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Report to LESWG: PSS meeting

Report to LESWG: PSS meeting. Ed Grayzeck Program Manager, PDS Co-Chair LESWG 19 Oct, 2006 PSS meeting held 25-26 Sept, 2006 SWRI, Boulder, CO. Reporting to NASA Advisory Council. NASA ADVISORY COUNCIL Chair, Dr Harrison “Jack” Schmitt. NAC, Science Subcommittee. Astrophysics

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Report to LESWG: PSS meeting

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  1. Report to LESWG: PSS meeting Ed Grayzeck Program Manager, PDS Co-Chair LESWG 19 Oct, 2006 PSS meeting held 25-26 Sept, 2006 SWRI, Boulder, CO

  2. Reporting to NASA Advisory Council NASA ADVISORY COUNCIL Chair, Dr Harrison “Jack” Schmitt NAC, Science Subcommittee Astrophysics Subcommittee Earth Science Subcommittee Heliophysics Subcommittee Planetary Science Subcommittee Planetary Protection Subcommittee CAPTEM Report to subcommittee MEPAG, OPAG, VEXAG Report to Subcommittee LEAG Report to subcommittee, ESMD

  3. Background to the PSS? • The Planetary Science Subcommittee ... • Provide recommendations to NAC • Hold public meetings; consider findings of the various analysis/assessment groups • Formed in May 2006, meeting at UMUC • Met in July 2006, near HQ • Sept meeting held in Boulder, CO • Next meeting during the Lunar Science Workshop, ASU in Feb 07

  4. Agenda for the PSS?

  5. Lunar Missions, 1992-2014 Orbital Science SMART-1 (ESA) Chang’e-1 Clementine SELENE Chandrayaan Lunar Prospector US LRO US LPRP (??) Chang’e-2 Lunar Meteorites Surface Science 1992 1995 1998 2001 2004 2007 2010 2013

  6. LRO Instrument Suite

  7. LRO Mission Phases

  8. LRO Data Management Overview Science Data Manager (SDM) is Project POC for SOCs and PDS • Develop and maintain Project Data Management Schedule • Develop Project Data Management and Archive Plan (DM&AP) • Approve SOC deliverable documents • Coordinate SOC DM&AP development • Coordinate development of SOC-PDS ICDs • Provide Project perspective in measurement data format definition • Coordinate SOC-PDS interface testing • Help coordinate SOC and any PDS testing with ground system

  9. LRO Data Delivery Schedule SOCs deliver 3-6 month old, validated, initial version of LRO data to PDS every 3 months (Mini-RF: every 6 months), starting 6 months after launch. Notes: 1) Subsequent versions and derived data products due to PDS in next 3-month delivery after creation and validation. 2) Creation of subsequent versions and derived data products is on a time scale commensurate with the level of data processing required. 3) Final data processing and release can not exceed 6 months from end of primary mission or extended mission, as applicable.

  10. PSS PDS Presentation

  11. Access to PDS data? • How PDS makes data available to the public • Data archives reside at the PDS Discipline Nodes where they are maintained by scientists who use the data and who can provide expert help. • Most PDS archives are available online for downloading and some can also be requested on CD or DVD. • PDS provides online search tools to help locate data of interest. PDS Discipline Nodes Atmospheres Node, Reta Beebe, New Mexico State University in Las Cruces, NM Geosciences Node, Ray Arvidson, Washington University in St. Louis, MO PPI(Planetary Plasma Interactions) Node, Ray Walker, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA Rings Node, Mark Showalter, SETI Institute, Mountain View, CA Small Bodies Node, Mike A’Hearn, University of Maryland, College Park, MD Imaging Node, Lisa Gaddis, U.S. Geologic Survey in Flagstaff, AZ and JSue LaVoie, Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, CA PDS Support Nodes NAIF(Navigation and Ancillary Information Facility) Node, Chuck Acton, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA Engineering Node, Dan Crichton, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA

  12. PDS Involvement in LRO • Geosciences as lead node • Advises the LRO Data Working Group (LDWG) lead, Stan Scott • Provided templates/examples for Archive Plan, ICDs, and SISs • Reviewing the draft SOC DM&AP and relevant ICDs • Assigned to LOLA, LEND, Diviner, and Mini-RF (SAR) instrument teams • Other node activities • PPI is assigned to CRaTER, contact made • Imaging is assigned to LAMP and LROC • Discussions with LROC and LOLA Data Node commenced • NAIF has begun discussion of SPICE kernel requirements, attends LDWG telecons

  13. Results of the PSS? • The PSS official report posted to... • http://science.hq.nasa.gov/strategy/NAC_sci_subcom/ • Announcements by HQ staff: Lunar Science Analysis Program (not clear if fundamental or data analysis) • Directive from Jim Green (Acting Director of the Planetary Science Division) for PDS to review pre-LRO data to see what gaps there may be and report back on the next step for restoration • Request for LEAG to develop a straw man set of prioritized objectives (consistent with ESMD work) for the PSS to consider before the Feb 07 lunar workshop • Thirteen recommendations; #s 2&3, 10&11&12 are lunar

  14. More about the LSW? • The Lunar Science Workshop ... • Key goals: prioritize lunar exploration objectives • Dates: Feb 27-March 2, 2006 • Location: Arizona State University • Chair: Brad Jolliff, NAC Science Subcommittee • LOC: Mark Robinson (ASU), NAC member • Audience: 200 scientists, NAC, subcommittees, AGs, center participation, university/institutes • Timeline: Organize now, announce in Jan 07, report to NAC in April; NAC conclusions by July

  15. Goals of LESWG • The Lunar Exploration Science Working Group’s job is to (LL, Aug 2006)... • Provide a forum for interaction, collaboration, brain-storming, invention • Hold discussions of lunar science activities and results • Respond to existing proposal opportunities … and probably future Lunar Fundamental Research, LRO Data Analysis and participation in international lunar missions … • So What can we do? (JG, Aug 2006)... • Formation of GSFC internal “Lunar Special Action Teams” for key issue areas…

  16. Lunar Focus Group (LFG)? • The LESWG steering committee ... • Looked over the 100+ sign-ups from Aug 25 • Formed set of topics for Lunar Science Groups • Broadened the composition of LESWG to include non-690 and non-600 people • Included engineering topics, renamed LFGs • Combined set of 15 possible topics • Identified data contacts for most, volunteers? • Present at the Oct 19th general LESWG • Will then post to the public LESWG web page http://ssedso.gsfc.nasa.gov/initiatives/lunar/LESWG/

  17. Charter for the LFGs

  18. Topics for the LFGs

  19. Next Step: LFG? • Lunar Focus Groups ... • Goals: share information • Participate: email lead contact person or • Check on web site for lead and contact • Chair: identified as contact person • LESWG contacts: Herb and Ed • Audience: any one at GSFC • Timeline: Organize now, report to LESWG steering group or by next general meeting

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