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Susanna D’Antoni Mario Cenni susanna.dantoni@isprambiente.it m.cenni@arpat.toscana.it. Pan Mediterranean Wetland Inventory PMWI – Italy. Introduction.
Susanna D’Antoni Mario Cenni susanna.dantoni@isprambiente.it m.cenni@arpat.toscana.it Pan Mediterranean Wetland Inventory PMWI – Italy
Introduction . • Since November 2008, MATTM (Italian Ministry of Environment Land and Sea- Nature Protection Department, VI Division), ISPRA (Institute for Environmental Protection and Research) and ARPAT (Env. Agency of Tuscany), started a national wetland inventory as a contribution to the MedWet project aimed at inventorying Mediterranean wetlands and defining a strategic plan for the water related ecosystems conservation • More than 60 Italian public authorities or administrations (Regions, Provinces, Protected Areas, National Forestry Service, River Basin Authorities, Regional Park Agency of Latium, ARPAs), NGOs, Universities and research organizations (ENEA, CRA) have been involved in the project to share information about wetlands distribution, values, ecosystem services, best practices for wise use, in order to define: • - an update national inventory • - guidelines for wetland conservation • The PMWI will be completed in December 2010; a broad analysis of the data of the Italian PMWI will continue until December 2011
Aims . • The aimsof the project are: • to provide an integration of the conservation tools both of Ramsar and CBD Convention with those of Habitat and Bird Directives, WFD and the Marine Strategy Framework Directive • to give the national contribute to the PMWI/MedWet 3
What is the PMWI? . • The Pan Mediterranean Wetland Inventory (PMWI) is a baseline Inventory on-line produced by MedWet, as a punctual recognition of the presence of wetlands in 25 Countries bordering the Mediterranean Sea • The PMWI is one of the eight modules that MedWet propose in its on-line Wetland Information System (WIS) • PMWI datasheet: • - General information on wetland • - Information on status • - Information on values 4
The Wetland Information System(WIS) Modules InRED: integration with HBD and WFD data sets PMWI module Site Hidrochemistry module WFD module Activities and Impacts module HD categories Analysis of P & I RBMP Catchment module Species module Annex II, IV, V and list of species Habitat module Annex I HD
Criteria for selection of wetland The Ramsar criteria adopted for wetland selection are completely correspondent of those of Wetland Horizontal Guidance of CIS (N.12) for the identification of Nature 2000 Sites to insert in the Register of P.A. (art.6 WFD) Ecological criteria: presence of Habitat and Species Nature 2000 that are directly dependent on the status of water Theaquatic N2000 species selected by criteria 1.a and 1.b are useful to identify the water related Nature 2000 Sites as the habitat selected by crit. 2.a. & 2.b N. Aquatic N2000 Sites=2078 (81% of total)
Preliminary considerations: monitoring • The integration of some of monitoring schemes and sampling methods of WFD and HD is possible for fish and Macrophytes-habitat of Annex I-species of aquatic flora of Annex II HB • Around 50 habitat of HD are characterized by the presence of Macrophytes considered by the WFD • Monitoring data out coming from WFD give information on N2000 sites conditions and on threats to BHD species • Some birds (Ferruginous Duck , Slender-billed Curlew, Purple Swamphen) are sensible to high lead concentr. • Nutrients and pesticides concentrations and habitat quality for amphibians
Preliminary considerations: planning • The overlapping of PMWI wetlands with the P.A. of the Registers • (for habitat and species) could give the opportunity to achieve a high level of integration between convention and UE directivesconsidering environmental objectives (GES vs FCS), analysis of Impacts and monitoring programmes • The process for the definitions of conservation measures for aquatic habitat and species HBD in SACs must take in account the coherence and the links with the Programme of Measures of RBMP • Differences between planning tools: • - the scale of the effectiveness • - the scale of evaluation for the achievement of environmental/conservation objectives • Need to improve knowledge on water requirements of aquatic habitat and species in order to set out the water bodies objectives
Thanks . • Ministry of Environment: • DG Nature Protection, VI Div.: O. Montanaro, A. Ciasca, • DG Nature Protection, V Div.: L. Pettiti, F. Pani, E. Perinelli, V. Vindigni • DG per la tutela del territorio e delle risorse idriche: L. Cortellini • ISPRA • Dip. Difesa Natura: L. Bonci,A. Arcangeli,P.M. Bianco, S. Ercoli, V. Giacanelli, M. Gori, M. Morigi, M.C. Natalia • Province of Rome: • C. Battisti • WWF Italy: • C. Teofili • ENEA (Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development)-Saluggia: • Maria Rita Minciardi e Gian Luigi Rossi
Tanks tothe participants to the working group: . ISPRA, ex INFS (National Institute for Wildlife)and ex ICRAM (Central Institute for Scientific and Technological Research applied to the Sea) ISPRA – Natura Dept. (Carta Natura and Biodiversity Services) , Water Dept. National Forestry Region: Val d’Aosta, Piemonte, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Veneto, Emilia Romagna, Liguria, Toscana, Umbria, Marche, Lazio, Molise, Basilicata, Puglia, Sicilia, Sardegna Provincial: Trento, Roma Regional Agency for Environmental Protection: Val d’Aosta, Piemonte, Lombardia, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Veneto, Emilia Romagna, Liguria, Toscana, Umbria, Lazio, Molise, Basilicata, Puglia, Sicilia, Sardegna Regional Agency for Parks of Latium (ARP) NGO: WWF, Legambiente, LIPU Federparchi, Coordinamento parchi fluviali Research Institution: ENEA-Saluggia, CRA-Centro Pioppicoltura University: Roma Tre, La Sapienza, Urbino, Molise Bacin Autority: FVG, Po, Arno, Interregionale Marecchiae Conca, Liri Garigliano, Basilicata, Puglia e Ofanto, Sinistra Sele National Parks: Pollino; Abruzzo, Lazio e Molise; Circeo Regional Protected Areas:R. N. Tevere Farfa, RN Bracciano, PR Castelli Romani, R.N. Macchiatonda, R.N. Lago di vico, R.N. Lago di Fondi