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Mastering Assessment: Effective Strategies for Student Learning Outcomes

Understand assessment techniques, design authentic assessments, & align with student goals using Bloom’s Taxonomy & Rubrics. Enhance student success through diverse assessment strategies.

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Mastering Assessment: Effective Strategies for Student Learning Outcomes

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  1. Module Three Assess the Outcomes Davidson County Community College May - 2011

  2. Module Three: Assess the Outcomes • Topics • The Assessment Toolkit • Using Authentic Assessment to Assess SLOs • Selection of Direct and Indirect Methods of Assessment • Selection Of Test Question Types To Measure To Specific SLOs. • Test Item Analysis • Outcomes: At the completion of Module Three faculty should be able to: • Explain why a variety of assessments are necessary. • Distinguish between direct and indirect methods of assessment. • Discuss the concept of authentic assessment and design an authentic assessment for your content area. • Select appropriate methods of assessment to match SLO to be measured. • Explore the use of CATs to assess student knowledge of content, attitudes and self assessment and reactions toward teaching and teaching materials. • Identify questions you want answered about your teaching and learning and select an appropriate CAT to answer the question. • Use a rubric to assess Student Learning Outcomes (SLO). • Utilize Bloom’s Taxonomy to design test questions to align with student learning outcomes being measured. • Evaluate tests items to validate that they indeed measure the SLO. • Identify the strengths and weakness of different types of test questions. • Select appropriate type of test questions to measure specific SLOs. • Create an assessment plan that outlines the specific methods that will be used to assess the specific expected student learning outcomes for a course. • Create a matrix that shows the appropriate activity and assessment for specific SLOs. • Write effective test items by applying helpful hints. • Use a Test Blueprint to evaluate tests items to validate that they indeed measure the SLO and provide challenges for students at higher levels of learning.

  3. Stage Three: Assess the Outcomes How do I assess student learning outcomes? Assess The Assessment Process What is Assessment and Why Do It? Assessment is an ongoing process that investigates student learning. The continuous improvement aspect of the assessment cycle models the commitment to the quality of learning within a program and a college. Source: Fulks, Janet. (2004) “ The SLO Toolkit.” Bakersfield College.

  4. Types of Assessment Using Authentic Assessment What is it? “A form of assessment in which students are asked to perform real-world tasks that demonstrate meaningful application of essential knowledge and skills., says Jon Mueller.

  5. The Assessment Toolkit

  6. Tool Box of Authentic Assessment

  7. What Do You Already Do To Assess Students? Appropriate Assessment Strategies “…best identified through careful consideration of the nature of the task, the cognitive level of the objective, and the most feasible context for the assessment.” Source: Garavalia, L, Marken, P and Sommi, R. (2003) “Selecting Appropriate Assessment Methods: Asking the Right Questions” American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education Vol. 66, Summer 2003 p. 111 • _____________________________________________ • _____________________________________________ • _____________________________________________ • _____________________________________________ Designing An Authentic Assessment Worksheet

  8. Examples of CATs

  9. Examples of CATs

  10. Questions You Want Answered About Teaching and Learning • ________________________________________ • ________________________________________ • ________________________________________ CAT Results Form Course: ___________________________________________________________________________

  11. Using Rubrics for Direct Assessment of Student Work What are the parts of a rubric? Descriptions of Dimensions • A task description (the assignment) • A scale of some sort (levels of achievement, possibly in the form of grades).  Scales typically range from 3 to 5 levels. • The dimensions of the assignment (a breakdown of the skills/knowledge involved in the assignment) • Descriptions of what constitutes each level of performance (specific feedback) Checklist Rating Scale Holistic Rating Scale Descriptive Rubric Four Formats for Rubrics

  12. Rubric Worksheet Build your rubrics online at: http://rubistar.4teachers.org/index.php

  13. Outcome AssessmentAlignment Worksheet Select an SLO from your course syllabus and describe how you would teach to that outcome and how you would assess it.

  14. Using Bloom’s Taxonomy to Assess Student Learning Outcomes Student will experience more success in your classes if they know up front what is expected of them. Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy Source: Krathwohl, D. R., Bloom, B. S., & Masia, B. B. (1973). Taxonomy of Educational Objectives, the Classification of Educational Goals. Handbook II: Affective Domain. New York: David McKay Co., Inc.

  15. Questions about Writing Test Items • _____________________________________________ • _____________________________________________ • _____________________________________________ • _____________________________________________ Directive Verbs provide “Clues” O.& E

  16. Pros and Cons of Type of Tests

  17. How to Write Effective Questions in Various Formats Check the hint(s) you need to adopt. Source: How to Write Better Tests http://www.indiana.edu/~best/write_better_tests.shtml

  18. How to Write Effective Questions in Various Formats Source: How to Write Better Tests http://www.indiana.edu/~best/write_better_tests.shtml

  19. Test Blueprint Worksheet Instructions: 1st: Analyze the test you have written by examining each question (item) and determine at which level of critical thinking this is written. 2nd Determine which Student Learning outcome each question measures. Write the number of the question in the box that coincides with the correct SLO tested and the level of Critical Thinking. Once all items have been checked add the total items for each outcome on the vertical total line, as well as for each level of critical thinking on the horizontal total line. The percentages under the vertical column will indicate how much of the test is written with higher level thinking in mind. You can also determine which SLOs need more questions to adequately measure them.

  20. Teaching Approach / Assessment Matrix Write the SLOs in the first column on the left. In the center column indicate what you do to teach to that SLO and in the last column on the right indicate how you assess the outcome.

  21. My Plan for Assessing Outcomes • Course in which I wish to make changes: • ______________________________________________ • Effective assessment principles I will adopt: • ______________________________________________ • ______________________________________________ • ______________________________________________ • ______________________________________________ • Strategies I plan to use: ____________________________________________________________________________________________ • ______________________________________________ • ______________________________________________ “I never teach my pupils; I only attempt to provide the conditions in which they can learn.” Albert Einstein

  22. Session Evaluation • One thing I will take from the workshop that I can apply is … • _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ • I would have learned better if you would have… • _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ • The handout materials were… • _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ • Using the scale of 1 to 5, please place a check by the number where would you rate how you felt your expectations were met for this session.

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