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EQUIST Equitable strategies. Save lives

EQUIST Equitable strategies. Save lives. EQUIST 2.0 An Introduction. 13 & 14 March 2018. EQUIST Formative Assessment Summary across indicators. Don’t know. EQUIST Formative Assessment Lessons Learned (1). EQUIST Training Need for follow up training or additional TA

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EQUIST Equitable strategies. Save lives

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  1. EQUISTEquitable strategies. Save lives EQUIST 2.0 An Introduction 13 & 14 March 2018

  2. EQUIST Formative Assessment Summary across indicators Don’t know

  3. EQUIST Formative AssessmentLessons Learned (1) • EQUIST Training • Need for follow up training or additional TA • Improve the quality of the training = longer duration, multiple facilitators, local TA • Continuous online learning through webinars, step by step videos, COP • Updates from the EQUIST core team at UNICEF • Update training tools & manuals • Build capacity of EQUIST at the sub national level • Data & Documentation • Improvement in the availability and quality of EQUIST data • Provide local data access • Need to systematically document the good and bad practices around the use of EQUIST in order to enhance EQUIST implementation • Linking the tool to implementation- through publishing papers using EQUIST analysis.

  4. EQUIST Formative AssessmentLessons Learned (2) • EQUIST Platform - Recommended improvements • Align EQUIST with other similar tools • Improvement in the simplistic bottleneck/strategy approach • Enhancement in EQUIST’s costing abilities • Display of costing prior to running LiST so scenario analysis could be less trial and error with respect to budgeting • Costing data- seems high per capita • Include other thematic focal areas (adolescent health and nutrition) • Multiple deprivation features so that different indicators can be overlapped to show different dimensions of deprivation of outcomes, e.g. map/chart showing deprivation due to combine indices of U5MR, stunting, wasting or combining status of ANC, skilled birth attendance and immunization coverage, etc. • Improve internet connectivity for users- perhaps design offline version • Capability for countries to routinely update their data • Need for advocacy and buy in – country champions • Ensure sustainability considerations for EQUIST

  5. EQUISTEquitable strategies. Save lives EQUIST 2.0 Features

  6. Seven Step Approach for Health System Strengthening

  7. Enhancement - Modules Situational Analysis Scenario Building Global Configuration Country Customization Online Data Entry & Publish User Management

  8. 1. Situational Analysis • Map – Feature layers (road, hospital, school) • Map - Bubble Theme (Supplementary Indicator) • Map - Multiple level of geography • IHME Maps • Chart – National Average • Chart - Sorting • Indicator Metadata • Navigation • Country Profile

  9. 1.1 Map - Features Roads, Rivers, Hospitals, Clinics Schools

  10. 1.2 Bubble Map Supplementary indicator e.g. Mortality & Diarrhoea

  11. 1.3 Map – 1st Subnational

  12. 1.3 Map – 2nd Subnational

  13. 1.4 IHME Map IHME

  14. 1.5 Chart - National Average National average line

  15. 1.6 Chart - Sorting Helps identify provinces with rates worse than national averages

  16. 1.6 Chart Helps determine how many quintiles one needs to focus

  17. 1.7 Metadata An area where country specific action to complete Metadata sheets for various indicators based on specific sources will be required

  18. 1.8 Navigation

  19. 1.9 Country Profile Download country profile

  20. 1.9 Country Profile

  21. 1.9 Country Profile

  22. 2. Scenario Building • Improved step by step process • Informed decision with new visualizations • Strategy by relevance • Effect size adjustment per determinant • Navigation, Embedded Help

  23. 2.0 Navigation

  24. 2.1 Scenario – Inequity

  25. 2.1 Target Population

  26. 2.2 Epidemiological priorities

  27. 2.2 Epidemiological priorities

  28. 2.2 Proportion of total burden Proportion covered by target population Proportion covered within target population for priority diseases

  29. The three platforms and the nine High Impact Intervention Packages

  30. 2.3 Interventions

  31. 2.4 Identifying Bottlenecks User can prioritise and include bottleneck to address Traffic light to indicate severity of the bottleneck

  32. 2.5 Causes of the bottleneck User can enter context specific description of the cause Add any other cause that may be very context specific

  33. 2.6 Strategies User may determine effect size based on local evidence

  34. 2.7 Impact and Cost

  35. 3. Global Settings • Workspaces management • Global Indicator/ Disaggregation • Classification of indicators • Missing data rules • Themes / Packages / Interventions • Causes / Strategy / Relevance • Language Translations • User Management / User Profile • Navigation, Consistent Grids, Tooltips

  36. 3.1 Global Settings

  37. 4. Country Customization • Manage Country Resources • Manage Maps, Area levels, Area sets • Manage Datasets, Disaggregation • Custom Indicator • Custom Intervention, Causes, Strategy, Relevance • Custom Missing data rules • Custom Costing parameters • Navigation, Consistent Grids, Tooltips

  38. 4.1 Country Customization

  39. 5. Online Data Entry • Centralized Repository of data • Missing data calculation • Online LiST estimates • Stringent validations process • Excel Import Export • Powerful grid – Filter, Sort • Publish for public dashboard • Navigation, Consistent Grids, Tooltips

  40. 5.1 Online Data Entry Direct import and export of excel to EQUIST Direct data entry on the tool

  41. 5.1 Online Data Entry

  42. 5.2 Publish

  43. 6. User Management • Extended Roles • Analyst • Data Manager • Workspace administrator • User creation by country admin • User sort filter search export • LiST run Overview

  44. 6. User Management

  45. 6. User Management

  46. EQUIST - LTAsEquitable strategies. Save lives DO LTA 42106194 - Aga Khan University, Kenya CONTACT PERSON: Robert Armstrong, Dean Medical CollegeFax No.: +254 3744036 ; E-mail address: Robert.armstrong@aku.edu DO LTA 42106192 - ICF Macro Inc., USA CONTACT PERSON: Neil Wolfe Tel. No.: 1 301 572 0976; E-mail address: Neil.Wolfe@icf.com DO LTA 42106199 - Health Partners International, UK CONTACT PERSON: Lauren HaddonTel. No.: +44 1273477474; E-mail address: lhaddon@healthpartners-int.co.uk DO LTA 42106262 - American University of Beirut, Lebanon Fax No.: 01 370781 CONTACT PERSON: Khalid Yunis E-mail address: kayunis@aub.edu.lb

  47. EQUISTEquitable strategies. Save lives Questions?

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