of LSes that are related by e.g. being in the same administrative domain (although multiple scopes within a single domain are possible)

  41. Global Lookup Service Currently deployed solution involves a static set of “root” Lookup Services This works very much like DNS with peer to peer information propagation Summarization is based on the stored eventTypes and serviceTypes

  42. Using perfSONAR • How do I share my data using perfSONAR? • perfSONAR MAs can publish data gathered with MRTG, Cacti • http://wiki.perfsonar.net/jra1-wiki/perfSONAR_Getting_Started • perfsonar-users@perfsonar.net • Download one or more distributions • MDM Release from GEANT2 • Most services in Java • Available as RPMs • perfSONAR-PS • Services in Perl • Available as RPMs, via CPAN, Knoppix “live cd” • Download various services “a la carte” • Register with the Global Lookup Service…

  43. perfSONAR Services • Measurement Archive (MA) Services • Both RRD and SQL, java and perl • FlowSA MA (java) • HADES MA (perl) • Layer2 Circuit Status MA (java and perl) • perfSONAR-BUOY • Measurement Point (MP) Services • CLI MP • SNMP MP • Telnet/SSH MP • Flow Subscription • BWCTL • E2EMon • Lookup/Topology/Authentication Services

  44. Extending perfSONAR • How can I extend perfSONAR? • Definition of metric schema • If you are publishing a new type of data, schema definition is the first step • Reuse or re-implement protocol processing • Examples in Java and Perl • Register with the Lookup Service • Defining a new service type • Analysis modules are extended by assigning a URI, defining parameters

  45. Ongoing Work • Deployment and refinement of the global LS • Recently funded by the US National Science Foundation • Deployment of (“live CD”) appliances • Initially to support LHC networking • Integration with dynamic circuit networks like Internet2’s DCN, GEANT2’s AutoBAHN and ESnet’s SDN • Leverage common components for dynamic, visible network

  46. Joining perfSONAR How can I join this effort? Join the mailing lists at perfsonar.net Participate in OGF working groups Participate in Internet2 working groups Let us know that you are interested!

  47. Acknowledgments • ARNES • BELNET • CARNET • CESNET • CYNET • DANTE • DFN • ESnet • FCCN • Fermilab • GARR • GEANT • Georgia Institute of Technology • GRNET • HEAnet • Indiana University • Internet2 • ISTF • POZNAN • RedIRIS • Renater • RNP • SLAC • SURFnet • SWITCH • UNINETT • University of Delaware US National Science Foundation, OCI-0721902 Collaborators:

  48. end Questions? Visit www.perfsonar.net

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