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The 2014 multi-annual and annual transport work programmes under the Connecting Europe Facility. SPAIN - Madrid 11 November 2014. Objetivos Generales y prioridades - convocatoria de ayudas Mecanismo para Conectar Europa del 11 de septiembre de 2014 Herald Ruijters, Jefe de Unidad
The 2014 multi-annual and annual transport work programmes underthe Connecting Europe Facility SPAIN - Madrid 11 November 2014
Objetivos Generales y prioridades • - convocatoria de ayudas • Mecanismo para Conectar Europa • del 11 de septiembre de 2014 • Herald Ruijters, Jefe de Unidad • RTE-T, DG MOVE (EC) • Carlo De Grandis, Desk España, Unidad RTE-T, DG MOVE (EC)
Key elements of the new TEN-T policy Support implementation of Transport White Paper through new infrastructure policy • Dual layer approach based on an objective methodology • Common deadlines to achieve network • Ambitious standards for all infrastructures • Corridors and coordinators
Connecting Europe Facility: budget • €33.2 billion for trans-European infrastructure • €26.2 billion for transport (Vs ~€8bn for 2007 – 2013) • €14.9 billion for all 28 MS • €11.3 billion for the MS eligible to the Cohesion Fund • €1.1 billion for broadband and digital services • €5.8 billion for energy infrastructure
Priorities for CEF implementation • Major Cross-Border projects on the Corridors • Other cross-border, bottlenecks and multimodal projects on the Core Network and the Corridors • SESAR, ERTMS • Other Telematic Application systems (RIS, ITS, e-Maritime...) • Motorways of the Sea, including LNG • New technologies and innovation • Horizontal priorities to be deployed in priority along the Core Network Corridors
2 Programmes, 5 Calls • Budget: €11Bln • Coverage: • pre-identified projectsalong the 9 Core Network Corridors, • other pre-identified Core Network projects • horizontal priorities (MoS, VTMIS) MAP Multiannual programme Four Calls +/- €12Bln • Budget: €930M • Coverage: • projects on the core and comprehensive network AP Annual programme One Call
Funding Objectives FO1 MAP calls Call €6Bln AP Call FO2 Call €250M Call €930M FO3 Call €750 Call: Cohesioncountries €4Bln
MAP: Objective 1 • Improving cross-border sections, bridging missing links, removing bottlenecks, enhancing rail interoperability
Pre-identified projects (Anejo 1 del MCE) Prioridades horizontales Gestión y servicios innovadores Gestión y servicios innovadores 1. Cielo único europeo– Sistema SESAR 2. Sistemas de aplicaciones telemáticas para tráfico viario, ferroviario, por vías navegables interiores y marítimo (STI, ERTMS, SIF y VTMIS) 3. Puertos marítimos, autopistas del mar y aeropuertos de la red básica, infraestructuras seguras y protegidas Nuevas tecnologías e innovación con arreglo al artículo 33, letras a) a d), del Reglamento (UE) n o 1315/2013
Otros proyectos de la Red Básica • Autopistas del mar Barcelona – Valencia – Livorno (acondicionamientos) • Ferrocarril Bilbao – Pamplona – Zaragoza – Sagunto • Ferrocarril A Coruña – Madrid (servicio de alta velocidad de pasajeros – obras en curso) • Ferrocarril A Coruña – Vigo – Palencia y Gijón – Palencia (obras en curso) • Ferrocarril de alta capacidad: paso transpirenaico central (estudios en curso)
Specific objectives by priority: Objective 1 (1/2) Pre-identified projects on the Core Network • Cross-border connections railways, inland waterways and roads • Removal of bottlenecks and other infrastructure projects railways, inland waterways, maritime infrastructure • Promotion of private-public partnerships (PPP) via studies: technical, legal, financial or feasibility studies Rail interoperability • Easy access to information for users itinerary, time and availability • Compliance of the rail system and its subsystems TSI & other relevant TEN-T requirements (Guidelines) • Simplifying procedures authorization, placing in service and use of rolling stock • Establishment of the Rail Freight Corridors full extension to and integrated development with the core network corridors
Specific objectives by priority: Objective 1 (2/2) • European Rail Traffic Management Systems (ERTMS) • ERTMS deployment • land-based (baseline 2 or 3) & on-board (baseline 3-compatible software version and train retrofitment) • emphasis on cross border sections • Simplifying and facilitating procedures • placing in operation of onboard/land-based components • ascertaining full conformity with Commission Decision 2012/88/EU • Training of ERTMS experts, ERTMS project managers, drivers • Supporting the stability of ERTMS specifications • Addressing specifications issues coming from deployment projects
MAP: Objective 2 Sustainable and efficient transport systems in the long run Decarbonisation all modes of transport
Specific objectives by priority: Objective 2 Deployment of new technologies and innovation • All transport modes sustainability, operation, management, accessibility, multimodality and efficiency of the network Safe and Secure infrastructure • Rest areas on motorways including the provision of relevant information services • Improvement of level crossings of railway lines
MAP: Objective 3 Integration and interconnection of transport modes Interoperability of transport services Accessibility of transport infrastructures
Specific objectives by priority: Objective 3 (1/4) Single European Sky – SESAR • Modernisation of ATM in Europe addressing the inefficiencies in the provision of air navigation services addressing the fragmentation of the European ATM system • Timely and synchronised deployment of SESAR common projects in compliance with Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No. 409/2013 under the coordination of the Deployment Manager (Article 9 of Regulation 409/2013) River Information Services – RIS • RIS deployment (including pilot actions) land-based and on-board components (infrastructure, technologies, equipment including fixed or mobile hardware and software, services and applications, inter-linkage with components of telematic applications of other modes of transport and of logistic services)
Specific objectives by priority: Objective 3 (2/4) Intelligent Transport Services for road – ITS • Cooperative systems vehicle-infrastructure communication, particularly in truly interoperable corridors • Europe-wide traffic and travel information services including inter alia cross border services • Europe-wide traffic management systems optimisetraffic operations on the core network • Systems to enhance road safety and security • Interoperable European Electronic Toll Service systems development and / or deployment Focus on the core network corridors
Specific objectives by priority: Objective 3 (3/4)Motorways of the Sea • Emission reductions and LNG deployment (e.g.): • Meeting SECA requirements, developing infrastructure and standards, • pilot tests for shore based installations, alternative technical and fuelling solutions, bunkering and ship equipment, master plan for investment and deployment • SINGLE WINDOW (e.g.): • Implementation of Reporting Directive, standards, institutional & industrial requirements; port community and logistics information systems • MoS and hinterland corridor integration (e.g.): • Governance, joint ventures, common indicators, rail and inland waterways connections of ports, interoperability (physical + telematic applications). • Safety, traffic management & training • Efficient maritime links: • Increase sustainability and competitiveness • Improved shipping environmental solutions (e.g.): • Technical solutions (including retrofitting), icerouting & icebreaking
Specific objectives by priority: Objective 3 (4/4) TEN-T implementation in urban nodes • Complementarity & connections between TEN-T long-distance and urban/regional traffic Quality standards, integrated planning • "Physical" bottlenecks and missing links within and between transport modes of the TEN-T in urban areas • Information and traffic management systems at the interface both passengers and freight • Deployment of a smart alternative fuels infrastructure road transport early-market introduction of solutions for vehicles powered by clean fuels Multimodal logistics platforms • Effective interconnection and integration between • Platforms: maritime & inland ports, airports and rail-road terminals • Road, rail, inland waterways TEN-T (where necessary through access infrastructure and “last mile” connections)
AP: Objective 1 Improving cross-border sections, bridging missing links, removing bottlenecks and enhancing rail interoperability
Specific objectives by priority: Objective 1 (1/2) Projects on the Core Network • Cross-border connections railways, inland waterways and roads • Removal of bottlenecks and other infrastructure projects railways, inland waterways, maritime infrastructure, including their coordinated development • Promotion of private-public partnerships (PPP) via studies: technical, legal, financial or feasibility studies Projects on the Comprehensive Network • Bridging missing links / facilitating cross-border traffic flows / improving safety /removing bottlenecks when these actions also contribute to the development of the core network/interconnect core network corridors • Preparation of future projects feasibility studies, permission procedures, implementation and evaluation
Specific objectives by priority: Objective 1 (2/2) Connect the trans-European transport network with infrastructure networks of the neighbouring countries • Connecting the transport networks of neighbouring countries to the TEN-T core network (studies) • Completion of transport infrastructure in neighbouring countries which serve as links between parts of the core network in the Union (studies) • Connection of the core network at border crossing points infrastructure necessary to ensure seamless traffic flow, border checks, border surveillance and other border control procedures (studies and works) • Implementation of traffic management systems in neighbouring countries (studies and works) except for RIS which is covered under MAP
AP: Objective 2 Sustainable and efficient transport systems Decarbonisation of all transport modes
Specific objectives by priority: Objective 2 (1/2)Deployment of new technologies and innovation (techonological and organisational solutions) • Comprehensive network (excluding the core network parts): • Decarbonisation energy efficiency, alternative propulsion systems, including electricity supply systems, corresponding infrastructure • Safe, secure and sustainable transport solutions both passenger and freight • Advanced concepts for operation, management, accessibility, interoperability, multi-modality and efficiency of the network Entire comprehensive network (including core network): • Accessible and comprehensible information to all citizens regarding interconnections, interoperability and multi-modality (e.g. multimodal ticketing, coordination of timetables) • Reduce external cost of transport congestion, damage to health, pollution of any kind • Security technology and compatible identification standards • Resilience to climate change • Further advancement of development and deployment of telematic applications (within and between modes of transport)
Specific objectives by priority: Objective 2 (2/2) Freight Transport Services • Deployment of small scale infrastructure and equipment improving efficiency, sustainability, interoperability and safety of the services • Facilitate and promote multimodal transport service operations and systems enhancing integration between modes • Support and promote innovative concepts, products and advanced transport solutions and systems; stimulate collaborative approaches and other measures to improve the efficiency along the supply chain • Stimulate resource and carbon efficiency of freight transport services in individual modes, taking into account their specific characteristics, as well as in multimodal operations Reduce rail freight noise • Retrofitting of rolling stock in line with the Commission decision C(2011) 658 reduce obstacles to internal market and interoperability prevent overutilization of old-rolling stock
AP: Objective 3 Integration and interconnection of transport modes, Interoperability and accessibility
Specific objectives by priority: Objective 3 (1/3)Telematic applications systems other than those covered by the MAP • ITS for road and their interface with other transport modes: • Studies (with pilot deployment): Optimal use of traffic and travel data; interfaces (functional, organisational, technical, or service-related) between transport modes and networks for passengers; vehicle–infrastructure interfaces; business models for ITS deployment; issues of data security and protection and of liability • Support to complement the corridor-related action(s) under MAP E-maritime services: • Deployment of on-shore and on-board equipment • Harmonised specifications of e-maritime services at international level • Deployment of navigation services and applications • Enhancing interoperability and sharing of information between actors • Improving safety, security, sustainability and efficiency • Interconnection with other modes and interoperability of services • Optimising and rationalisingadministrative processes
Specific objectives by priority: Objective 3 (2/3) Better accessibility for disabled persons • Train journey planners Europe-wide, allowing passengers with disabilities and reduced mobility to assess the use of a particular station • Enhanced accessibility during construction, upgrading and renewal of stations (Commission Decision 2008/164/EC). • Creation of inter-modal transport chains accessible to passengers with disabilities and reduced mobility intermodal information, actions to remove missing links between different modes of transport
Specific objectives by priority: Objective 3 (3/3) TEN-T development in core network and urban nodes • Enhancing TEN-T related traffic in urban areas (transfer between modes, through traffic, last mile) • Integrated planning and organisation • Integration of urban nodes into TEN-T corridors • development / testing of new concepts • Development of interface between rail and road (bus coach) Connections to and development of multimodal logistics platforms • Effective interconnection and integration of the infrastructure, • including where necessary through access infrastructure and so called “last mile” connections (road, rail, inland waterways)
Grazias por su atanción http://ec.europa.eu/transport/themes/infrastructure/index_en.htm Herald Ruijters (Head of Unit) Carlo De Grandis (Policy Officer) European Commission DG MOVE Unit B.1 - Trans European network