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Global Environment facility national dialogue initiative SUGAR BEACH RESORT 25-26 JUNE 2007

Global Environment facility national dialogue initiative SUGAR BEACH RESORT 25-26 JUNE 2007. NATIONAL PRIORITY SETTING PROCESS IN MAURITIUS. Role of gef focal point.

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Global Environment facility national dialogue initiative SUGAR BEACH RESORT 25-26 JUNE 2007

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  1. Global Environment facilitynational dialogue initiativeSUGAR BEACH RESORT25-26 JUNE 2007


  3. Role of gef focal point • GEF Focal Points play a critical coordination role regarding GEF matters at country level as well as serving as the liaison with the GEF Secretariat and Implementing Agencies and representing their constituencies on the GEF Council. • GEF Political Focal Points are concerned primarily with issues related to GEF governance, including policies and decisions, and with relations between member countries and the GEF Council and Assembly. • GEF Operational Focal Points are concerned with the operational aspects of GEF activities, such as endorsing project proposals to affirm that they are consistent with national plans and priorities and facilitating GEF coordination, integration, and consultation at country level.

  4. Project Formulation process Priorities Under NEAP 2 Priorities Under NBSAP GEF PRIORITIES Project Formulation Capacity Building Priorities Under NCSA + Priorities Under NCCAP Priorities Under Energy Policy

  5. Key Actors

  6. Coordination Mechanism • Inception stage: small team of major stakeholders set up • Relevant line ministries lead project team, creating project ownership • Project team (incl. GEF Focal Point) scrutinises project concepts/ proposals, ensuring national and GEF priorities are met • After PDF approval, official National Steering Committee (NSC) of key stakeholders set up, meets regularly until prodoc finalised

  7. Coordination Mechanism • Co-financing discussions with line Ministries, NGOs, private sector • During project implementation, NSC meets regularly to monitor and provide guidance • In specific cases, technical advisory committee, comprising partly of NSC members and technicians, advises on technical matters • Selection panel of NSC members aids in project recruitment and procurement processes

  8. Results and achievements • Views of key stakeholders incorporated in project formulation process • Duplication of work avoided • National documents and research findings incorporated in framing project proposals • Targets and priority work across all focal areas coordinated • Cross sectoral issues treated in meetings and consultations • Work load holistically shared among executing agencies • e.g., Ministry of Environment and NGOs agreed to implement activities of recently submitted Protected Area Network Project • Consultations with grassroots and community representatives, especially for SGP projects

  9. Constraints and Challenges • Synergies between GEF and other non-GEF projects not fully exploited • NSC process of seeking co-financing difficult • Budgets allocated to Ministries for financial year based on national priority projects • No specific time frame for GEF project approval makes securing government co-financing for particular project in specific year difficult

  10. Lessons Learned • Reduce dependence on government co-financing • Attract co-financing from private sector, NGOs, AfDB, IFAD, BADEA, EU • NSC meetings can maximise potential in-kind and parallel financing from different ministries

  11. Way Forward • Adoption of Medium-term Expenditure Framework (MTEF) or programme based budgeting by the Ministry of Finance & Economic Development • Major step to mainstream environment in national strategies • MTEF includes Ministry strategy, programs, activities to achieve desired outcomes, performance indicators • GOM endorsement of Ministry MTEF means commitment to support programs • MTEFs of Ministries of Environment and Agro-Industry & Fisheries highlight Mauritius’ priorities in Climate Change, Biodiversity (Inland, Marine and Coastal), Land Degradation • MTEF shared among donors to attract co-financing for future investment opportunities

  12. Way Forward • Shorten project formulation process • Especially when preliminary studies and background documents exist • Enable savings under RAF, funds better used in project implementation • Use GEF CSP resources • Build capacity and create awareness about GEF project formulation • Increase synergies between GEF and other environmental projects through stakeholder coordination

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