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Myths of Crete: Europa and the Minotaur

Explore the captivating Greek myths of Europa, Minos, the Minotaur, Daedalus, and more. From love affairs to daring adventures, discover the legends that shaped ancient Crete.

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Myths of Crete: Europa and the Minotaur

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  1. Chapter Sixteen, Lecture One Myths of Crete

  2. Europa and the Bull

  3. Europa and the Bull • Agenor (Semitic “leader of men”) • Brother Belus (=Baal, “lord”) ruled in Egypt • Agenor settled in Phoenicia • Europa • Cadmus • Cilix • Phoenix

  4. Europa and the Bull • Agenor sends sons to look for her • Phoenix stays near home = Phoenicia • Cilix goes to southern Turkey = Cilicia • Cadmus goes to Thebes = Cadmeia

  5. Europa and the Bull • Europa’s Sons on Crete • Minos • Sarpedon • Rhadamanthys • Talus (the bronze giant) • Laelaps (the magic dog)

  6. Minos and Pasiphaë

  7. Minos and Pasiphaë • As a sign that he should be king, Minos asks Poseidon to send a bull, which he will sacrifice • Poseidon sends the bull, but Minos sacrifices another one • Married Pasiphaë, a daughter of Helius • Ariadne, Androgeus

  8. Minos and Pasiphaë • Makes Pasiphaë lust for the bull • Daedalus from Athens is in Crete • Left Athens after killing his nephew and student Perdix over a patent quarrel about the saw • Daedalus makes a device for Poseidon and her “bull-friend” • Minotaur is born

  9. Minos and Pasiphaë • Minos asks Daedalus to build a prison for the Minotaur • Labyrinth

  10. Minos and Scylla

  11. Minos and Scylla • Androgeus (a son of Minos) enters athletic contest in Athens and defeats all the local boys • Aegeus orders him to fight a wild bull at Marathon and Androgeus is killed • Minos collects his fleet and moves to attack Athens

  12. Minos and Scylla • On his way, he attacks Megara, ruled by Nisus, a brother of Aegeus • Daughter Scylla falls in love with Minos • Betrays Nisus by cutting off his protective purple lock of hair • The city falls, but Minos abandons her

  13. Theseus and Amphitritê

  14. Theseus and Amphitritê • Cannot take Athens • Zeus sent a plague and famine • Even four human sacrifices couldn’t deliver the Athenians • An oracle tells them to surrender

  15. Theseus and Amphitritê • Every 9 years (or every year), 7 girls and boys must be sent to Crete to be sacrificed to the Minotaur • Theseus, the son of Aegeus, the king of Athens, volunteers to go and face the Minotaur

  16. Theseus and Amphitritê • Theseus is also a son of Poseidon • Minos is on the ship and makes a pass at one of the girls, Eriboea • Theseus warns him off and claims that he is son of Poseidon, just as Minos is a son of Zeus

  17. Theseus and Amphitritê • Zeus sends thunderbolts to prove that Minos is his son • To test him, Minos throws a ring off the ship and orders him to get it • Theseus dives in but returns with a wreath given to him by Amphritritê, the wife of Poseidon

  18. Theseus and the Minotaur

  19. Theseus and the Minotaur • On Crete, Ariadne (daughter of Minos) falls in love with Theseus • She gives him the ball of thread on the suggestion of Daedalus, with which he returns from the labyrinth after killing the Minotaur

  20. Theseus and the Minotaur • But Theseus dumps Ariadne on Naxos, though she is rescued and married by Dionysus • Theseus also stops on Delos, Apollo’s sacred island, and dedicates a statue of Aphrodite • The youth dance the “crane dance” in celebration

  21. Daedalus and Icarus

  22. Daedalus and Icarus • Minos turns on Daedalus • He makes wings, bound with wax, and escapes with his son Icarus • Icarus flies too close to the sun and falls into the sea

  23. Death of Minos

  24. Death of Minos • Daedalus now flies to Sicily, to the court of Cocalus • Minos, looking for Daedalus everywhere, arrives in Sicily with a scheme to catch Daedalus: the shell • Daedalus is exposed, but the king’s daughters kill Minos in boiling water

  25. End

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