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Research!America Annual Meeting of Members. March 18, 2008. Agenda. Call to Order and Welcoming Remarks The Hon. John Edward Porter President’s Report Mary Woolley Treasurer’s Report Martha N. Hill, RN, PhD Membership Committee Report Jay A. Gershen , DDS, PhD
Research!America Annual Meeting of Members March 18, 2008
Agenda • Call to Order and Welcoming RemarksThe Hon. John Edward Porter • President’s ReportMary Woolley • Treasurer’s ReportMartha N. Hill, RN, PhD • Membership Committee ReportJay A. Gershen, DDS, PhD • Nominating Committee ReportThe Hon. Paul G. Rogers • Concluding RemarksThe Hon. John Edward Porter
Your Candidates-Your Health 2008 • Candidate Outreach • All presidential candidates invited to participate; responses to date are online • All 2008 Congressional candidates invited after each state’s Congressional primary, starting in April • Ongoing e-mail reminders to candidates who have yet to complete questionnaire • E-mail alerts to Research!America advocacy network to encourage their candidates to respond www.yourcandidatesyourhealth.org
Paul G. Rogers Society for Global Health Research Goal: make global health research a much higher national priority Investing in global health research is the smart thing to do for America and the right thing to do for the world
Ambassadors At Work “The fight for global health should be a calling card of this nation’s character in the eyes of the world. Fortunately there are some very dedicated people already on the case. One group, Research!America, has caught the attention of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.” –The Tennessean editorial board, May 27, 2007 The Tennessean published nearly three pages of editorials and opinion pieces related to global health research after meeting with Ambassadors James E. K. Hildreth, MD, PhD; Sten H. Vermund, MD, PhD; and Peter F. Wright, MD.
Ambassadors At Work “As Wisconsin's ambassador in Research!America’s Paul G. Rogers Society for Global Health Research, I believe that the key to preventing and controlling diseases like diabetes is for the U.S. to make a greater investment in global health research. From the capitol steps of Wisconsin and Washington, we should call on legislators to invest in research to fight diseases that affect the world's poorest populations.” – Ambassador Linda Baumann, PhD, RN, University of Wisconsin, in The (Madison, WI) Capital Times
U.S. Should Work to Improve Health Globally How important would you say it is that the U.S. work to improve health globally? Source: Your Candidates—Your Health Survey, 2007Charlton Research Company for Research!America
Released at Global Health Research Forum in Beijing, October 31, 2007 New
Advocacy Training Workshops “A life in science is a life in public advocacy.” William F. Crowley, Jr, MD, Director of Clinical Research, Massachusetts General Hospital
Research!America at Work Across the Nation 2007-08, to date WA MA WI NY MI CA PA NJ IL IN UT MD CO DC NC TN VA OK SC GA AL Paul G. Rogers Society for Global Health Research Ambassador TX FL Research!America program, speaking engagement or editorial board meeting
New State Economic Impact Tool www.researchamerica.org/state_econ
Research Takes Cents • In 2007, Americans spent an estimated $3.76 billion on St. Patrick’s Day! • That could fund more than 10,000 NIH Traditional Research Project (R01) Awards, which average $344,000 each. Sources: National Retail Federation, 2007; NIH FY06
2007 Eugene Garfield Economic Impact of Medical and Health Research Award Photo: Mike Gatty/DCEventPhotos.com
“We need much more work like that of Dr. Philipson and Dr. Jena to show how important health-related research is for our nation's economy as well as our length and quality of life. “We must be able to tell the economic side of the story. The return on investment, the economic value of research, is important to businesses, local economies and our nation.” –The Honorable John Edward Porter
New Photo: Mary Ann Gatty/DCEventPhotos.com
Transforming Health: Fulfilling the Promise of Research. Nov. 16, 2007 Elias Zerhouni, MD, NIH director, “Never underestimate the power of innovation.” The Honorable Billy Tauzin, PhRMA president and CEO, “It’s essential to preserve an environment that fosters innovation and research.” Meryl Comer, former journalist, spoke about Alzheimer’s disease research, “Thirty years ago, there was no hope. Today, there is hope, and I am counting on it.”
New New Series: Bridging the Sciences
New Investment Fact Sheets
2007 Polling Highlights • Bridging the Sciences • Current Issues in Research • Hispanics’ Views on Health and Research • Your Candidates-Your Health • Your Congress-Your Health • Why we commission polls: • Measure and understand public attitudes on medical, health and scientific research, researchers and research-based entities • Help shape the public debate and put research on the national agenda
Most Americans Can’t Name a Living Scientist Can you give me the name of a living scientist? Source: Bridging the Sciences Survey, 2006Charlton Research Company for Research!America
Americans Don’t Know Where Research is Conducted Do you know of any institutions, companies or organizations where medical or health research is conducted? Source: Your Congress–Your Health Survey, 2007Charlton Research Company for Research!America
Poll Data Summary Volume 9
Scientific Research Very Important Today In today’s society, how important do you think scientific research is? Source: Bridging the Sciences Survey, 2006Charlton Research Company for Research!America
Science Important to U.S. Health and Competitiveness How important is the role science plays in …? Source: Bridging the Sciences Survey, 2006Charlton Research Company for Research!America
U.S. Competitive Edge in Innovation Do you agree or disagree with this statement: The U.S. is losing its global competitive edge in science, technology and innovation. 14% increase from 2006 10% decrease from 2006 Source: Your Candidates—Your Health Survey, 2007Charlton Research Company for Research!America
Americans Dissatisfied with Quality of U.S. Health Care Thinking about the country as a whole, are you generally satisfied or dissatisfied with the quality of health care in the country? Source: Your Candidates—Your Health Survey, 2007Charlton Research Company for Research!America
Support for AHRQ Funding Increase The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) is the lead federal agency charged with funding health services research, which seeks to rapidly translate discoveries from research into medical practice and improve the quality, safety and effectiveness of health care. Since 2002, funding for AHRQ has been cut or remained flat. Which of the following most accurately reflects your view? Source: Your Candidates—Your Health Survey, 2007Charlton Research Company for Research!America
New Commitment to Research Should Be Higher As we look for ways to manage health care costs in our country, do you think that our commitment to health-related research should be higher, lower, or about the same as it is now? Source: Hispanic Health and Science Poll, 2007Charlton Research Company for Research!America
Confidence in Drug and Device Approval Process How confident are you in our current system in the U.S. for approving new drugs and medical devices before making them available to the public? Source: National Poll, 2007Charlton Research Company for Research!America
Congress Should Encourage Industry to Conduct More Medical Research Congress should support policies that encourage private industries to conduct more medical research. Do you agree or disagree with that statement? Source: Transforming Health Poll, 2007Charlton Research Company for Research!America
Americans Think Research Institutions Should Work Together Do you think the different types of institutions conducting medical research in this country, such as government, universities, and the private industry, should work together to develop new treatments and cures? Source: Transforming Health Poll, 2007Charlton Research Company for Research!America
Great Expectations for Medical Breakthroughs Please tell me whether you think medical breakthroughs will occur within the next 10 years for each of the following: (percentage saying “Yes”) Source: Transforming Health Poll, 2007 Charlton Research Company for Research!America
Americans Expect More Progress in Research Do you believe that we are making enough progress in medical research in the U.S., or not? Source: Transforming Health Poll, 2007Charlton Research Company for Research!America
Americans More Likely to Vote for Candidates Who Support Research If a candidate is a strong supporter of federal spending for medical, health and scientific research, would that make you more or less likely to vote for that candidate? Source: Your Candidates-Your Health Survey, 2007Charlton Research Company for Research!America
Americans Willing to Pay More for Medical Research Would you be willing to pay $1 per week more in taxes if you were certain that all the money would be spent for additional medical research, or not? Source: National Poll, 2007 Charlton Research Company for Research!America
Campaign for Medical Research G. Steven Burrill, chair, Campaign for Medical Research, chief executive officer, Burrill & Company Innovative research is essential to the health and prosperity of our nation. CMR is dedicated to securing sustained, strong growth for the National Institutes of Health. Nancy L. Granese Executive Director
Americans Oppose Cuts to CDC Budget The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is charged with protecting the health and safety of Americans. In recent years, funding for core programs, such as chronic disease and injury prevention, tobacco control and environmental health, at CDC has been cut. Which of the following statements most accurately reflects your view? Source: Your Candidates—Your Health Survey, 2007Charlton Research Company for Research!America
Campaign for Public Health Evan Jones, chair, Campaign for Public Health; principal, jVen Capital CPH is comprised of prominent leaders in the public health community dedicated to accelerating the growth of federal appropriations for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Karl B. Moeller Executive Director www.fundcdc.org