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Warm Up

Warm Up. Which word below best matches the meaning of the word slender in the following sentence: The girl was so slender that she was able to fit into her younger sister’s clothes. sly skinny fat slanted Explain why you think so. Vocabulary. Partner A, check numbers 1-4

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Warm Up

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Warm Up Which word below best matches the meaning of the word slender in the following sentence: The girl was so slender that she was able to fit into her younger sister’s clothes. sly skinny fat slanted Explain why you think so

  2. Vocabulary • Partner A, check numbers 1-4 • Partner B, check numbers 5-8 Vocabulary Vault

  3. knack • Special talent • My pets have a knack for circus tricks.

  4. replied • Answered, responded • Mario replied to Luigi’s phone call.

  5. pitch • Throw • The coach asked Reyna to pitch for the championship game.

  6. exclaimed • Said loudly, shouted • The Queen bee exclaimed, “It is time to make some honey!”

  7. nervous • Worried, uneasy • Mr. Worry was nervous about going to the dentist.

  8. extended • Stretched Maria extended her arm to Lynn so she could win the race.

  9. chores • Tasks, things that need to be done • Melissa had a list of chores to finish before she could go out and play.

  10. approach • Come near • The students were excited to approach the lunch line.

  11. Title: Tryouts Author: Darnell Parker Genre: Narrative Reading Goal: Clarifying words that are hard to understand. Team Cooperation Goal: Active Listening Essential Question: How can we clarify a word we don’t know or understand?

  12. Listening Comprehension • Listen to how I clarify words or phrases that I don’t understand.

  13. Think – Pair - Share • What has happened in the story Tryouts so far? • Can you make a prediction about what will happen next? • Think of a good question you can ask about the story so far.

  14. Preview Team Talkpg. 7 • Team Talk question #3 focuses on our reading goal: Clarifying

  15. Partner Reading – 15 minutes Partner Read- Page 9 Silent Read- Page 10 & 11 - As you read, stop to clarify

  16. Team Discussion • Clarify sticky words with your team • Take turns telling your unchecked sticky note problems • Talk about what the problems are and try your strategies and clues in the text that might help you • Check off the sticky note if you all agree • Discuss the team talk questions • Write the answers to numbers 3 and 4 • Vocabulary Practice: Write a meaningful sentence with a new vocabulary word from your list • If finished, practice fluency on page 4, 7, or 9

  17. Class Discussion • What were some of the words your team clarified? • Let’s look at our answers for the team talk questions

  18. Adventures in Writing • Today you will work with your partner to improve your writing • Page 4

  19. DRAFT I think that friends are very important. Before I consider someone to be my friend, I look for three things. I look for someone who is kind, fun to be around, and dependable. It is important to be kind because I want all of my friends to get along with each other. Also, if I am kind to them, I expect them to be kind back. I don’t want to have any mean friends. Next, I think it is important for friends to be fun to be around. I wouldn’t want to hang out with someone who is boring! Additionally, I think a friend should be dependable. I want to know that I can count on my friend whenever they need me because they can count on me. I can’t wait to make lots of new friends this year!

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