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YOUR HEALTH and WELLNESS. What is Health? Chapter 1 - Lesson 1. Defining Health. If you were to take a snapshot of your current health, how would it look? How are you feeling? Are you alert and well rested? Are you ready to take on whatever challenges the day holds in store for you?
YOUR HEALTH and WELLNESS What is Health? Chapter 1 - Lesson 1
Defining Health • If you were to take a snapshot of your current health, how would it look? • How are you feeling? • Are you alert and well rested? • Are you ready to take on whatever challenges the day holds in store for you? • Is your outlook positive? • Are you getting along well with family members, classmates, and teachers? • What about yesterday? • Did you eat well and get plenty of physical activity?
Defining Health • Your answers to these and other questions provide a picture of your general level of health. • Does that surprise you? • If it does, the reason may be that, like many people, you think of health as the absence of sickness.
Defining Health • Health, however, is much more than that. • HEALTH: is the combination of your physical, mental/emotional, and social well-being.
The Three Elements of Your Health • Physical Health: • Your bodies ability to cope with the stresses of normal daily life. • The energy to pursue physical, mental, emotional and social challenges and changes.
The Three Elements of Your Health • Physical Health: • To gain or maintain physical health, you need to have proper nutrition, regular physical activity, and enough rest and sleep. • You need to practice good hygiene to prevent disease, and get regular medical and dental checkups and treatment when you need them.
The Three Elements of Your Health • Physical Health: • It means resisting harmful substances, such as tobacco, alcohol, and other drugs.
The Three Elements of Your Health • Mental and Emotional Health: • Your feelings about yourself. • How well you relate to others. • How well you meet the demands of daily life.
The Three Elements of Your Health • Mental and Emotional Health: • People with good mental health enjoy learning, and they know that striving for information and understanding can be an exciting, lifelong process.
The Three Elements of Your Health • Mental and Emotional Health: • They see mistakes as opportunities to learn, grow, and change. • They accept responsibility for their actions and stand up for their beliefs and values.
The Three Elements of Your Health • Mental and Emotional Health: • This type of individual can usually deal with the problem and frustrations of life without being overwhelmed by them. • People with good emotional health avoid dwelling on negative thoughts.
The Three Elements of Your Health • Social Health • Involves the way you get along with others. • Your ability to make and keep friends. • To work and play in cooperative ways. • Seeking and lending support when necessary.
The Three Elements of Your Health • Social Health • It involves communicating well. • Showing respect and care for yourself and others.
Your Health Triangle Physical Health Social Health Mental and Emotional Health
CLASS QUESTIONS? • In 2012, what were the top 5 causes of death in the United States? • Substance abuse was related to how many deaths per year? • What is the number one cause of avoidable death in the United States? • How many deaths are the result of Homicide and Suicide?
DID YOU KNOW? • In 2012, the top five causes of death in the United States were in order: 1. Heart Disease, 2. Cancer, 3. Chronic lower respiratory disease, 4. Stroke and 5. Accidents. • Substance abuse is related to an estimated 120,000 deaths per year, 100,000 caused by alcohol, another 20,000 by drugs.
DID YOU KNOW? • Cigarette smoking is the leading cause of avoidable death in the United States, accounting for more deaths than AIDS, traffic accidents, suicides, homicides, fires, and illegal drugs combined- nearly 400,000 per year. • Homicide and suicide together claim almost 50,000 lives per year in the United States.
The Health Continuum • A person with a balanced life is said to have a high degree of WELLNESS,an overall state of well-being, or total health. • It comes from a way of living each day that includes making decisions and practicing behaviors that are based on sound health knowledge and healthful attitudes.
Promoting Your Health • Recent discoveries in medicines and advances in technology have helped wipe out many of the diseases that killed people 100, 50, even 30 years ago. • Millions of people get sick, become disabled, or die each year because of decisions they make and the way they live. • Their decision-making skills and personal behavior are directly related to their deaths. • Many of these deaths could be prevented if people practiced a few simple health habits.
Lifestyle Factors:personal behaviors and habits related to the way a person lives, that help determinehis or her level of health. • The following are important lifestyle factors: • Get between 7 to 8 hours of sleep per night. • Eat nutritious foods from the various food groups each day. • Refrain from smoking and using tobacco products. • Eat breakfast daily. • Do 20 to 30 minutes of nonstop vigorous activity a minimum of three times a week. • Do not use alcohol or other drugs. • Maintain your recommended weight.
Lifestyle Factors: • How many of these basic health habits do you practice regularly? • What changes in habits can you make? • What effects will occur to your life if you do not make changes in your lifestyle?
Your _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , Your Health • Practicing good health habits involves much more than just knowing what to do. • Your Attitudes also affect how well you take care of yourself. • EXAMPLES ? • You must believe that you will benefit. • Problems you currently have will go away.
An Attitude of Gratitude An Attitude of Gratitude. How important is this to you on your path to success? I sincerely believe that everyone should consider this simple but effective fact.Being grateful for the things you possess in life will make your journey to success more smoother.Gratitude wards off negativity and jealousy , which in turn makes you feel better about your self.Feeling good and positive about yourself makes you feel more confident in your abilities to succeed.I have personally use it to good effect and I can tell you that it works.So what if others are better off or more educated that you ? Does this really make a big difference in your life ? You should always give thanks for the little or plenty that you have because someone out there would like to be in your shoes.
An Attitude of Gratitude People will always be better or worse off than you and knowing this fact should make you more aware of who you are.Gratefulness plays a major role in your happiness , because it keeps you from being frustrated about what you don't have.The more you pay attention to what you have , the more it increases.And vice versa.That's just the hard cold fact.So what are you being grateful for today ? Look around you and you will be surprised to find a few !!!To your success and mine .........Nicholas Dixon About The AuthorNicholas Dixon is the Webmaster/CIO for the Oceanroc family of websites. A positive minded individual in his early twenties , Nicholas believes in striving to be the best of one's self in this world.His mission for you his readers , is for you to feel the same way about yourself.You can visit his online store at WWW.Cafeshops.com/Oceanroc and subscribe to The Roc newsletter.
Wellness and Prevention • A key to your health and wellness isPREVENTION:or practicing healthy habits to keep a person well and free from disease and other ailments. • What do you do? Examples? • Wearing seat belts • Applying sunscreen • Avoiding unsafe areas • Using protective gear when playing sports
The Importance of Health Education • Because health is so critical to the quality of your life, learning how to become and stay healthy should be a priority. That is why health education is so important. • HEALTH EDUCATION:Is the providing of accurate health information in such a way as to influence people to change attitudes so that they take positive action about their health.
DID YOU KNOW? Who says prevention doesn’t work? • Since pediatricians began recommending that infants be laid on their backs to sleep, Sudden Infants Death Syndrome rates have dropped by 25% • Each year, 1.7 million adults are successful in kicking the smoking habit.
Being Health Literate • HEALTH LITERACY:Describes an individual's capacity to obtain, interpret, and understand basic health information and services and use such information and services in ways that promote his or her health and wellness.
YOUR HEALTH and WELLNESS Influences on Your Health Chapter 1 - Lesson 2
Heredity • To some degree, your general level of health was determined before you were born. • You are a product of heredity. • HEREDITY:is all the traits and properties that are passed along biologically from both parents to child. • Physical traits, intellectual abilities, specific diseases.
Environment • Your health is also influenced by your environment. • Environment:is the sum total of your surroundings-- your family, where you grew up, where you live now, and all of your experiences. • Environment includes all the places you go in a given day and the physical conditions in which you live. It also includes people in your life – your social environment. Yet another aspect of your environment is your culture.
Physical Environment • Your physical environment can effect all areas of your health. • How would you describe your environment? • Are there parks, recreational facilities? • Is the environment clean and are the streets safe? • Depending on what your environment is, how would it effect your physical and mental health?
Physical Environment • What are other aspects of your physical environment that can influence your health?
Social Environment • Your social environment includes who? • Peers:Are people the same age who share a similar range of interests. family friends teachers
Cultural Environment • Culture:is thecollective beliefs, customs, and behaviors of a group. • Who would be in these groups? A Section of the Globe Community Groups A NATION Ethnic Groups
Behavior • Although you have little or no control over your heredity and environment, you have a great deal of control over one factor affecting your life: YOUR BEHAVIOR. • If your family has a history of cardiovascular disease, do you have to follow in their footsteps? • NO WAY!!!!!!! • Make positive choices and good habits.
WHO SAID IT? • "It was all I lived for, to play baseball." • “The only thing I can do is play baseball. I have to play ball. It's the only thing I know.“ • "If that guy were healthy he'd hit 80 home runs.""He's the best prospect I've ever seen.“ • “If I knew I was going to live so long, I would have taken better care of myself”
In 1993 Mickey was admitted to the Betty Ford Center for alcohol rehabilitation. During his stay Mickey received more mail than anyone in the history of the center. Afterward he spread the message of the ills of drug and alcohol abuse to kids, appearing on a number of television programs to speak about his experiences. On June 8, 1995 Mickey received a liver transplant at Baylor University Hospital in Dallas. Sadly, during the transplant surgery it was discovered that Mickey had contracted inoperable cancer. Before he died he formed the Mickey Mantle Foundation to raise awareness of the importance of becoming an organ donor. It became the cause closest to his heart. Mickey died at Baylor University Hospital in Dallas, Texas on August 13, 1995. He was 63 years old. Mickey was survived by his wife Merlyn and three of his four sons: Mickey Jr., David and Danny. On March 12, 1994, the year before Mickey died, his third son, Billy, died of complications resulting from Hodgkin's Disease. Five years after his father's death, on Dec. 20, 2000, Mickey Jr. died of cancer. Mickey's other immediate family, his wife Merlyn and sons David and Danny, are all active in the Mickey Mantle Foundationpromoting the importance of organ donations. Mickey Mantle # 7 – NY Yankees
YOUR HEALTH and WELLNESS Taking Charge of Your Health Chapter 1 - Lesson 3
Taking Charge of Your Health • List the choices you have made in the last few days that have affected your health. • Identify how each choice affected your physical, mental/emotional, or social well-being. • Were the behaviors a factor toward your health, if so, did the choice affect your health positively or negatively?
Taking Responsibility for Your Health • Does the prospect of taking on adult responsibilities excite you? • A first step toward bridging that gap, at least where your health is concerned, is to increase your awareness of risk factors in your life. • RISK FACTORS:are actions or behaviors that represent a potential health threat. • A second step is to examine your current behaviors and values and to make any necessary changes.
Risk Factors and Teens • The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has published the results of the largest youth risk behavior survey ever conducted. • Questionnaires on personal risk factors were gathered from nearly 11,000 students and young adults nationwide. SIX CATEGORIES OF PERSONAL HEALTH RISK FACTORS COVERED • Behavior that contribute to unintentional and intentional injuries • Tobacco use • Alcohol and other drug use • Sexual behaviors • Unhealthy eating behaviors • Physical inactivity
Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance -- National Alternative High School Youth Risk Behavior Survey, United States, 2012 MALE students were more likely than FEMALE students to report. • rarely or never wearing seat belts; • driving after drinking alcohol; • weapon carrying; • gun carrying; • participating and being injured in a physical fight; • weapon carrying on school property; • being threatened or injured with a weapon on school property; • being in a physical fight on school property; • having property stolen or deliberately damaged on school property; • current smokeless tobacco use; • current cigar use; http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/ss4807a1.htm
Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance -- National Alternative High School Youth Risk Behavior Survey, United States, 2012 MALE students were more likely than FEMALE students to report. • usually obtaining cigarettes by purchasing them in a store or gas station; • episodic heavy drinking; • lifetime and current marijuana use; • initiating cigarette, alcohol, marijuana, and cocaine use before age 13 years; • current smokeless tobacco, alcohol, and marijuana use on school property; • being offered, sold, or given an illegal drug on school property; • initiating sexual intercourse before age 13 years; • having greater than or equal to 4 sexual partners during their lifetime; • alcohol or drug use at last sexual intercourse; • not talking with parents or other adult family members about AIDS or HIV infection; and • eating greater than 2 servings of foods typically high in fat content daily.
Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance -- National Alternative High School Youth Risk Behavior Survey, United States, 2012 FEMALE students were more likely than MALE students to report. • suicide ideation and related behaviors; • not using a condom at last sexual intercourse; • eating less than 5 servings of fruits and vegetables daily; • using laxatives or vomiting, or taking diet pills, either to lose weight or to keep from gaining weight; • not participating in vigorous physical activity; • not participating in strengthening exercises; • not being enrolled in a PE class; • exercising for less than or equal to 20 minutes during PE class; and • not participating on sports teams.
Chapter 1 Quiz: Living a Healthy Life 1. A person with ________ is said to have a high degree of wellness. a. a healthy emotional life b. friends and family c. good safety habits d. a balanced life
Chapter 1 Quiz: Living a Healthy Life 2. What is the goal of health education? a. to balance physical and emotional health b. to give people the tools for living a long time c. to teach people to use their seatbelts d. to help people achieve a balanced diet
Chapter 1 Quiz: Living a Healthy Life 3. Which is NOT a goal of Healthy People 2010? a. to remove health differences among Americans b. to increase the quality of health enjoyed by all Americans c. to teach people to let their doctors make their health decisions d. to get people and their communities to work together to improve their health
Chapter 1 Quiz: Living a Healthy Life 4. Which is NOT an element in the triangle of health? a. Inherited health b. Mental health c. Physical health d. Social health
Chapter 1 Quiz: Living a Healthy Life 5.Your peers can affect your health positively because a. they can pressure you to be a part of the group. b. they are good role models. c. they counteract the effects of living in an unhealthy environment. d. they know more about you than your parents or doctors do.