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Explore the role and mission of UNESCO Chairs within the University Network of European Capitals of Culture (UNeECC). Learn about the potential for collaboration, establishing Chairs in former and present European cultural cities, and the opportunities for research and education excellence. Discover how universities can join forces to enhance cultural and educational initiatives through UNESCO Chairs and UNITWIN Networks.
The University Network of the European Capitals of Culture(UNeECC) 27-28 October, 2011 ‘Culture in/and Crisis’ Lessius University College Antwerp, Belgium
Bringing Education and Culture together: on the role and mission of a UNESCO Chair in a UNeECC University/or UNeECC Dr. Silvia Florea Deputy Chair holder UNESCO Chair Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu Romania http://unesco.ulbsibiu.ro/
"the identity of UNeECC • opportunity of establishing UNESCO Chairs in the universities located in former and present European cities of culture • potential to capitalize on the culture, education and excellence in research existing in UNeECC universities • single out UNeECC mission and specificity • better articulation of the mission, scope and activities within and outside the network
Background • A huge number of inter-university partnerships, bilateral agreements on cooperation, university networks • University of Valladolid, Spain -190 • The University of Oslo (UiO)-over 500 • The KTH Swedish University (Engineering education)-over 400 Network membership: CESAER CLUSTER GE4 NORDTEK TIME BALTECH WGLN 2, etc • 1,500 universities • in 46 countries in Europe)
UNeECC • University Network of the European Capitals of Culture (UNeECC) –founded in Pécs Hungary in December 2006, by 15 founding members.Now, 50 member universities from 20 countries. • General aim: • to ensure the recognition of the role and contribution of universities to the success of the cities conferred the title "European Capital of Culture" • to provide the member universities with a possibility of a continuous and full participation in the European Capitals of Culture movement enhanced by "Universities of the Year" • to foster inter-university cooperation to develop and reshape the universities regional position to create new activities for city and university collaboration • distinct ‘European mix’ • development of an outspoken European dimension in research and education
Higher Education at UNESCO • United Nations-UNESCO • 2nd Session of the General Conference in Mexico (6 November – 3 December 1947)-HE promoting international understanding • 1998 Paris World Conference on Higher Education (WCHE) –HE as public service • 1992-UNESCO Chairs, and the UNITWIN/UNESCO Chairs Program established to advance research, training and program development • 715 UNESCO Chairs and 69 UNITWIN Networks established within in 131 countries, involving over 830 institutions • April 2007 –new strategic orientations-UNITWIN Program
UNITWIN PROGRAMS • - The dual function of UNESCO Chairs and UNITWIN Networks as “think tanks” and “bridge builders”; • - Realignment with UNESCO’s priorities (Medium Term Strategy for 2008-2013); • - Readjust geographic imbalance which is now in favour of the North; • - Stimulate triangular North-South-South cooperation; • - Creation of regional or sub-regional poles of innovation and excellence; • - Closer cooperation with the United Nations University (UNU).
Why a UNESCO Chair? • Why NOT? • Which institutions can host or be affiliated with a UNESCO Chair or a UNITWIN Network? • How to establish a UNESCO Chair? • How to establish a UNITWIN Network?
Which institutions can host or be affiliated with a UNESCO Chair or a UNITWIN Network? • universities • NGOs working in the field of higher education and research • inter-university and other academic networks that wish to establish a link between their own activities and the UNITWIN/UNESCO Chairs Program • national, regional and international public or private institutions and agencies
How to establish a UNESCO Chair? • as a teaching and research unit at a university (4 years) to include: • a Chair holder as its academic head; • a team composed of lecturers and researchers from the host institution and from other institutions, both in the country concerned and in other countries, who are associated with the activities of the UNESCO Chair; • students and researchers from the host country and from other countries who are pursuing postgraduate studies or high-level training and research under the UNESCO Chair
How to establish a UNITWIN Network? • A UNITWIN Network consists of a number of universities in different countries that join forces and collectively sign a joint agreement with UNESCO (6 years) • pool their competences to address a need • formal partnership established through a MoU among participating institutions
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