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Partnership Inception Workshop - Mauritius

Partnership Inception Workshop - Mauritius. Food and Agricultural Research Council (FARC) Conference Room Reduit 9 th February 2012. AGENDA – Day 1. Introduction to the PAEPARD Project. Presented by: Mr. Toolsee Gunesh. PAEPARD Definition. P latform for A frican E uropean

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Partnership Inception Workshop - Mauritius

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  1. Partnership Inception Workshop - Mauritius Food and Agricultural Research Council (FARC) Conference Room Reduit 9th February 2012

  2. AGENDA – Day 1

  3. Introduction to the PAEPARD Project Presented by: Mr. Toolsee Gunesh

  4. PAEPARD Definition Platform for African European Partnership on Agricultural Research for Development

  5. Context of PAEPARD • Agriculture is sector with largest potential for enhancing economic growth on African Continent (SSA countries) • Support for agriculture – Funds for agriculture research reducing • EC funding (EDF,FP7) for agricultural research • Challenge : Research be demand led - Quality of partnerships improved

  6. Objectives • Overall: Build joint African-European Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships in ARD contributing to achieve the MDGs • Specific: Enhanced, more equitable, more demand-driven and mutually beneficial collaboration of Africa and Europe on ARD with the aim of attaining the MDGs

  7. PAEPARD Expected Results • Increased awareness of partnership opportunities in Europe and Africa for agricultural development in Africa; • Improved mobilizationandcoordination of European ARD stakeholders and African non–research stakeholders; • Increased knowledgeonEuropeanfunding opportunities among African ARD stakeholders and support for partnership development will lead to increased number of high quality ARD proposals.

  8. Major Activities • Mobilization of European stakeholders and African non-research stakeholders; • Information and knowledge management of opportunities for partnership between African and Europe; • Capacity building on partnership building within a multi-stakeholder innovation partnerships; • Partnership brokerage between African and European stakeholders; • Advocacy for agricultural research for development

  9. PAEPARD – 2nd Call for Concept Note • Published May 31, 2011 • 69 Concept Notes received on July 15, 2011 • 10 Consortia Selected • Mauritius consortium among the 10 selected

  10. Federating Themes • Food security and climate changes • Post harvest technologies • Knowledge management and indigenous knowledge inclusion • Capacity building and institutional development • Market access, value chain, pricing • Water use and management • Financing mechanisms, access to credit

  11. The Mauritius Consortium Presented by: Mrs. Indira Boodhram

  12. Title of Proposed Partnership • Micro-propagation and Cultivation of in-vitro breadfruit plants and development of novel products from breadfruit as an alternative source of carbohydrates in Mauritius

  13. Opportunities • In context of food security and sustainable livelihood • Identified as a potential source of carbohydrate • Potential for processing as well as export • Local research stations has experience in in-vitro propagation • Income-generating opportunity for households/small-scale orchard • Breadfruit offers potential for production of gluten-free flour

  14. Expected outcome of partnership • Establishment of production techniques and guidelines for local production of breadfruit • Development of commercially feasible in-vitro mass propagation techniques • Promotion and establishment of backyard production in Mauritius • Establishment of commercial orchards • Development of community-based processing techniques • Development of marketing channels for input into large-scale processing of breadfruit • Development of healthy and nutritious value added breadfruit products

  15. Current Partners involved

  16. Value-Chain Approach Presented by: Ms. Nawsheen Hosenally

  17. Current Partners involved

  18. Researchers Credit suppliers Policy makers Facilitator Wholesale Consumer organisations Planting material Supplier and retail Growers’ organisations Suppliers of inputs, equipment EU Importers Inclusive Demand-driven partnerships Advisory services Breadfruit growers

  19. Value-Chain Approach Value-chain Definition: • Describes full range of activities required to bring a product/service through the different phases of production (Including physical transformation, input of various producer services and response to consumer demand) • Include inter-dependent processes that generate value for the consumer • Focuses on value creation, innovation, product development and marketing

  20. Role of the Facilitators • Neutral • No relation with the partnership • Encourage full participation by all partners • Ensure interest of all partners represented • Promote mutual understanding between partners • Guide partners to agree on objectives, roles and responsibilities. Promote communication • Promote Social Learning by Partners • Promote & guide joint reflection by partners

  21. Leader v/s Facilitator • Facilitator: • Assists (builds capacity of) all partners to understand/achieve the task (objectives, role) • Assists all members of partnership to participate equally & function as team • Assists all members to learn - reflect on joint experience and consolidate lessons learned • Assists in resolving conflicts (without taking sides…) Leader: • Responsiblefor the partnership (direction, management, actions) • Responsible for communication within partnership • Responsible for group outputs • Accountablefor joint external inputs

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