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Proposed modifications to operational procedures and business rules for online and offline processes related to gas supply point capacity reduction requests. Includes requirements for submission, validation, and confirmation processes.
MOD275 Business Rules - Online and offline processes • Site must be a registered DM Supply Point. • Applicable to both Firm and Interruptible Supply Points. • Supply Point must be in requesting shipper’s ownership. • Requested reductions must be below current system calculated BSSOQ. • Requested BSSOQ is equal to SOQ. • Requested SOQ must be equal to or greater than the peak daily consumption detailed in the warrant letter. • SOQ/SHQ ratio must be between 4:1 - 24:1. • Nominations/Confirmations will be subject to all current system validations.
MOD275 Business Rules (2) • Request will be processed only when in receipt of warrant letter AND ConQuest query (online sites)/template (Unique Sites). • Warrant letter must state: - Anticipated peak daily load for gas year (kWh). - Reason for reduction in load. - Confirm gas will continue to be offtaken. • Warrant letter must be signed by end consumer. • No previous reductions (using the transitional terms) have been made effective for the site within the same Capacity Reduction Period. • No other changes to current ‘set up’.
MOD275 Business Rules (3) • Nominations must be submitted with supplied appeal reference. • Offers must be confirmed to become effective within the Capacity Reduction Period – For this winter, offers must be confirmed by 19th January for effective date 29th Jan (last business day in month). • Supply Points remain subject to BSSOQ re-calculation for effect 01-Oct-2010.
Online Process • Submit APP query on ConQuest and submit warrant by fax/email. • System and manual validations applied. • If acceptable, xoserve will respond via ConQuest detailing appeal reference required for nomination. (Will also provide via email if warrant letter is submitted via email.) • Shipper must then nominate using the appeal reference. • Shipper will receive an offer and must confirm this for the load change to become effective.
Offline Process - Unique Sites • Applies only to LDZ/RTS Supply Points that are non-CSEPs. • Submit required email template to specific box account and submit warrant letter by fax/email. • If acceptable, xoserve will respond via email detailing appeal reference required for nomination. Appeal reference to be supplied as USN ref in the following format: USNxxxxxxAP. • Requesting User to quote appeal reference when submitting nomination: • Please quote within email title/fax header • And within site address field on nomination form
Offline Process - Unique Sites (2) • Nominations submitted with valid appeals reference will be subject to standard validations, excluding the check (aggregate) SOQ>= (aggregate) BSSOQ. • Nominations submitted without a valid appeals reference will be subject to standard validation, including (aggregate) SOQ >= (aggregate) BSSOQ
Shared Supply Meter Points • A reduction in SOQ is already possible for SSMPs under existing processes, where the aggregate SOQ requested is above or equal to the aggregate BSSOQ for the site. • The appeals process will only be required for SSMPs where the aggregate SOQ required for all Users is lower than the aggregate BSSOQ held for all Users.
Shared Supply Meter Points (2) • If an SSMP needs to follow the appeals route and reduce its aggregate SOQ and BSSOQ, xoserve will require an appeals form from all current Users, and a warranty letter from all Users • If there is a single User with a Firm and Interruptible share (two LMNs), two appeals forms should be submitted (with only one warranty letter) • This will ensure that xoserve allocates the requested BSSOQ value between sharing Users as required
Shared Supply Meter Points (3) • xoserve will issue the same appeals reference to all Users at site • Users can then nominate (directly, or via an Agent) in the usual way, with all Users' submissions quoting the appeals reference • All Users will need to confirm the resulting offers, for the same effective date
Unique Sites - Template • Template matches all the mandatory data field required in ConQuest for an APP query.
ConQuest Mandatory Data Items • Type (shipper) • Shipper Short Code • Title (person raising query) • Surname (person raising query) • Domestic/Industrial indicator • MPRN (LMN on Emailed template) • Confirmation number (current) • Post code • Contact explanation
Query Text • Below is the suggested contact explanation to supplied with each query raised (both ConQuest and offline): • MOD275 reduction request: As per the supplied warrant letter, the required daily load (SOQ & SHQ*) and BSSOQ for the current gas year is XXXXXX kWh. This reduction is required because XXXXXX. * SHQ required for validation purposes to ensure correct ratio between SOQ/SHQ.
MOD275 Warrant Letter • Box account to send requests to, including Unique Sites appeals requests: metercomp.spa@xoserve.com • Fax Number: 0121 623 2784 • NB Box account for nomination and confirmation for Unique Sites remains: uniquesites.spa@xoserve.com