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Welcome Lead Teachers. Primary Reading Focus Group. Agenda. Prayer and Welcome Activity ~ What’s Working? Problems of Practice Looking Through the Lens of The Four Resources Model to Promote Reading Achievement Break Guided Reading and How it fits into the Four Resources Model
Welcome Lead Teachers Primary Reading Focus Group
Agenda Prayer and Welcome Activity ~ What’s Working? Problems of Practice Looking Through the Lens of The Four Resources Model to Promote Reading Achievement Break Guided Reading and How it fits into the Four Resources Model Video Activity Sharing/Question/Answer/Next Steps
The Goals of Today’s Gathering • We are here to achieve a consistent/ common understanding of the components and practices of a Comprehensive Literacy Program. • Focus specifically on Guided Reading and Early Reading Strategies through the lens of the Four Resources Model. • To understand the literacy skills required by students to be an effective reader for the 21st century.
Looking Through the Lens of The Four Roles Resource Model • Code User (coding competence)-i.e., practices that relate to decoding text. • Meaning Maker (semantic competence) –i.e., practices that relate to making meaning from text. • Text User (pragmatic competence) – i.e., practices that relate to pragmatics, or the purpose, audience, and context of a text. • Text Analyzer (critical competence) – i.e., practices that relate to critical interpretation of the text.
Turn and Talk Reflect on your current practice…. How could you use The Four Resources Model in planning for effective reading instruction? (Primary Reading Discussion Paper, 2.3.1, page 9)
Jig-Saw Activity Let’s look closer at …. The Conditions that Support The Four Resources Model (Reading Discussion Paper, 2.3.2, Pages 10-14)
Conditions that Support and Promote Reading Achievement • Assessment of student progress using on-going running records • Teaching through the Gradual Release of Responsibility Approach • Oral Language Instruction • Accountable Talk
ConditionsContinued • Metacognitive development and self- regulation by students • Extensive time spent reading • Challenging tasks that involve student choice • Student engagement in rich literacy activities
Comprehensive Literacy Program • Modeled Practice • Shared Practice • Guided Practice • Independent Practice • Student Application Primary Reading Discussion Paper (pg. 11)
Looking at …. Teaching through ….. The Gradual Release of Responsibility
Reflection • What do you notice? /What’s new?/ What’s different? • What is the impact on teaching and learning? Primary Reading Discussion Paper (pg. 11)
Interacting with the Video View the Introduction of each of the Four Resources Model to gain a clear understanding of these elements.
Four Resources Model • Read pages 14-17 • Reflect on the key points of the Four Roles (highlight key points in your book or write key ideas on the placemat)
Four Resources Model Inquiry Which of the Four elements would you like to explore more deeply? Using your Discussion Paper, video clips and graphic organizer, document your key learnings and ideas for implementation on the t-chart provided.
Curriculum Sort Using your Language Arts Curriculum Document for Reading and your placemat, sort the reading expectations into the Four Resource Model
Guided Reading is … • A bridge between shared reading and independent reading. • Is a strategy that is used to consolidate new learning that has taken place in a read aloud and shared reading, it allows the students to practice their skills with teacher support. “It is the heart of a balanced literacy program.” (Fountas and Pinnell, 1996)
What is Guided Reading? “…..Guided reading is a way to help children understand how reading works. They learn techniques to figure out words and comprehend texts that are just a little too challenging for them to read without support.” (Tabersski, 200, p.96)
What is Guided Reading? • Teacher meets with small groups of students with similar reading processes. • Groups usually consist of a small group of students who are being taught the same reading strategy or are working at the same instructional level. • Groups are formed based on assessments. • Length of time and frequency vary depending on reading stage. • Each child has a copy of same text to read with teacher support. • A new text is introduced almost every time the group meets.
Leveled Text • It is critical that students are grouped according to their instructional level (90-94% accuracy), with comprehension. This will allow the students to learn something new with the support of the teacher, while still having enough support from the text so they aren’t experiencing frustration. • Running Records are a method we use to ensure that students are working in their instructional zone.
Four Basic Components of Guided Reading Lesson • Familiar Reading • Introduction of a New Book • Scaffolded Reading • Returning to the Text
Familiar Reading Purpose - build confidence, increase fluency and phrasing, and deepens comprehension. • Students choose a familiar book to read from individual “book boxes”. • Books are added after they have been read in Guided Reading (as recent books are added older ones are removed). • As students re-read familiar books, the teacher listens in, observes, takes anecdotal notes or running records.
Introduction of a New Book Purpose – to engage students in the book and give them the support they need to read the text successfully . The Book Introduction may look differently depending on the needs of the children. • Summary Statement – The teacher provides a one or two sentence overview of the story. • Personal Connection – The teacher may ask a question to connect the story to the students’ lives. A personal connection raises students’ interest and supports higher level of comprehension.
Con’t ~ Book Introduction Strategies • Picture Walk – Preview key illustrations (vary depending on reading stage). This provides students with an understanding of the concepts, vocabulary and language structures. • Prediction – The teacher may have the students predict the content of the story to begin a story map or web. The introduction sets the stage for the reading of the new book or story. The skills or strategies focussed on during the introduction are echoed throughout the rest of the Guided Reading Session.
Scaffolded Reading • After the story has been introduced the children read the new book ON THEIR OWN. • This is NOT “round robin” reading. • All of the children read the text at the same time, practicing their skills/strategies. • Students may read out loud, whisper read or read silently depending on their reading stage. • As students read, the teacher observes, listens, coaches and encourages the children. • The teacher may meet with a student while the others re-read or buddy read the text again.
Returning to the Text After students have had an opportunity to read and re-read the new text, there should be time remaining in the lesson to discussthe content of the book. Some Examples may be: • Asking questions/discussing book to check for understanding • Examining Story Structure • Checking Predictions • Working on Comprehension Strategies *These activities vary depending on the childs’ reading stage and the focus of group needs*
Extension Activities • Drawing a picture • Creating a little book (using same pattern frame) • Create a character question/answer dialogue • Write three interesting facts contained in the book • Write a note/letter to a character • Retell the story using pictures or words and a graphic organizer (These activities vary depending on the childs’ reading stage and the focus of the lesson).
Let’s watch Guided Reading in Action What elements of the Four Resources Model is the teacher focusing on?
Reading “Reading is a message-gaining, problem solving activity that increases in power the more it is practiced.”
Activity~ Think/Pair/Share How would you plan for Guided Reading using The Four Resources Model?
Four Components of Guided Reading Familiar ReadingIntroduction of a New Book Scaffolded Reading Returning to the Text
Professional Reflections: Key Messages: What will I do differently in the future? What are my next steps?