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Learn the method of Centering Prayer by Fr. Thomas Keating through deepening your relationship with God. Discover the wisdom of contemplative prayer and the practice of Lectio Divina. Explore obstacles and develop intimacy with God. Open mind, open heart.
Silence Solitude Service Introductory Workshop into the Method of Centering Prayer As taught by Fr Thomas Keating
Four Main Focus Points • Prayer as Relationship • The Method of Centering Prayer • Thoughts and use of The Sacred Word • Deepening our Relationship with God
Be Still And know That I Am God Psalm 46:10
The Wisdom saying of Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount“......When you pray, go into your inner room, close the door, and pray to your Father in secret. And your Father who sees you in secret will reward you.” (Mt6;6)
Centering Prayer is amethodto prepare us for the gift of Contemplative prayer. It is adisciplinethat removes the obstacles and opens us to greater intimacy in our Relationship with God
The source of Centering Prayer is the indwelling of the Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The focus of Centering Prayer is the deepening of our relationship with the living Christ within us, leading to personal transformation
Christians today are rediscovering this gift of contemplative prayer which is part of our Christian Heritage and which was practiced down through the ages from the days of the Desert Fathers and Mothers, through Medieval times and later by the Rineland Mystics, Spanish saints, Celtic and British holy men and women. This form of prayer was not encouraged by the Church from the time of the reformation. But in recent years, the writings of Rahner, Merton, Johnston, Keating, Burrows as well as influences from the East have emphasised that by Baptism all are called to the fullness and blossoming of life in Christ. christians today are rediscovering this gift of
Levels of Relationship • Formal- Informational/Acquaintanceship • Informal- Conversational/Friendliness • Commitment- Faithfulness/Friendship • Intimacy- Surrender Toward Union of Life
Lectio Divina • Reading- The Word of God (Formal) Reflecting- on what we have read/heard (Informal) • Responding-with spontaneous Praise/Love (Commitment) • Resting in God- without words in Contemplative Prayer (Intimacy)
Obstacles? Emotional Programmes for false happiness. Energy Centres Security /Survival Affection/Esteem Power/Control
The Gradual Development of Intimacy with God The chief thing that separates us from god is the thought that we are separated from God. If we get rid of that thought, our troubles will be greatly reduced. We fail to believe that we are always with God and that God is part of every reality. The present moment, every object we see, our inmost nature are all rooted in God. But we hesitate to believe this until personal experience gives us confidence to believe in it. This involves the gradual development of intimacy with God. God constantly speaks to us through each other as well as from within. The inner experience of God’s presence activates our capacity to perceive God in everything else- in people, in events, in nature. Open mind Open Heart. TK.
Centering Prayer,The Method. • Was designed to facilitate the development of Contemplative Prayer by preparing the faculties to receive this gift. • It is an attempt to present the teaching of earlier times in an updated form. • It was developed by Frs, William Meninger, Basil Pennington and Thomas Keating in recent times. • It is not meant to replace other kinds of prayer, but to add a new light and depth of meaning on them.
The Method • Choose your Sacred Word as a symbol of your intention to be open /consent to God’s presence and Action within you . • Sitting comfortably and with your eyes closed, settle briefly and silently introduce the Sacred word. • When you become aware of thoughts/engage your thoughts, ever so gentlyreturn to the Sacred word. • At the end of the Prayer period remain in silence with eyes closed for a few minutes .
As our Symbol of our Intention we might choose Lord Jesus Abba Spirit Peace Love Shalome Quiet Come Iosa Joy Home
The Practice of Centering Prayer • When you become aware of thoughts or begin engaging with your thoughts Ever-so-gently return to the Sacred word
“Thoughts”An Umbrella Term • Memories • Commentaries • Reflections • Images • Sense perceptions • Emotions/Feelings
On the Spiritual Level of Being. • “The Sacred word is a way of renewing your intention to open yourself to God and to accept God as God is. While this does not prevent anyone from praying in other forms at other times, the period of centering prayer is not the time to pray specifically for others. By opening yourself to God, you are implicitly praying for everyone past, present and future. You are embracing the whole of creation. You are accepting all reality, beginning with God and with that part of your own reality of which you may not be generally aware, namely, the spiritual level of your being”. • Open mind Open Heart, By Thomas Keating. Pg43.(Rev Ed pg32)
Kinds of Thoughts • Ordinary- wanderings of the imagination • Attracting-“+”“ - ” • Insights • Self Reflection • Thoughts arising from the Unconscious
Resistno thought • Retainno thought • Reactemotionally to no thought • Return-ever-so gently to the Sacred Word
The Essence of Centering Prayer Not “no thoughts” but “detachment” from all thoughts Let them come….let them go….
The Fruits of Centering Prayer are seen outside of the prayer time • Personal Growth • Relationships • Service of Others
Silence. • Solitude • Simplicity • Service
On the Abiding Awareness of God • The purpose of Centering Prayer is not to experience peace but to evacuate the unconscious obstacles to a permanent abiding state of union with God. Not Contemplative prayer but the contemplative state is the purpose of our practise; not experiences, however exotic or reassuring, but the permanent and abiding awareness of God that comes through the mysterious restructuring of consciousness. • Open mind open heart by Thomas Keating, pg,98(r/e101)
On the Greatest Adventure • Contemplative prayer is the world in which God can do anything. • To move into that realm is the greatest adventure. It is to be open to the infinite and hence to infinite possibilities. • Our private, self-made worlds come to an end; a new world appears within and around us and the impossible becomes an everyday experience. • Open Mind Open Heart by Thomas Keating,pg,13 (Rev Ed Pg 11) ‘Doing from the place of being’
Resources • ‘Open Mind Open Heart’ Thomas Keating • Daily Reader for Contemplative Living’ Iachetta • ‘Contemplative Outreach Ireland website • coi.ie (this links into Contemplative Outreach in US)
Thank You! • If you wish to contact us visit our website: www. coi.ie Email contemplativeoutreachireland@gmail.com