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Local Government FM Network, Strategy and Procurement Workshop 26 th April 2006, Sheffield

Ashford Borough Council Best Practice Case Study Anne Adams Head of Corporate Property. Local Government FM Network, Strategy and Procurement Workshop 26 th April 2006, Sheffield. Content. Ashford – an overview Asset Management in Ashford - Beacon status

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Local Government FM Network, Strategy and Procurement Workshop 26 th April 2006, Sheffield

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  1. Ashford Borough Council Best Practice Case Study Anne AdamsHead of Corporate Property Local Government FM Network, Strategy and Procurement Workshop 26th April 2006, Sheffield

  2. Content • Ashford – an overview • Asset Management in Ashford - Beacon status - Strategic arrangements - Financial arrangements • Office Accommodation Project and Customer Contact Centre • Facilities Management issues

  3. Ashford - Regional Context A Sustainable Communities Growth Area

  4. Ashford - Local Context • Urban population 56,564 • Overall population 105,900 • Low Council Tax position • Largest of 12 districts in Kent • 30,000 new homes and jobs

  5. So why Ashford? • Corporate culture, corporate assets • Sound funding arrangements • Processes for capital prioritisation, option appraisals and post project evaluation

  6. Roles Strategy Evaluates Monitors Reviews Head of Corporate Property (Chair) and Corporate Property Officer

  7. Corporate Asset Management Working Group Key Messages • High level representation • Head of Service and Senior Member buy-in • Basis for corporate decision making • Encourages creativity and innovation • Adds value rather than an overhead

  8. Repairs and Renewals Reserve • Sources of funding • Capital receipts • Civic Centre refurbishment • Rates savings from trusts • Three-year rolling programme of expenditure • Balance on reserve maintained

  9. Corporate Maintenance Budget • Historic service budgets • Centralised fund • Monthly monitoring and reporting • Recharges based on expenditure

  10. Capital Investment Process

  11. Post Project Evaluation in Ashford • Financial -Original and revised budget - Final Outturn - How robust was the affordability analysis? • Duration and Achievements - Estimated and actual duration of project - Summary of major achievements/benefits - How valid was the original option appraisal? • Risks - How valid was the risk analysis? - What were the unexpected problems/risks? - How effective were the change control procedures?

  12. Continued… • Outcomes - Identify any undesirable outcomes - What would have happened in the absence of the project? - Did the project meet all of the desired outcomes? - Provide details of feedback from users/occupiers/sponsors • Conclusions - Lessons learn report - Recommendations for future projects

  13. Our Civic Centre Project • Outdated Interior • Six Receptions • Inefficient space usage • Unit costs • Communication Barrier • Scope for Partnering

  14. Office Accommodation Project • Fully Open Plan • Positive Staff Reaction • Culture Change • Financial Benefits • New furniture and equipment

  15. Office Accommodation Project • More structured and formal options appraisal • Clearly laid out programme for all works • Advanced Management and Member consultation • Commitment from Service Units at an early stage • Preparing any office moves well in advance

  16. Customer Contact Centre • Multi-function reception • Leading edge technology • New demand created • High visitor satisfaction levels • Call Centre and Visitor Centre

  17. Facilities Management Issues • FM best value review – 2004/05 - Reduction of furniture, equipment & stationery budgets - Single supplier for stationery and centralised invoicing - Councillors post sent out in one parcel - 5% reduction in postage costs - Waste reduced by 50% through increased recycling - Computerised room booking system - Reactive maintenance through Housing term contract - OVERALL SAVINGS approx. £25,000 per annum

  18. Facilities Management Issues (continued) • Efficiency savings – 2005/06 - Civic Centre cleaning - M&E maintenance - Energy and water efficiency measures - Team restructure - Refreshment service - OVERALL SAVINGS approx. £30,000 per annum

  19. Ashford Borough Council Anne AdamsHead of Corporate Property Thank you

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