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G.Shirkov, JINR Scientific Council, 20.0 1 .2005

G.Shirkov, JINR Scientific Council, 20.0 1 .2005. SUPPLEMENTS TO THE PROGRAMME OF JINR’s SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT FOR 2003–2009. I. JINR Engineering and Technical Infrastructure II. Young Staff at JINR The aim is to provide: - technical conditions active and skilled personnel

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G.Shirkov, JINR Scientific Council, 20.0 1 .2005

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  1. G.Shirkov, JINR Scientific Council, 20.01.2005 SUPPLEMENTS TO THE PROGRAMME OF JINR’s SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT FOR 2003–2009 • I. JINR Engineering and Technical Infrastructure • II. Young Staff at JINR • The aim is to provide: • - technical conditions • active and skilled personnel • for realization of Scientific Programme

  2. G.Shirkov, JINR Scientific Council, 20.01.2005 I. JINR Engineering and Technical Infrastructure Stabilization of JINR’s financial situation during the last 3-4 years results in the stable operation of all basic facilities according to schedule. A programme for safe and stable performance, development and modernization of the equipment must be timely worked out and realized for maintenance and development of the all basic facilities. It is very important also to provide all types of power resources – electricity, heating, water and etc. for operation of basic facilities and JINR infrastructure. It is necessary to provide effective safety protection of JINR facilities, in particular the IBR-2 reactor, from technogenic accidents and, in the current situation, possibly from the terrorism. Accidents at JINR facilities or in engineering communication systems may cause serious impact not only on the Institute, but also for the inhabitants and the environment of the town. Thus, strict implementation of all norms and regulations in all types of safety measures is very important. The aim of this Technical Supplement to the Scientific Programme of the JINR is to give a systematic analysis to the current state of the technical infrastructure and to propose steps in the technical policy for the next years.

  3. G.Shirkov, JINR Scientific Council, 20.01.2005 Power Engineering • Modernization and development of JINR’s basic facilities requires a qualitative change in the technical level or replacement of the outdated engineering-technical services maintaining operation of these facilities: • power supplies • heating supplies • water supplies • cryogenics • vacuum systems • HF power supplies • control systems

  4. G.Shirkov, JINR Scientific Council, 20.01.2005 Electric power • Electricity consumption of JINR facilities grows according to the operation increasing of JINR facilities during all last years. • Expenses of the JINR budget for electricity increases according to the consumption and to the price of electricity and has exceed 2 M$ per year. The increasing of electricity price is 32% for JINR in 2005. electricity consumption (kW x hours) total operation (hours) of JINR facilities

  5. G.Shirkov, JINR Scientific Council, 20.01.2005 • The main steps in development of the electric power supply systems: • modernization of the second main power substation GPP-2 (installation of the third 110/10 kV power transformer) • recovery of reserve line of power supply from the Ivankovo power station to the GPP-2 • Now over 80% of the IBR-2 emergency shut-downs are due to power failures caused by failures of other users outside the JINR site. • The modernization of the GPP-2 will allow the IBR-2 reactor, the U-400 and U‑400M cyclotrons, the Phasotron, the Institute’s computer network and its computation clusters, etc. to be combined into a single group and thus the number of their power supply failures due to town electric network failures to be considerably decreased. • introduction of the automated system for commercial accounting of power consumption • Introduction of the automated system for commercial accounting will allow the Institute to get electric power at more favourable rates and also buy power at the wholesale market,and to economy the electrical expenses in this way.

  6. G.Shirkov, JINR Scientific Council, 20.01.2005 Heat supply In 2002 the reconstruction steam system of the Central Boiler Stationwas completed. The major equipment were replaced and the water heating control was computerized. In the coming years it is necessary to introduce the automated control system at the East Boiler Station and to install frequency converters in both boiler stations. Water supply and sewerage system The current capacity of the water supply system is not enough to meet the cold water needs of the Institute and the Institute part of Dubna. To satisfy this need, it is necessary to overhaul both the pumping-and-filtering station and the water intakes. The overhaul of the sewerage system includes the replacement of the sewage collector to the sewage purification works on the left bank of the Volga river and the siphon transporting sewage over the bottom of the Volga river. Replacement of the collector on the left bank is under way and is to be accomplished in 2005. The replacement of the siphons under the Volga river should be the next task.

  7. G.Shirkov, JINR Scientific Council, 20.01.2005 SAFETY Radiation and nuclear safety, industrial safety, labourand environmental protectionsare extremely important for JINR’s safe and stable work. Radiation and nuclear safety • There are following basic principles of nuclear and radiation safety at JINR: • maintaining nuclear and radiation safety of JINR at a level meeting the adopted Russian standards, Russian Federal lows and regulations; • providing complete protection of nuclear-hazardous and radiation-hazardous processes, facilities, and materials against any possible negative actions, including terrorist danger; • observation of permissible limits of exposure to any ionizing radiation sources for the JINR personnel and inhabitants of Dubna. • To fulfil these tasks the Institute has an infrastructure under the supervision of the Chief Engineer of JINR: • radiation safety department; • department of radioactive and fission materials; • special storages for nuclear and radioactive materials, radioactive waste; • radioactive waste control and accounting group; • licensing department.

  8. G.Shirkov, JINR Scientific Council, 20.01.2005 Labour protection, industrial safety, and environmental protection • Labour protection, industrial safety, and environmental protection is governed by: • the condition of the equipment, technical devices, technological services, workshop and industrial facilities and buildings; • save and reliable utilization of toxic waste; • individual protection including of work clothes and footwear; • providing of provisions of federal laws, regulations, and other legal standard acts; Fire safety Fire protection of JINR buildings and facilities is organized and carried out by the special fire brigade under the Contract between the brigade and the Institute. According to the Contract, the Institute purchased a fire-fighting vehicle in 2004. Important parts of the overall fire safety system are automated warning and fire-fighting systems. Now the control room gets information from 140 automatic fire alarm devices with 15,000 fire detectors and from 8 automatic fire-fighting facilities. Physical protection Physical protection is aimed at action against the terrorism and providing physical protection of nuclear-hazardous facilities, radioactive materials, and nuclear materials in accordancewith Russian Federal norms and regulations in force. The JINR protection level is also dictated by the fact that JINR is included as a nuclear-hazardous facility in the List of Highly Important Federal Facilities to be protected by the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

  9. G.Shirkov, JINR Scientific Council, 20.01.2005 II. Young Staff at JINR Problems: The current demographic state of the Institute’s staff is complicated as evidenced by its high average age and by the personnel structure. Some of the most capable and active specialists have gone abroad. Many high-experienced specialists, especially among the engineering and technical staff and highly qualified workers are approaching retirement and in several years can leave the Institute without sharing their experience and skills with youth. • The Supplement “Young Staff at JINR” has the following aims: • to bring up a new generation of highly skilled research staff; • to attract active young scientists and specialists to work at JINR; • to make for their further remaining at JINR as its staff members.

  10. G.Shirkov, JINR Scientific Council, 20.01.2005 Demographic Situation The average age of the JINR scientific staff is 52. There exists a positive tendency to attracting graduates to JINR. At the same time we are in evident want of youth at the age of 28 - 40. Such situation has been caused by a large number of youth leaving JINR due to complicated living and social conditions, housing and career problems. Personnel age structure in 1989 and in 2004

  11. G.Shirkov, JINR Scientific Council, 20.01.2005 JINR has about 900 staff members at the age under 33: 534 - unfinished higher and higher education, 84 - specialized secondary education, 282 - general unfinished and general secondary education. 10% 15% 16% 14% 13% 29% 16% 15% 76% Distribution of young staff members (583 - 16%)by JINR scientific subdivisions

  12. G.Shirkov, JINR Scientific Council, 20.01.2005 The middle age of a candidate of science (Ph.D.) is about 55. Due to low motivation only a small number of JINR young specialists defend Ph. D. thesis (Candidate of science degree). Now JINR has only 47 candidates of science at the age under 33, that is only 5% of all the young staff members of JINR. distribution of a number of candidates of science (PhD) by age

  13. G.Shirkov, JINR Scientific Council, 20.01.2005 Summary of Analysis of Demographic Situation 1. Social and living conditions of young scientists and specialists Financial position of the majority of young scientists and specialists corresponds to the level of living wage. Now the average salary of JINR staff is lower then in Dubna and in Moscow region. The total income of young staff is about half or less of the average income of JINR staff. By questionnaire data 72,4% of JINR young scientists have no apartment or they are not satisfied with the one they have. A small part only of the youth has a possibility to rent an apartment, while the major part of them have to live in a hostel or to share an apartment with their parents. 2. Low motivation The opportunities of scientific and professional growth are not high enough. Low perspectives of carrier growth due to high average age of administrative and scientific leaders at JINR. The questionnaire action showed that only 28% of those been involved in it highly evaluate the possibility of professional growth at JINR, the others evaluation it as ”so-so” (58%) and the rest – as “low” (11%). As a result of low motivation only a small number of JINR young specialists defend Ph. D. thesis.

  14. G.Shirkov, JINR Scientific Council, 20.01.2005 Proposals • Attracting of talent and active youth • The system for attracting youth to the Institute has been created, it works in general and should be improved. One of main JINR’s developed priorities is education: • JINR mainly recruits young specialists from graduates who receive their education in Dubna – at the JINR University Centre, Dubna University, at the Dubna branch of Moscow Institute of Radioenginiering, Electronic, and Automatics (MIREA), and some others regional Universities. • To attract youth to science, JINR’s efforts are going to be aimed at: • realizing the idea of continuous education extending over the high school → higher education institution → a research centre; • selecting teaching staff from the leading scientists; • and providing the material resources necessary for achieving these aims. • The following educational measures aimed at attracting youth and popularization of science: • traditional scientific conferences and schools for young scientists and specialists; • outdoors seminars, lectures and excursions to JINR for students and teachers in Dubna and in regional schools and institutions; • regular seminars and meetings for young scientists and specialists with the famous scientists and veterans of JINR.

  15. G.Shirkov, JINR Scientific Council, 20.01.2005 2. To Make for Young Staff Further Remaining at JINR The analysis shows that at present making for young scientists and specialists further remaining at JINR as its staff members is the task of the main priority. • Improvement of Welfare standards and living conditions and social safeguards: • clear prospects for salary rise depending on scientific and production achievements of a young specialist; • minimal guaranteed salary for young specialists; • possibility of purchasing an apartment; • To solve the problem of low salary young staff it could be proposed the following : • The salary should be in the amount of not lower than the medium one for the given category of specialists in the Institute; • Creation of a system of personal bonuses and grants depending on the results of scientific and professional activity of a young specialist; • Continue of awarding of Annual JINR Prizes for young scientists and specialists.

  16. G.Shirkov, JINR Scientific Council, 20.01.2005 • Housing problem • To settle the housing problem the following measures are proposed to be realized: • Use of credit mechanism aimed at housing construction for youth at the expense of Federal and regional budgets, including as part of it the budget of Dubna “Science Town Development Programme”. At the present moment here in Dubna exists a programme of “Housing Provision for Young and High Skilled Scientists and Specialists Working at Scientific Production Organization or Budgetary Sphere in Dubna”. • Granting young specialists loans bearing no interest from the Institute budget and making JINR’s guarantied arrangements with banks about long-term cheap credits for young staff members. • Effective exploitation of available JINR’s housing. • Construction of hostels for small families to provide staff members, working at JINR, with apartments. Professional growth The most important one is an Institute staff policy aimed at advancement of the youth and dismissal of the staff members at the age above 65. In addition: Creation of Staff Reserve Program. Youth from JINR Staff Reserve is recommended for designation to all the leading positions at JINR. Arranging special optional courses of improvement of professional skill on the basis of JINRs’ UC.

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