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The Indo-U.S. Science & Technology Forum (IUSSTF) promotes and facilitates bilateral collaboration in science, technology, engineering, and biomedical research. With a history dating back to the 1950s, IUSSTF supports a wide range of programs and initiatives to foster sustainable partnerships and encourage innovation.
Indo-U.S. Science & Technology ForumCatalyzing Science, Technology and Innovation Collaboration for 15 years! Dr. Rajiv K. Tayal Executive Director tayal@indousstf.org
History of Indo-US S&T Cooperation 1950-2000 1950’s Green Revolution with PL 480 Fund Establishment of Land Grant Colleges 1960’s Establishment of IIT Kanpur Establishment of NCERT Nuclear Cooperation Agreement (Tarapur Power Plant) 1970’s NASA-ISRO-SITE 1980’s Indo-US S&T Sub Commission STI (Gandhi-Reagan S & T Initiative) USIF (US-India Fund) 1990’s Indo-US S&T Fellowship Program DST-NSF S&T Program NASA-NOAA/ ISRO-DST MoU DBT/ ICMR-NIH Health and Medical Science Programs
History of Indo-US S&T Co-operation Year 2000 onwards 2000 INDO- US SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY FORUM 2001 High Technology Cooperation Group 2005 Indo-US Strategic Partnership 2005 Indo - US S&T Agreement / Joint S & T Commission 2006 US-India Agricultural Knowledge Initiative • NASA-ISRO Agreement on Civilian Space Coop 2008 MOES-NOAA Agreement on Earth Observation & Earth Sciences 2009 MoU on Energy Security, Energy Efficiency & Clean Energy and Climate Change • Indo-US R&D Endowment Fund • Indo-US Joint Clean Energy R&D Centre • India-US Grand Challenge: Affordable Blood Pressure Measurement Technologies for Low-Resource Settings in India and the US 2014 Partnerships for International Research and Education (PIRE) • PACEsetter Fund
Indo – U.S. Strategic Partnership Green Partnership Energy Security, Climate Change, Energy Efficiency, Clean Energy Research & Deployment and Water Management Education & Development Indo-U.S. 21st Century Knowledge Initiative Global Security and Counter Terrorism Counter terrorism, Early Warning Systems, Disaster Mitigation & Response Agriculture Cooperation Food Security, Research, Education, Commercial Linkages Health Sciences Disease Detection, Public Health & Health Services and Biomedical Research
IUSSTF Objectives Act as a catalyst to facilitate, seed and promote U.S.-India bilateral collaboration in science, technology, engineering and biomedical research through substantive interaction among government, academia and industry Create awareness through exchange and dissemination of informationandopportunities in S&T cooperation Capitalize and build on the scientific and technological synergy leading to long term partnership on shared values Support exciting program portfolio that lead to sustainable interactions and strengthens strategic partnerships Nurture contacts between young and mid career scientists to develop mutual trust, foster excellence and explore new frontiers Encourage public-privatepartnership to foster elements of innovation, applicationand enterprise
IUSSTF – Catalyzing Collaborations Indo-U.S. S&T Agreement (2005) • Bilateral agreement to initiate wide range of scientific and technical cooperation between the two countries • Establishes for the first time the IPR sharing protocols • Encourages Public - Private Partnership in R & D • Establish Joint Commission to coordinate, facilitate and review cooperative activities “IUSSTF, now in its tenth year, has convened activities that have led to the interaction of nearly 10,000 Indian and U.S. scientists and technologists.” U.S.-India Strategic Dialogue Joint Statement New Delhi, July 19, 2011 “The two leaders also expressed their support for the Indo-U.S. Science and Technology Forum, which provides fresh impetus to academic collaboration in the cutting-edge areas of scientific research and technology development.” U.S.-India Joint Statement on Higher Education Cooperation Washington, DC, October 13, 2011 “The Forum makes a valuable contribution to strengthening the bilateral US-India relationship by exploring and identifying fruitful areas of cooperation through sponsoring workshops, scientist exchanges and meetings.” Fact Sheet, US Department of State Washington DC, 18 July 2005
Government Agencies IUSSTF Academia Industry IUSSTF Connects
Co-Chair INDIA Co-Chair U.S. GB Executive Director IUSSTF Secretariat Organizational Structure Administrative Mechanism • Autonomous • Bilateral • Non-Governmental • Not for profit society Funding Source • Annual Interest from US Endowment Fund with matching contribution from DST, Government of India • Freedom to secure private and other funding
IUSSTF: Regular Call for Proposals Bilateral Workshop/ Symposium/ Conference • Joint proposal from Indian and U.S. Investigators • Proposal peer-reviewed both in India and U.S. • Review parameters: Novelty of topic, mutual benefits to India and the U.S., background of workshop coordinators and participants, potential for developing new & sustained bilateral linkages, student participation etc.
IUSSTF: Regular Call for Proposals Virtual R&D Knowledge Networked Center • R & D labs and academia partnership (2+2) • Network focal areas of thematic research • Provide opportunities for integrating research and education • Leverage existing infrastructure and funding • All partners to have stake Virtual Public-Private Networked Center • Foster academia - R & D lab - industry partnership (2+2) • Promote pre-commercial R & D with application potential • Frontier areas and bottom of the pyramid technologies • Leverage existing infrastructure and funding • All partners to have stake IUSSTF Funding (Period - 2 years) • Exchange travel support and hospitality • Database development and dissemination/ publication
Snapshot of IUSSTF Supported Activities Events have led to interaction of about 13,000 U.S. and Indian scientists
United States - India Science and Technology Endowment Fund"Commercializing Technologies for Societal Impact"
Background The governments of the United States of America (through the Department of State) and India (through the Department of Science & Technology) have established the United States - India Science & Technology Endowment Fund (USISTEF) in the year 2010 for the promotion of joint activities that would lead to innovation and technopreneurship through the application of science and technology. The United States - India Science & Technology Endowment Fund is coordinated and administered through the bi-national Indo-U.S. Science & Technology Forum (IUSSTF). Design Plan
Objectives • To support and foster joint applied R&D to generate public good through commercialization of technology achieved through sustained partnerships between US and Indian researchers and entrepreneurs. • To select and support through a grants program financially promising joint US-India entrepreneurial initiatives. • Capacity building and sharing of best practices towards creating an ecosystem of innovation and entrepreneurship. • Funding • Grant up to Rs. 2.50 crore or $ 400,000* • For details visit: www.usistef.org
Priority Areas Healthy Individual (HI) Empowering Citizens (EC) • Supports the development of • affordable biomedical devices, • diagnostic/preventive/ • curative measures, or • food and nutrition products to improve health. • (Drug development and clinical trials are not eligible activities in this category). Supports efforts to reduce the digital/technology divide. This could include: • information and communication technologies • water, • agriculture, • financial inclusion, and • education.
Status update • The U.S.–India Science & Technology Endowment Fund is currently supporting 22 joint U.S.-India entrepreneurial projects – 6 Calls. • Review of proposals received under the 7th call are currently underway. • The joint entrepreneurial teams are working on co-developing innovative product or technologies that are beyond the idea stage with high societal impact and significant potential to commercialize with 2-3 years. • Projects supported under the initial calls are nearing completion, with few of them already reaching the market.
Indo-U.S. Joint Clean Energy Research & Development Center (JCERDC)
Background Partners: Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India and the U.S. Department of Energy Objective: To facilitate joint research and development on clean energy needed to improve energy access and promote low-carbon growth. Quantum of Funding: Solar Energy: $ 12.50 million over five years from each side Second Generation Biofuels: $ 6.25 Million over five years from each side Energy Efficiency of Buildings: $ 6.25 Million over five years from each side Awardees: After an intensive multi-level review and evaluation process, three consortia were selected for award on 16 April 2012. The Indo-U.S.JCERDC is coordinated and administered through the bi-national Indo-U.S. Science & Technology Forum (IUSSTF).
JCERDC Phase II Priority Area • Smart Grids & Energy Storage Eligibility • Consortia with the knowledge and experience to undertake high-quality collaborative research programs. • Joint application to be submitted by the U.S. and Indian researchers. • Consortia may consist of entities or individuals from academia, national laboratories, non-governmental R&D institutions along with at least one partner from the private sector. Submission Deadline: 30 September 2016 Anticipated Number of Awards: One Total Amount to be Awarded: $7.5 Million to each side over a period of 5 years
Visitation Program for High-school Students • Initiative for Research & Innovation in Science (IRIS) For Indian Students • Khorana Program for Scholars • S.N. Bose Scholars Program • Viterbi-India Program For U.S. Students • S.N. Bose Scholars Program • Graduate Research Opportunities Worldwide (GROW) Program • Research Internship in Science and Engineering (RISE) For Doctoral & Post-doctoral candidates • Bhaskara Advanced Solar Energy (BASE) Fellowship Program • Water Advanced Research and Innovation (WARI) Fellowship Program • Bioenergy-Awards for Cutting Edge Research (B-ACER) • Building Energy Efficiency Higher & Advanced Network (BHAVAN) Fellowships For Post-doctoral candidates • SERB–Indo-U.S. Postdoctoral Fellowships for Indian Researchers in USA Programs with Professional Societies in the U.S. • ASM-IUSSTF Indo-U.S. Professorship in Microbiology • APS-IUSSTF Physics Ph.D. Student and Post-doc Visitation Program • APS-IUSSTF Physics Professorship Awards
Affordable Blood Pressure Measurement Technologies for Low-Resource Settings in India and the U.S. Partners: Science & Engineering Research Board (SERB) and the National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering (NIBIB), NIH Objective:To encourage collaborative research within and between both the countries to propose new approaches to the measurement of Blood Pressure that are unobtrusive or passive, low cost and which can automatically provide frequent data recording and reporting to healthcare workers as well as feed back to the patients. The India-U.S. Grand Challenge program on Affordable Blood Pressure Measurement Technologies for Low-Resource Settings in India and the U.S. is coordinated and administered through the bi-national Indo-U.S. Science & Technology Forum (IUSSTF).
PACESetter FUND Partners:Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE), Govt. of India and U.S. Embassy Objective: To accelerate the commercialization of innovative off-grid clean energy access solutions by providing early-stage grant funding that would allow businesses to develop and test innovative products, business models and systems. The Fund's main purpose is to improve the viability of off-grid renewable energy businesses that sell small scale (under 1 megawatt) clean energy systems to individuals and communities without access to grid connected power or with limited/intermittent access (less than 8 hours per day). The PACEsetter Fund is coordinated and administered through the bi-national Indo-U.S. Science & Technology Forum (IUSSTF).
Progress thus far…. • Grant sizes ranging from $50,000 to $300,000. • First Round: 139 Expressions of Interest were received under the first call ending October 2015. Of these, the Steering Committee identified 9 projects for award. • Second Round: Submission Deadline for Expressions of Intent 12 October 2016 • More information available at www.pacesetterfund.org
Partnerships for International Research and Education (PIRE) Partners:National Science Foundation (NSF), USA and Science & Engineering Research Board (SERB), Govt. of India Objectives: To support high quality projects in which advances in research and education could not occur without international collaboration; and to facilitate the development of a diverse, globally-engaged science and engineering workforce. Current Status: • Submission Deadlines: • Preliminary Proposal: September 14, 2016 • Full Proposal: April 24, 2017 • Project selected for award in 2014 titled “GROWTH: Global Relay of Observatories Watching Transients Happen”(Lead Indian Partners: Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Bangalore and Inter- University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics, Pune). “GROWTH” is an international collaborative network of astronomers and telescopes dedicated to the study of short lived cosmic transients. The timely characterization provided by GROWTH will be vital to realizing the scientific value provided by these discoveries. The PIRE Program is coordinated and administered through the bi-national Indo-US Science & Technology Forum (IUSSTF).
Women Entrepreneurship Quest (WEQ)Silicon Valley Experiential Learning Visitation Program Aim To enhance and create the ecosystem for women entrepreneurs with technical ventures in India through experiential learning from the visit to Silicon Valley. Program Objectives • To provide an opportunity to the selected Indian women entrepreneurs to interact with highly accomplished domain experts, successful entrepreneurs, mentors, VCs from the Valley and learn more about their experience in adeptly tackling business challenges and scaling up their ventures. • To provide extensive mentoring, networking opportunities to the selected women entrepreneurs. • To help the women entrepreneurs navigate the exciting entrepreneurial journey by sharing best practices and building long term networks. • To gain insights for government and academia to build programs and policies to promote innovation and entrepreneurship.
WEQ Partnership Joint partnership launched in alliance with ABI’s popular contest, the Women Entrepreneurship Quest (WEQ) which takes place during the Grace Hopper Celebration India (GHCI) conference every year. As per the partnership, the Top six women entrepreneurs of the WEQ contest along with 4 ecosystem partners were sponsored for an all-expense-paid experiential learning visit to Silicon Valley, US. These six women entrepreneurs are involved in the founding or leadership team of early stage startups, and have applied technology in innovative ways to solve meaningful business problems. Eligibility Criteria • Women in the founding / leadership team of a Private Independent Entity • Business needs to have a technology component. The primary business focus needs to be in the technology domain and can cover any component of technology such as the Internet, Mobile, Clean Tech, Web-based applications, Cloud, IT Enabled Services, Agriculture, Educations, Financial Inclusion, Healthcare Applications, Social Media and so on.
Programs in Partnership with Industry • Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India; Lockheed Martin Corporation; Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry; Stanford Graduate School of Business and the IC2 Institute at the University of Texas-IUSSTF India Innovation Growth Program • DST-Intel Initiative for Research & Innovation in Science (IRIS) • Lockheed Martin - IUSSTF Academia Connect Program • IBM - IUSSTF Visiting Fellowship in Nanotechnology • DST - INTEL - IUSSTF Technology Entrepreneurship Program • HP Innovate to recognize and reward engineering graduates with outstanding and creative ideas and expose them to best practices in U.S. • Agilent Technologies Clean Air Challenge
Flagship Events Frontiers of Science and Frontiers of Engineering Partners: National Academy of Sciences (NAS) and National Academy of Engineering (NAE) Objectives: • The Frontiers Program brings together outstanding young scientists and engineers to discuss exciting advances and opportunities in a broad range of disciplines. • The format encourages both one-on-one conversations and informal group discussions in which participants continue to communicate about insights gained from formal presentations and the excitement of learning about cutting-edge research in other fields. • Frontiers helps to remove communication barriers between fields and encourages collaborations.
IUSSTF Vision • Facilitate, seed & implement inter-governmental initiatives • Build programs with federal agencies - Create S&T networks for collaborative research • Link American universities with India - Research Internship for student exchange - Faculty fellowship and guest researchers program - Promote US partnerships in new institutions in India - Encourage internship opportunities for US students in Indian Universities • Build academia - industry connect programs - Innovation and Entrepreneurship - Research Clusters - Internships • Mobilize new revenue streams • Promote Indo-US collaboration on engineering education
"Shared Effort; Progress For All" Two great democracies, two innovative economies, two diverse societies dedicated to empowering individualsall across the globe.
We at IUSSTF value your interaction and partnership! INDO-U.S. SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY FORUM Fulbright House, 12 Hailey Road New Delhi 110 001, INDIA Phone: 91-11- 42691700 www.iusstf.org