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Bell Ringer- Page 1

Explore the concept of power, authority, and legitimacy in various aspects of life and how they are interconnected. Create a visual representation of your own power and feelings about it. Discuss the importance of legitimacy in leadership.

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Bell Ringer- Page 1

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  1. Bell Ringer- Page 1 List of all the individuals, institutions and circumstances that have power over you and explain how. List all of the individuals, institutions and circumstances that YOU have power over and explain how. Create a simple illustration that represents YOU & how you FEEL about power in your life. Below the illustration, summarize in 2 or 3 sentences how you feel about power in your life.

  2. Power, Politics & Government

  3. Today we will … Objectives Agenda Vocab: Power, Authority, Legitimacy “Chip Game” Closure • Follow classroom procedures. • Distinguish between Power, Authority and Legitimacy.

  4. Book Look • Look over the textbook with a partner. • Table of Contents: What will be your favorite chapter? • Each chapter’s first page: How do you know what are the key terms for each chapter? • Resources: What resources are in the back of the book?

  5. Setting Up Your Notebook First page- Bell Ringers/Quotes and Notes Second page- Visual Vocabulary Third Page- Journal- Your thoughts

  6. Quote-page 1 “The men who create power make an indispensable contribution to the Nation’s greatness, but the men who question power make a contribution just as indispensable.” President John F. Kennedy

  7. Page 2 • Create Visual Vocabulary for: • Power • Authority

  8. Definition Drawing Synonym 1. Power 2. Authority

  9. POWER The ability to get someone to do something that you want them to do

  10. Authority Using your electronic device look up the definition and a synonym for Authority Make a drawing also

  11. Legitimacy Divine Right of Kings Mandate of Heaven China: Heaven blesses the authority of a just ruler • Europe: Monarchs were only answerable to god

  12. Legitimacy Social Contract – Government is like a contract between the people and the ruler

  13. Class Participation • Class discussions and activities are for EACH student to have a chance to express ideas and practice critical thinking. • We often create our own understandings based on talking to other people. • Are you a listener, a speaker or both? • Are you a leader, a follower or both? • RESPECT is the key! • What should RESPECT look like in our classroom?

  14. “No Tourists Allowed!” What do you think this means for our classroom?

  15. The “Chip” Game • Rules • Everybody must trade at least 3 times. • For each round of the game, you will have 2 minutes to trade your chips. • All trades—including those in progress—must stop when the time is up. • 4. After trading, the student with the most points will be asked to make a rule for the next round of trading. That rule will apply only to the next round.

  16. Round 1 • You have 2 minutes to trade your chips.

  17. Chip Point Values • Pink = 10points • Yellow = 5 points • Green = 3 points • Purple= 2 points

  18. New Rule Round 2 You have 2 minutes to trade your chips.

  19. Chip Point Values • Pink = 10points • Yellow = 5 points • Green = 3 points • Purple= 2 points

  20. New Rule Round 3 You have 2 minutes to trade your chips.

  21. Chip Point Values • Pink = 10 points • Yellow = 5 points • Green = 3 points • Purple= 2 points

  22. Debrief Who had the power? What did this person do with their power? Did they try to use coercion? What authority did this person exercise with their power? Were the leader and the rules legitimate?

  23. Journal Closure TTFN-tonight read your notebook. • . In your journal …. Explain how power, authority and legitimacy are connected. What happens if a leader has power and authority but no legitimacy?

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