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Pre-Test-stands at MPI M unich

This document provides an introduction to the Canberra REGe detector and details the testing conducted at MPI Munich. The tests include the study of single and double-photon escape events, single and multi-site events through coincidence, and the measurement of Co60 photons' angular correlation. The results of the tests and their comparison with MC simulations are discussed.

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Pre-Test-stands at MPI M unich

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  1. Pre-Test-stands at MPI Munich Xiang Liu • Introduction to Canberra REGe detector • Test A: Single- & double-photon escape • Test B: Single- & multi-site events through coincidence • Test C: Co60 photons angular correlation

  2. Canberra REGE detector Crystal inside Dewar Be window Reversed Germanium Detector Gerda Collab. , Jun 27-29, 2005 Page 2

  3. Resolution expected Xiang Liu, MPI München

  4. REGe efficiencies 10% REGe 10-2000keV 1% 0.1% 5keV 1MeV Xiang Liu, MPI München

  5. Co60 Test A: setup & simulation Co60 Study single- double-escape events And back-splash events Gerda Collab. , Jun 27-29, 2005 Page 2

  6. Test A: Measured energy spectrum Gerda Collab. , Jun 27-29, 2005 Page 2

  7. Test A: Closed look at Measured SE: single escape, DE: double escape Gerda Collab. , Jun 27-29, 2005 Page 2

  8. Test A: Simulated An improvement of simulation is undergoing. Gerda Collab. , Jun 27-29, 2005 Page 2

  9. Test B: Single- & Multi-site event selection photon Co60 photon with single-compton scattering at 90 has fixed energy. Gerda Collab. , Jun 27-29, 2005 Page 2

  10. Test B: Co60 source Gerda Collab. , Jun 27-29, 2005 Page 2

  11. Test B: Measured spectrum Esum = E_REGE1+E_REGE2 E_REGe1 E_REGe2 Gerda Collab. , Jun 27-29, 2005 Page 2

  12. TestB: Esum=1173 or 1332keV Esum=1173 Esum=1332 E_REGe1 E_LEGe~360keV Single Compton scattering 90degree Single-site event E_REGe2 Xiang Liu, MPI München

  13. Test B: MC simulation Data & MC comparison, pulse shape: Kevin’s talk Gerda Collab. , Jun 27-29, 2005 Page 2

  14. Test C: Two REGe facing Co60 with the same distance at different angles. Require coincidence trigger, measure the angular correlation of the two Co60 photons. Gerda Collab. , Jun 27-29, 2005 Page 2

  15. Conclusion • Many tests done with the REGe detector. • Single- & double-escape photon events. • Single- & multi-site events. • Compared with MaGe MC simulations for verification. • These REGe detectors will help to study the naked Ge crystals. Gerda Collab. , Jun 27-29, 2005 Page 2

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