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The REITOX Experience. nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn. Lessons learned in developing a network of National Drugs Focal Points and challenges for the future. Alan Lodwick, Head of UK National Focal Point and Reitox Spokesperson Viktor Mravcik, Head of Czech National Focal Point.
The REITOX Experience nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn Lessons learned in developing a network of National Drugs Focal Points and challenges for the future Alan Lodwick, Head of UK National Focal Point and Reitox Spokesperson Viktor Mravcik, Head of Czech National Focal Point
The European Information Network on Drugs and Drug Addiction 1993 EMCDDA Regulation : referred to REITOX as a “computer network” linking specialised centres 2006 EMCDDA Regulation: a network of Focal Points with well defined responsibilities Focal Points are the “interface” between participating countries and the Centre The REITOX Network Réseau Européen d’Information sur les Drogues et les Toxicomanies
(as set out in the 2006 Regulation) Contribute to the establishment of key indicators and data including guidelines Co-operate with experts and organisations active in the drugs field Bring together experience from different sectors Collect and analyse all relevant information in an objective manner at national level Include information on policies and solutions applied Provide data for the 5 Epidemiological Indicators National Focal Point Responsibilities
30 National Focal Points, an EC Focal Point and Co-ordination at EMCDDA About 130 full-time equivalent staff in NFPs Diverse national arrangements for NFPs reflecting differing national contexts size government and administrative structures existing information systems & research tradition culture, history and nature of drugs problem national demands for information A “network of networks” Co-operation and support between NFPs The Reitox Network Now
EMCDDA (and EU) 5KIs, Information on Policies and Interventions, EU Action Plan • National Scientific • Community • National experts • Academic institutions • National Government • - Policies and interventions • Administration and funding National Focal Points Parent institution Sub-national Administrations Devolved responsibilities Specialist Agencies e.g. public health, statistics Local Agencies National Focal Point Key Relationships
Delivering an Annual Reporting Package: Standard Tables Structured Questionnaires Annual Report Promoting the implementation of the 5 Key Epidemiological Indicators EDDRA / “Best Practice” project Early Warning System on New Psychoactive Substances Dissemination of EMCDDA Outputs Within a formal annual agreement and a clear quality framework National Focal Point Tasks
Delivering the Annual Reporting Package Working in partnership with EMCDDA to set out agreed work programmes, reporting structures & instruments and quality standards Providing added value at national level Central to monitoring of the EU Action Plan Reitox Achievements “.. A key role in helping the EMCDDA to fulfil its mission, both in collecting information on the drugs situation in Europe and in helping to disseminate the EMCDDA’s scientific outputs” external evaluation of the EMCDDA - December 2007
Maintaining support and co-operation at national level Encouraging collection of standardised data while recognising national needs and differences Adapting to changing requirements and new phenomena within limited resources Improving and rationalising outputs published Improving and demonstrating the quality of information provided Reitox enlargement and international cooperation Reitox Challenges
The Czech Reitox NFP – An Example of the Interaction Between National and European Drug Information Systems
Czech NFP – Background • Czech Drug Policy Strategy since 1993 (fourth one in 2005-2009) • Candidate country since 1996 • EMCDDA technical assistance projects • Phare twinning (Austria plus other EU experts) • Cooperation with Reitox and EMCDDA started already before the Czech NFP was established • ESPAD, TDI register since 1995 • DRDs Special Register since 1998 • PDU estimates since 1999 • But historical (treatment) data on illegal drugs since 1959 • EU member state since 2004 – full inclusion into Reitox and EMCDDA structures and reporting life
Czech NFP and DIS – Structure • Czech National Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction – Reitox NFP • Established by the Government in June 2002 within the secretariat of the Government Council for Drug Policy Coordination • Fully operational since January 2003 • 7-7.5 staff members • National Action Plan for Drug Information System - biannual • 7 permanent task groups (5 on KI, law-enforcement data, EWS), other ad hoc groups • Advisory Board for Drug Data Collection
Czech NFP – Tasks • Reflects EMCDDA tasks at the EU level • Situation analysis • hard core – 5 harmonised KIs • other (core) data • Responses, policies, strategies • Other special projects (EDDRA/Best Practice, ELDD,EWS) • Information Dissemination • Annual Reports • Bimonthly fact-sheet „Zaostřeno na drogy“ • Other publications • www.drogy-info.cz (www.focalpoint.cz) • Not only coordination function, but also data production
Impact of Reitox Membership on the Czech NFP and DIS • Adoption of grounded and novel scientific methods, approaches, and know-how • Quality and standardisation of data collection and analysis • Quality assurance of information outputs • Development of national Drug Information System • Easy and fast information exchange within Reitox network • Participation in European/international projects • Strengthening of scientific/expert „semi-independence“ of NFP and DIS • Dissemination of EMCDDA and Reitox standards to the third countries (potential EU candidates and others)
Summary of Cooperation within Reitox • A lot of work and duties • Both methodological/scientific and technical/administrative • But mutually (mostly) beneficial and appreciated • Allowing common and concentrated actions towards new phenomena and challenges • Increasing common understanding of complex drug phenomenon within Reitox members (e.g. convergence of terminology) • Very often interesting and inspiring (new methods, tools, approaches, projects) • Based on formal framework but realised in a way of informal interpersonal relations and communication
True Partnership is key System must have the means to evolve in a controlled way Need for agreed guidelines and standards with incentives to comply But system needs to allow flexibility about the way that objectives are achieved Recognise the need for networks within the network Must serve European but also national needs and give added value to both levels Reitox Lessons Learnt
nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn Thanks☺ alan.lodwick@dh.gsi.gov.uk mravcik.viktor@vlada.cz www.emcdda.europa.eu/about/partners/reitox-network www.ukfocalpoint.org www.drogy-info.cz (www.focalpoint.cz)