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Ufo-contact to Planet IARGA in the 60ths

Click enter, mouse or space for next picture. Ufo-contact to Planet IARGA in the 60ths. A dutch industryleader’s contact to an extraterrestrial race . Withness / the author. Dutchman, was 43y when this happend.

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Ufo-contact to Planet IARGA in the 60ths

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  1. Click enter, mouse or space for next picture Ufo-contact to Planet IARGA in the 60ths A dutch industryleader’s contact to an extraterrestrial race

  2. Withness / the author Dutchman, was 43y when this happend • wellknown (then) dutch industryleader/engineer living in Haag with many factories in many countries experienced this in the 60ths but he publ.the book under the authorname ”stefan van derErde” (stefan from Earth). • Book came out in Holland in -69 and was 10y later sold in 11 editions - but publisher claimed to give it out as ”fiction” • but the whole story is truth and his wife and children became part-withness to the happening • BUT: He promised his contacts to never try to prove this to people -as the ET’s knew that the ripe ones, would out of inner recognition understand the truth in this. • Wendelle Stevens who investigated the case and translated the book to english, described the withness as very confidient and honest

  3. Map where the contact happend The meeting • the compass on the boat hang and soon the boat stroke something floating just below surface and he saw that this was a kind of metal-thing Then saw something floating in the water - took the dinghy and discovered that the ”something” was a kind of man - but not a ordinary such • a similar creature appeared on the object which floated in the water and soon a conversation was started!He was very surprised as ”it” could converse understandably • they told that they was here in the purpose of observing earth, and our development and invited him onboard the fellowing day

  4. The conversations onboard the craft the fellowing day • It was both a scaring and thrilling moment to meet them face to face the next day in the lock-room • He later engaged an artist which patient tried to illustrate after his descriptions, because he could not draw himself Soon he was shown a holograhic film from their homeplanet, along with their comments and descriptions; ”We will let you see what the word 'civilization' really means”. • They had a form of electronic imprinting of the wisdom and knowledge directly into the brain, together with the 3d-pictures - (possible strait into the astralbody?) • They very strong underlined that with the FREE WILL - not to force a conviction into anybody - and esp.not to a lowered developed race

  5. Their homeplanet IARGA • Has most oceans and little land-areas, and therefore a very dense population-density. • Has dense clouds of white and pink color + rings as Saturn - but it is smaller • Bigger gravitation and much denser atmospfære than Earth A moon was hidden of the cloudy atm. And this dense atm.made very little difference between day and night. Strong winds and violent weather • Also strong earthquakes was common, therefore the houses was made very strong

  6. More on the society on IARGA • Very dense populated - and ALL LIVE in ringformed ”blocks” which every rooms 10thousand. 36 ringblocks forms a square of ca 10x6km. 360.000 people per 60km2. It means 6000/km2. Every ringformed ”block” was ca 300m in diam.+ high of 135m - rotated slowly on a centeraxle and the ”flats”of 50m2 each- was replaceable from outside. All was covered with ”glasplastic” which could regulate the heat/temp. by variation of light-penetration Inside the ”ring” was a protected green/garden-region. Covered with arched glass-roof. Here was also art-galleries, and other cultural activities. They ment the Earth’s density of people was a trifle&nothing, compared to IARGA, and that we with inbetween cooperation of nations, could make out our many problems here

  7. They were experts in effectiveness All was planned for optimal utilization and effectiveness A lot of areas was needed for foodproduction • They used automatic magnetic overhead track-trail- train system, as it was more effective than planes 6tracs in upper plane could transport 1mill./hour - much more effective than aeroplanes • They also had ”cars” which could be used in cities, and those could be connected to the tracksystem in separate tracks One could also rent a wagon on those tracks which was programmed for recreation- trips around the big planet • Here we see the train and the tracksystem over the big oceans - they floated submerged on floates - unaffected by the waves

  8. Automatic farming The restricted landareas had to be utilized optimal • Automatic ”travers-cranes” ran along the fields and handled, sowed, wet, harvested og beamed the cultivated fields • They also ate fish which they caught in the big water inlets for the heatexchanges/-pumps which draw earthenergy. Here we see the big fields outside the ringblocks

  9. their race and social life • They are of a race which is connected to water - as ”otters in human form” - very group thinking There was less outer differnce between the sexes- but the women had finer features • They expressed their sympaties with hugs and had much closeness in their relationships and was very cleanly. Their propagation- life was not ruled by instincts as by earthmen • They work all time to improve the life-circumstances for all on IARGA • They also have a total spiritual and evolution-understanding, and have a ”reincarnation-selection” - that means that they can control WHO is coming back/incarnates to IARGA

  10. No private ownership exist there - as ALL is common- but personal things exist. Moneyfree society • They have a effective production-system, which produces enought food and ”things” for everybody - again everybody have to contribute a small part of worktime to the fellowship, but this is only a micropart compared to the workingtime neccessary to live normal on earth. . Because they hadn’t converted the time to the ”exchange-measure” money, everything could be made with the highest possible quality - which could last for 1000years - to avoid doing any kind of maintance. • They said;” Personal property is an indication of a very primitive level of culture. ”. Nothing was paid for - only registered. Quotation from the book: "Although I had only just begun to become acquainted with this distant culture, I understood that everyone here had equal rights. They lived in the same houses, rode in the same cars and stepped into the same trains. There were neither rich nor poor; there was no separation between nationalities, races or colors.”

  11. Product manufacture on Iarga • total production of goods and services is, on Iarga, in the hands of a very small number of huge companies, the "trusts." • There exist more such in the same tradeline, which compete on the best idea. Those are then tested against the others on funtion, quality etc, and only the best one being produced. • He was shown some examples of those automatic factories, where people are only necc.to overview the macines. Ex.of such a starformed factory is drawn below - it was kilometres in extension. • "In fact you are asking about the production level per head of the population, and compared to Earth's standards, this is very high. The answer is, we are all rich. The universal economic system that exists by a great many intelligent races, does not concern itself with money, possession, or payment. The aim of this system is to free the people from material influences and motivation; and in contrast to the Earth's economy, this system is very simple, it can be explained in a couple of minutes."

  12. Goods distribution system Nothing is paid for on Iarga - only REGISTERED • ”enpensive things” as houses, cars, boates,etc. can only be rented /managed - and everything is registred in computers which are linked together in a planetary network. • Smaller things is only reg. but ALL will be delivered back when a person ”leaves”- i.m. die • It is not possible or allowed to ”gather more things on store” than what seems reasonable Picture not from book, but could illustrate inside a mothership hangar

  13. Their ships/crafts • Standardship was ca 30m in diam.- antigrav.craft riding the gravitationwaves of the planet. Transport crafts could not fly outside of gravitation-field of the planet • Their REAL SPACESHIPS was Stefan not allowed to see – at least not the details - because they thought he would not understand it anyway • Here we see some of their ships which is linked together by a kind of tube, so one could pass between the ship such - because they had not the more advanced system of teleportation between the ships etc

  14. their ethical doctrine • Only a race with a high grade of unselfishness or real LOVE - CAN SURVIVE • Only a race which is out of the material slavery, can be true happy and free • …”Iarga is a planet where the people love each other, where people are happy to meet each other and where they find it a pity that they can only take one person at a time in their arms. • ” A large dose of unselfishness can only exist in an environment that is protected from evil”

  15. Leave-taking • Their last desire was that he should not try to force or prove those learnings and happenings onto other persons • Therefor he voluntary took out the film of his camera, and destroyed it in their view in the chamber • But they stayed in touch with him and transferred a lot of information into him - consciousness and uncons. • He felt a natural obligation to hand/pass on this information -and so he published this book

  16. These communications continued and ultimately developed into a sort of mechanical transmission from a technical device aboard the spacecraft to the mind of the witness, something like the way it was done during his visit aboard the spacecraft in the Oostscheld, except that now the pictures were transmitted to his mind instead of viewing them on a screen. Unknown to the witness however, and this will be news to him when he now (in the publ.from the 80hts) -sees it in print for the first time; Communications experts working with NATO in defense systems had picked up a strange incoming RF (radio frequency) electronic signal in the vicinity of a high security NATO defense installation in the Netherlands, and became very disturbed about the nature and purpose of this transmission. ”it was in an unusual bandwidth and had a strange character. It also was only detectable within a limited area in Den Hague (The Hague near where the sensitive installation is located and Stefans home. NATO Intelligence, believing this may be an attempt to interfere with the defense installation and its equipment, moved hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of highly sophisticated detection equipment into the area to try to find out what was happening.) It seems that this strange signal would begin about 4:00 PM and continue for an hour or more several days each week. Now, before this information came to light, my interviews with the witness had shown that his contacts were coming in several days each week on a more or less regular basis. The witness's habit was to come home from his office about 3:00 PMdaily, read his personal mail and relax in his living room for a while. Often, when he was contacted, the "telepathic”transmission would begin about 4:00 PM, and would continue for an hour or more. This strange coincidence became of paramount importance when I learned that the search for the strongest signal was taking them only a few blocks from this man's home where he was receiving the contacts

  17. This contact-report can be studied on http://galactic.no/rune/iarga.htmlor search on ”iarga” on Google It is also made a report in sounfile on this contact where it is discussed in norwegain: http://alternativkanalen.com/konf/ here link directly to the file in mp3: http://alternativkanalen.com/MP3/iarga.mp3 asf-format: mms://srv7.galactic2.net/iarga.asf realformat: pnm://galactic.to/iarga.ra • Made of Rune Øverby in 2007 http://galactic.no/rune

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