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Delve into the realm of archaeology, exploring cultural remains and artifacts to unveil ancient societies' stories. Understand the significance of pottery and society trends. Get hands-on with creating your special pot!
Butfirst, let’sreview! • C. L. A. P. • What do theseletters mean? What are thefoursubfields of anthropology? • THAT’S RIGHT! They mean: • Cultural • Linguistic • Archaeology • Physical • Culture - the norms, beliefs, art, morals, systems, food, etc. of a society • Clan – a group that shares a common ancestor!
ARCHAEOLOGY – What’sthat? The study of the material remains of a culture; what people left behind (Sometimes, this is just really old trash!) Anything left behind might help us understand how these people lived!
WhatArchaeologyis NOT Archaeologyis NOT thestudy of dinosaurbones! (That’scalledPaleontology!) We’re more focusedon PEOPLE
So how do we DO Archaeology? Well, we DIG. In Archaeology, wecallthatdiggingan “excavation.” Deeper = Older
Okay, but WHERE do wedig? • Wedigwherewethinktheremight be things to find! • Archaeologistsmakemaps of specialareascalled SITES, wheretheyexcavate!
And…. What are we looking for? ARTIFACTS - an object made by a human being, of cultural and historical significance
Anythingelse? ECOFACTS - organic (not man-made) material at a site that is not an artifact, BUT still important for understanding the people who lived there (ex. animal bones, charcoal, plant fossils, pollen, etc.)
Isthatit? FEATURES - a non-portable object found during excavation (walls, pits, housing structures) These are STUCK. We can’t move them. But they’re super important.
So we’vefoundit… Now what? One of themostcommonartifactsis POTTERY. Pottery can tellus a lotaboutpeople, becausecertainpeopleliked to maketheirpottery in theirownsuperspecialway. Material, glaze, patterns, etc. Ifwefind a piece of potterythatfitswhatweknow a certaintribeusuallymade, wemighthavefiguredoutwholivedthere! It’slike a mysterygame!
Whatdoesthat mean, specialpottery? Justlikewehavetrends in clothes, decorations, and hairstyles, thereweretrends in POTTERY stylesover time In Madagascar and otherparts of costal Africa, theyoftenmadetheirpottery in whatiscalled “Triangular Incised” form. Ifwefindthistype of pottery, we can identifythepeoplewhousedit!
Activity! Nowit’s YOUR TURN! Youget to makeyourownspecialpot! Makeitspecial so thatifanarchaeologist in thefuturefindsit, theywillknowhowspecialyou are!
http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/walk/games_index.shtml • http://www.history.org/kids/games/dirtDetective.cfm