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This document discusses the upgrade plans for the DT Upgrade project, including the replacement of trigger boards and electronics, and the schedule for LHC shutdowns. It also covers the testing and commissioning process for TRB replacement.
DT Upgrade + electronics CMS week C. Fernández Bedoya on behalf of DT Upgrade group June 28th, 2011
C. Fernández Bedoya June 28th, 2011 2 DT Upgrade plans PHASE 1 (2013-2014) * Replacement of theta TRB (Trigger boards) * Relocation of Sector Collector from the cavern (UXC) to the counting room (USC) PHASE 1 following steps (not strictly tighten to LHC shutdowns): * Replacement of DTTF (DT Track Finder) * Redesign of the TSC boards (Sector Collector trigger) * Replacement of the ROS boards (Sector Collector read-out) PHASE 2 * Connection with the tracker in the Level-1 trigger system * Replacement of Minicrate electronics (aging…)
C. Fernández Bedoya May 6th, 2011 3 LHC schedule 2010-2022 Present rumors…
C. Fernández Bedoya June 28th, 2011 4 TRB replacement R. Carlin
C. Fernández Bedoya June 28th, 2011 5 TRB replacement • TRB installation testing: • - One test stand during replacement seems enough (enough spare parts if something breaks) • - Present plan is to perform the TRB replacement before the CuOF • TRB Commissioning: • - Power, clock and cooling are mandatory • - Main concern could be availability of Minidaq • - Revive software for reading from 1 DDU (internal VME memory): • -DAQ software probably not too difficult (take advantage of 904 setup) • -DQM status? • - Offline software special requirements? • * Plan is to replace all MB1s theta boards (access to all the wheels) • * Discussions with Technical Coordination are starting • * We could have some interference with HCAL plans regarding accessing the wheels • * NEED A GOOD COORDINATION AND A CAREFUL (REALISTIC) PLANNING Assume replacement takes ~1 chamber/day => 12 days with full access to each wheel (Assume max 3 months full replacement 1 station) * Irradiation campaign to be taken place late 2011- Q1 2012 * Try to have the CuOF prototypes at that time to make a common effort
C. Fernández Bedoya April 14th, 2011 7 DT Phase 1: CuOF Schedule
CuOF Sector Collector Crate SC Crate now SC Crate next 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Power Supply pp CuOF_ROS6 CuOF_ROS6 CuOF_ROS6 CuOF_ROS6 CuOF_ROS6 CuOF_ROS6 CuOF_SC6 CuOF_SC6 CuOF_SC6 CuOF_SC6 CuOF_SC6 CuOF_SC6 TSB Board OPT.RS-485 CONV. No VME communication foreseen The VME and the TIM back planes are removed In the back plane of the crate: Custom bus for power supply from A3100 Custom bus for I2C OF output 1/2/2020 DT Upgrade meeting 8
Summary of CuOF components – working hypothesis I2C line Temperature LaserDiode Equalizer LaserDriver+DAC * MPO12-A MPO12-B MPO12-C 4 spare fibers I2C Cu ** 8 Cu cables Connection to 3.3 V custom bus * -GBLD has DAC with start up conditions - Commercial LD with DAC exists, to be verified which startup conditions can be loaded ** - The I2C control on a separate board in the same crate or switch inside mother board ? *** - Linear regulator mounted on the mother board, 1 each mezzanine LinearRegulator*** 1/2/2020 DT Upgrade meeting 9
C. Fernández Bedoya June 28th, 2011 10 DCS for CuOF A proposal was received from Padova and discussions are on going * Need to set parameters for the lasers (Ibias and Imod). Plus some temperature to read * Agreed interface I2C inside the CuOF * External link could be something like CANbus * Baseline: avoid single points of failure at a granularity larger than a chamber (a mezzanine) * Architecture proposed by Padova: * DAC parameters stored locally in a flash (or FPGA) to load default parameters at start up * First step is to identify the devices radiation tolerant and power supply compatible Pending items: * Responsibilities about the CuOF crate and backplane * Production of DCS parts in USC? (HW and SW)
CuOF board CuOF mezz
C. Fernández Bedoya June 28th, 2011 13 Discussion on the RJ45 connectors - ROS (in motherboards) are more problematic than TSC (in mezzanines) - CuOF will be in the mezzanines - We are discussing proposal for possible solutions - Mock up will be needed when first prototypes arrive RJ 45 connector springs lift up Usually can be recovered by touching them Painful in the real system due to the high integration Constrain the lateral movement when the cable connector is close to touch the springs
DT Upgrade. UX-US Optical Fibre. Proposal with Trunk Cables 72 Fibre terminated by 6 MPO SC 12:1 MPO • TRUNK CABLE 72 Fibre (6 Ribbons x12 fibre ) • terminated with 6 MPO connectors on both ends. • Advantages: • Widely used standard commercial cables • Many suppliers on the market. -(Costs) • Short procurement time (~4 weeks ). –(Logistic) • Minimal Optical Loss Budget. - (Link Quality) • Disadvantages: • Care during installation • Reduced patch flexibility • Broken Ribbon repair costs Trunk Cable 01/06/2011 DD --DT UPGRADE--UX-US Optical Fibre- 14
C. Fernández Bedoya June 28th, 2011 15 Fibers mapping • * We have reviewed the details of the interconnection in view of: • - LVDS input cables constrains • - CuOF architecture • - OFCu architecture (12 channels MPO receivers) • * We have an agreement on a working layout to move forward with each of the parts • * To decide the need or not of patch pannels to minimize manipulation of the MPO fibers connectors TSC ROS
C. Fernández Bedoya June 28th, 2011 16 Fibers mapping TSC wheel view:
C. Fernández Bedoya June 28th, 2011 17 Fibers mapping ROS wheel view:
C. Fernández Bedoya June 28th, 2011 18 OFCu - USC Proposal from Bologna: * 3U crate with the OFCu to insure minimal skew among links * Mapping is compatible with 1 crate/wheel * Same module, 2 functionalities: MB1/2/3 and MB4s Casimiro Baldanza
OFCu - USC Casimiro Baldanza
TSC in USC (2.5 racks) 5 VME crates 12U OFCu 5 crates 3U Possible place S1D08 and S1D07 (some interference with DT-DSS)
C. Fernández Bedoya June 28th, 2011 21 READ OUT OFCu rear transition modules * TSC proposal is not compatible with ROS architecture (cannot fit the connectors in 3U boards) * For the ROS rear transition modules will be made * Similar (simplified) modules will be used in the back of the TSC to maintain the TSC-ROS link
C. Fernández Bedoya June 28th, 2011 22 Conclusions • It has been a fruitful period of discussions regarding the SC relocation • We have advanced in many fronts (mapping, slow control, OFCu definition, etc) • Priority now to the end of the year: • - produce prototypes • - set up test stands • - Define fibers purchasing • - Clarify space in USC and latency • Thanks to all the people involved, let´s keep up with the effort! List of (other) pending issues: - Pattern units - Review aging and radiation tolerance of chamber+Minicrate electronics - Move forward with the new TSC+DTTF design
(installed by end Sep?) New access control system: ACCESS REQUEST: " 904 MUON_L: CMS assembly and integration centre" • - Magnus will preinstall the vme fibers (retrieve the 20 m ones from our kits) • - They will probably take care of installing TTC fibers as well • - We are missing: • -PATTERN UNITS • -SOFTWARE
25 C. Fernández Bedoya June 22nd, 2011 CAEN DT LOW VOLTAGE MODULES * Failure rate low (no failures for the MAOs in more than 2 years. HCAL has had 2 in 2011, and they only have 14 MAOs in total) * High number of interventions is always related with overheating of Anderson Power connectors: - Rate still very high further solutions being tested
26 C. Fernández Bedoya June 22nd, 2011 CAEN DT HIGH VOLTAGE MODULES * Failure rate significantly high * Not so much a concern of number of spares but: - We are the only users of this modules - Failures seem not reproducible at CAEN and some times also at lab -Many repeated offenders… * Effort is being done at 904 to build a dedicated test stand that can reproduce the failures seen in the detector. What is the situation?... * Further discussions with CAEN should take place
27 C. Fernández Bedoya June 22nd, 2011 DT CHAMBERS AND MINICRATES * Number of failures has significantly gone down (less power cycles?) * Spare number is adequate * It is just important that we get access to the chambers and Minicrates on a regular basis
28 C. Fernández Bedoya June 22nd, 2011 DT SC and USC * Failure rate within reasonable * Number of spares adequate (aim to retrieve soon some of the ones in reparation) * Need TTCrq for the TIM (some issues with the phase of the TTC signals in TTCrq spares)
29 C. Fernández Bedoya June 22nd, 2011 DT spares For the rest of the parts that haven´t failed ever, the number of spares is adequate and always higher than 20%
C. Fernández Bedoya April 14th, 2011 31 DT Phase 1: Relocation of SC crate • Motivation is not the physics performance but the fact that aging and other risks may jeopardize detector operation and contribute to an accelerated degradation • We believe is a necessary step to allow future upgrades • Make a “simple” 1 to 1 copper to OF conversion at UXC Low impact modifications: compatible with present system and with possible future upgrades Present system Proposed upgrade
C. Fernández Bedoya May 6th, 2011 32 DT Phase 1: Replacement of theta TRB PRESENT ARRANGEMENT - Responsibilities assigned according to previous know-how - Lack of manpower basically everywhere - In contact with other institutes that may be willing to participate CuOF in UXC: Torino with help from Padova for Slow Control Fibers layout and installation: Torino Integration in USC: Nobody at present OFCu in USC for RO: Madrid OFCu in USC for TSC: Bologna
C. Fernández Bedoya May 6th, 2011 33 DT Phase 1: CuOF G. Mazza, G. Dellacasa, S. Masselli
C. Fernández Bedoya May 6th, 2011 34 DT Phase 1: Replacement of theta TRB
C. Fernández Bedoya May 6th, 2011 35 DT Phase 1: Fibers >500 kCHF? -No space for the patch pannels Options: -Blowing fibers from CERN -72 connector cable -144 connector cable 5000 €/cable (~300 k€) but large uncertainty in the fan-outs -Not yet an estimation -Fit the connectors in the cable chains? Schedule: -Fibers (and patch panels) should be purchased 6 months in advance -One fiber to test probably should be purchased before mid 2012 -Installation time ? -End 2013 Commissioning
C. Fernández Bedoya April 18th, 2011 36 OFCu rear transition modules 6021 Wiener Splitting ROS and TSC implies modification of the TIMBUS backplane (J3) * Got no answer regarding use of TSC data, but I think it would be good to keep it if possible (for commissioning of the system after changes (remember DCC will also be modified)) * The rear transition module could include another link for the TSC-ROS exchange: - 1 extra fiber/OFCu - 60 fibers to be routed from TSC to ROS location
C. Fernández Bedoya April 18th, 2011 37 OFCu rear transition modules Ethernet cables: 8/board => 96/crate OFCu Input optical fibers From the back of the rack
C. Fernández Bedoya April 14th, 2011 38 DT Phase 1: OFCu schedule -The pluggable 12-MTP receivers can be reused for new TSC and new ROS -An additional transmitter can be used in some rear transition modules to fan out the input signals to operate simultaneously old and new TSC/ROS SCHEDULE Q4 2011 Prototype production Q1-Q2 2012 Prototype validation Q3 2012 Procurement parts Q4 2012 Final board production Q3 2013 Installation and commissioning
C. F. Bedoya June 22nd, 2011 Exercise done with a ROS board Cable comb No problems seen with lateral torsion Critic line, if you are not aligned when you arrive here the springs will not accomodate in the cable comb Vertical torsion is the dangerous one In the TSC usually less problems, I think because part of the vertical torsion is absorbed by the slightly less rigid LVDSRX mezzanine (as compared to the ROS motherboard)
C. F. Bedoya June 22nd, 2011 Springs lift up Usually can be recovered by touching them
LINCO DT Sector Collector - 2 SC crates per wheel - Located in tower racks in UXC level 2 Near - 60 ROS and 60 TSC boards in the system (1 per sector) - Complex electronic system - Main elements: LINCO, TIM, ROS, TSC
C. Fernández Bedoya April 14th, 2011 42 DT Phase 1: Fibers layout * Space available for routing the fibers is tight but existing * Passing of connectorized fiber imposes constrains on the fiber selection * Latency of trigger chain is also an important concern
C. Fernández Bedoya April 14th, 2011 43 OF input stage In principle, there is enough space below the false floor in S1 USC to recover extra cable lengths (though it depends on the exact racks to be used). Main problem is to allocate the SC crates in S1: -10 SC crates 11U each -To minimize L1A latency, they should be close to DTTF racks (S1D01 and S2D02) -In DT racks at present there is only space to allocate 6 SC crates (and not very close to DTTF)
C. Fernández Bedoya April 18th, 2011 44 OFCu Patch pannels Just to start getting ideas… Example of a “home made” patch panel in USC which apparently houses 1440 fibers in 4U