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CSIR Presentation to Portfolio Committee of Arts and Culture 13 September 2005

CSIR Presentation to Portfolio Committee of Arts and Culture 13 September 2005. Our presentation today. 1. Reconfiguration Process Background CSIR Beyond 60 CSIR Operations model Managing the transition R&D Highlights 2. Public Outcomes Current challenges Lessons learned

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CSIR Presentation to Portfolio Committee of Arts and Culture 13 September 2005

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  1. CSIR Presentation to Portfolio Committee of Arts and Culture13 September 2005

  2. Our presentation today 1. Reconfiguration Process • Background • CSIR Beyond 60 • CSIR Operations model • Managing the transition • R&D Highlights 2. Public Outcomes • Current challenges • Lessons learned • Focused activities • Recommended approach • Actions and performance measures

  3. Reconfiguration Process

  4. Background • CSIR Beyond 60 • CSIR Operations Model • Managing the transition • R&D Highlights Background • Tale of Two Cultures presented in 2004 • Reason for our existence • remain faithful to public mandate • our S&T base built on people, knowledge and facilities • impact: always ask what difference you make

  5. Background • CSIR Beyond 60 • CSIR Operations Model • Managing the transition • R&D Highlights Celebrating 60 years of science and technology • CSIR 60th anniversary provides an opportunity to reshape our future • Review our role in science and technology landscape to: • make positive contribution to country’s national imperatives • ensure we evolve to meet the challenges of the future

  6. Background • CSIR Beyond 60 • CSIR Operations Model • Managing the transition • R&D Highlights The CSIR Beyond 60 • CSIR Beyond 60 process started 18 months ago • Establish best route for reconfiguration of CSIR's science and technology base • Realign with our core purpose • Shape the premier scientific research organisation for the African Renaissance

  7. Background • CSIR Beyond 60 • CSIR Operations Model • Managing the transition • R&D Highlights Focus of CSIR Beyond 60 Shaping the organisation that will serve South Africa’s science and technology needs beyond the CSIR’s 60th birthday The CSIR Beyond 60 change process will attain this goal Strengthening the science and technology base Building and transforming human capital Contributing to national programme of development and fulfilling mandate Performing relevant knowledge generating research and technology transfer

  8. An earmarked proportion of Parliamentary Grant to be devoted specifically to human capital development • Professional growth through career planning and mentorship • Encourage staff to improve qualifications • post-graduate qualifications: 22.5% • three-year target: 28% • Use CSIR expertise and facilities to assist in mentoring masters and doctoral students • Background • CSIR Beyond 60 • CSIR Operations Model • Managing the transition • R&D Highlights Human Capital Development Building and transforming human capital

  9. Background • CSIR Beyond 60 • CSIR Operations Model • Managing the transition • R&D Highlights Regaining Scientific excellence • Increased emphasis on research from available funding streams • Five thematic programmes to support new areas of S&T and early stage research • Change in scope of research activities to increase scientific outputs • Young researcher development programme Strengthening the science and technology base

  10. people transfer • Background • CSIR Beyond 60 • CSIR Operations Model • Managing the transition • R&D Highlights Basic for CSIR innovation technology, knowledge transfer Market R&D technology, knowledge transfer Society R&D people transfer Public good outcomes embedded in both

  11. Background • CSIR Beyond 60 • CSIR Operations Model • Managing the transition • R&D Highlights R&D outcomes for public goods • Parliamentary Grant management • A proportion of PG allocation for public good outcomes • R&D outcomes office established to set targets with unit directors • Develop innovative ways to disseminateCSIR knowledge outputs • science exhibitions • TV science documentaries • use of media for knowledge dissemination Performing relevant knowledge generating research and technology transfer

  12. Background • CSIR Beyond 60 • CSIR Operations Model • Managing the transition • R&D Highlights R&D outcomes for public goods Human resources champions located in units and centres for: • IP management • early commercialisation • public good outcomes • knowledge dissemination • impact assessment Performing relevant knowledge generating research and technology transfer

  13. Strategy and Leadership layer Management structure CSIR Executive Board Internal Audit Executive management Research and Development Core layer CSIR Knowledge Services Stakeholders, beneficiaries & partners Emerging Research Areas Research and Development Research and Development Outcomes National Research Centres CSIR Shared Services and Institutional Management layer Human Capital Management Services Finance & Investments Legal Services & Industrial Relations Internal Audit & Risk • Background • CSIR Beyond 60 • CSIR Operations Model • Managing the transition • R&D Highlights CSIR Operations Model CSIR mandate CSIR mandate CSIR activities that qualify for Parliamentary Grant

  14. Operating Units Defence, Peace, Safety and Security Built Environment Biosciences Material Science, Manufacturing and Advanced Beneficiation Natural Resources and the Natural Environment • Background • CSIR Beyond 60 • CSIR Operations Model • Managing the transition • R&D Highlights CSIR operating units andNational research centres

  15. National Research Centres Lasers Meraka Institute (ICT) Metrology Space Spatial Analysis Test Facilities • Background • CSIR Beyond 60 • CSIR Operations Model • Managing the transition • R&D Highlights CSIR operating units andNational research centres

  16. Background • CSIR Beyond 60 • CSIR Operations Model • Managing the transition • R&D Highlights Managing the transition April 2005 September 2005 Time New beginning Neutral zone (transition phase) Present order June 2005 : Formal process initiated, senior leadership appointed August 2005 : Detailed organisational design September 2005 : Structure finalised and staffed October 2005 : Commencement of new operations in reconfigured CSIR

  17. Background • CSIR Beyond 60 • CSIR Operations Model • Managing the transition • R&D Highlights Selection of R&D highlights • Bioscience • Microwave technology to pasteurise raw, whole eggs • Edible, biodegradable coating for export fruit Scientific Research Council Act (Act No 46 of 1988, as amended by Act 71/1990)

  18. Background • CSIR Beyond 60 • CSIR Operations Model • Managing the transition • R&D Highlights Selection of R&D highlights Environmental science • Capacity study of southern African ecosystems • The conservation of river biodiversity Scientific Research Council Act (Act No 46 of 1988, as amended by Act 71/1990)

  19. Background • CSIR Beyond 60 • CSIR Operations Model • Managing the transition • R&D Highlights Selection of R&D highlights • Information, communications and space technology • Removing technology barriers to wireless access infrastructure • ICT supporting independent living for persons with disabilities

  20. Background • CSIR Beyond 60 • CSIR Operations Model • Managing the transition • R&D Highlights Selection of R&D highlights • Infrastructure technology • Architectural engineering for more effective healthcare facilities • Measuring intrinsic logistics cost for the South African economy Scientific Research Council Act (Act No 46 of 1988, as amended by Act 71/1990)

  21. Background • CSIR Beyond 60 • CSIR Operations Model • Managing the transition • R&D Highlights Selection of R&D highlights • Mining technology • Supporting the small-scale mining sector • Environmental compliance and performance of SA’s mining industry Scientific Research Council Act (Act No 46 of 1988, as amended by Act 71/1990)

  22. Public Goods Outcomes

  23. Current challenges • Current changes • Lessons learned • Focused Activities • Recommended approach • Actions and performance measures • Developing appropriate support systems to support poverty alleviation (PA) programmes. • Lack of perfect mix of skills in CSIR to deal with communities. • Lack of planning for community driven projects: • Uptake path and exit strategies. • Lack of uniform Strategy and direction on poverty alleviation. • Identification of areas and communities to concentrate on.

  24. Lessons learned • Current changes • Lessons learned • Focused Activities • Recommended approach • Actions and performance measures • First build relationships • Then introduce new ideas, showing how they meet identified needs. • Keep projects simple and involve community from the start. • Train in locally acceptable ways (e.g. methods, facilities). • Train trainers who can train others. • Involve local leadership and cooperate with local government. • Encourage interdependent relationships vs. dependent or totally independent relationships. • No single way of transferring knowledge – guiding principles are useful

  25. Focus of Activities • Current changes • Lessons learned • Focused Activities • Recommended approach • Actions and performance measures • Successful transfer of technologies for the formation of new community-based enterprises; • Appropriate technologies – measured in terms of affordability, absorbability and potential impact; • Sustainability – sound business models and where applicable, IP management; • Strong technology component.

  26. Current changes • Lessons learned • Focused Activities • Recommended approach • Actions and performance measures New approaches - I • Rethinking partnerships – roles need to be clearly defined. • Getting the institutional context right • Beyond 60: Management of Outcomes for Public Good • Institutional structure • Management and leadership • Finance and operation • Monitoring and evaluation

  27. Current changes • Lessons learned • Focused Activities • Recommended approach • Actions and performance measures New approaches - II • Strong governance – built-in monitoring of results; • Capacity development – developing local systems to generate and apply technologies; • Stimulating demand – a two way process; • Impact and assessment processes.

  28. Current changes • Lessons learned • Focused Activities • Recommended approach • Actions and performance measures Project selection • Need to clarify: • Government vs private sector involvement • DST vs another government department • When and when not CSIR is involved in projects • Key issues: • Strengthening existing projects • Bring cohesiveness to a fragmented Public Good Outcomes landscape • Develop quality controlled systems and processes

  29. Actions • Current changes • Lessons learned • Focused Activities • Recommended approach • Actions and performance measures • Conduct an internal review of all projects, determining: • Status • Responsible OU and researcher(s) • Value addition • Limiting factors • Evaluate for impact and sustainability

  30. Actions • Current changes • Lessons learned • Focused Activities • Recommended approach • Actions and performance measures • Review and improve project selection and application processes – introducing quality control measures • Develop a cohesive model for the management of Public Good Outcomes at CSIR • Build the required capacity for a Public Good Outcomes entity

  31. Key performance indicators • Current changes • Lessons learned • Focused Activities • Recommended approach • Actions and performance measures • The following Key Performance Indicators should be visible: • Employment creation: Number of jobs created in various categories of skills, e.g. semi-skilled, skilled, etc. • Skills Development: Literacy, numeracy, life skills, leadership, etc. • Creation of infrastructure: Assets, equipment, building, transport, etc. • Formation of sustainable SMME’s

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