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Bachelor of Science in Development Studies (180 ECTS, 3 years)

Bachelor of Science in Development Studies (180 ECTS, 3 years). Welcome to the Programme!. TODAY: A brief introduction to the programme (Tobias Axelsson) Important information, Registration, and Support (Elin Brudin) Live@lund. Contact Details: Programme Coordinator. Tobias Axelsson

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Bachelor of Science in Development Studies (180 ECTS, 3 years)

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Bachelor of Science in Development Studies(180 ECTS, 3 years)

  2. Welcome to the Programme! TODAY: • A brief introduction to the programme (Tobias Axelsson) • Important information, Registration, and Support (Elin Brudin) • Live@lund

  3. Contact Details: Programme Coordinator • Tobias Axelsson • tobias.axelsson@ekh.lu.se • Office hours: Wednesdays 12:30 to 14:00 (please email first) • Department of Economic History Scheelevägen 15B Office: 3019 Map of the university: http://www.lu.se/sites/www.lu.se/files/institutionskarta_lund_2012.pdf

  4. Preparation for International Development Issues Project leadership Evaluations Policy analysis Consultancy work Aid and development cooperation Aimed at working within NGOs (Red Cross), Government bodies (Sida, USAID), and international organisations (UN, World Bank) Possibilities for Further Education (Master, Ph.D.)

  5. Year One: Introduction to current economic, social, and political issues in development in a historical perspective Historic overview: Why have some countries developed and not others? Introduction to development theory Post-war development strategies (Theory in practice) The current state of affairs (social, political, and structural transformations in the developing world) Introduction to aid strategies (positive and negative aspects of aid) Development theory (In-depth course with focus on economic theory) Method (qualitative and quantitative) Research Proposal (starting thinking on a topic for the thesis)

  6. Year Two: Specialising and broadening Studies within the four disciplines (economic history, human geography, political science, sociology) Current courses at the departments (English and Swedish) Not only development focus At least 30 ECTS within one of them

  7. Year Three: Development in practice (Compulsory for a Bachelor’s degree in development studies) Development work in practice (teachers from Sida, WB, etc.) In-depth method course Thesis within one of the four disciplines (internship, field work or literature studies)

  8. Programme Structure

  9. A Time Plan to Remember

  10. BIDS: Registration and Support during your studies

  11. Your Academic Advisor Elin Brudin bids@keg.lu.se 046-222 84 17 Room 318, 3rd floor, Geocentrum I, Sölvegatan 10 Appointment: book time by email

  12. Student/Administrative Office Room 117/119: Marie Wiman and Diana Vaduva Opening Hours: Monday, Thursday – 10:00-12:00 Tuesday, Wednesday – 13:00-15:00 • Certificates • Picking up exams/assignments from UTVC-courses or courses in Human Geography Exams and assignments are handed out only on Wednesdays and Thursdays during opening hours – don’t forget to bring your ID-card or passport! www.keg.lu.se/en http://www.keg.lu.se/en/education/study-information

  13. Registration • Online registration through www.student.lu.se (log in with your student account) • Deadlines individual for each course and are announced in the welcome e-mail • On the Student portal choose from the menu: Registration – Course/Programme registration • Remember to choose the correct semester and follow the registration until the confirmation is shown on the screen • Registration on the first programme course = enrollment on the programme • UTVC11 registration is open only today, August 29th! Problem with registration? Make sure to e-mail bids@keg.lu.se.

  14. Important to remember • You have to apply for courses each semester through www.antagning.se. You will however always receive information about this before it is time to apply • Full time: 7.5 credits = 7.5 ECTS credits = 5 weeks. 30 credits per semester • Different courses might have different administrators and administrative routines – always read the welcome e-mail to each course! • Important links and information will be published on the Live@Lund course platform, on your programme page

  15. Pedagogical Support • You must have a certificate stating that your disability is permanent • Visit http://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/student-life/preparing-to-come/students-with-disabilities for more information • Remember that assessment of your application might take time – Apply as soon as possible! Questions? Contact: Christel Berg christel.berg@stu.lu.se or telephone: 046-222 34 90

  16. Academic Support Centre (ASC) • Academicwriting process • Speaking and presentations skills • Reading and studyskills Making an appointment and additional information: http://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/current-students/academic-matters-support/the-academic-support-centre

  17. AWELU: Academic Writing in English at Lund University Online resource Platform for self-help http://awelu.srv.lu.se/ • Genres and text types • The writing process • Grammar and words • Sources and referencing • Academicintegrity • Templates, material, glossary

  18. STUDENT HEALTH CENTRE • Examanxiety • Effective stress managment • Advice on ergonomics • Sleep deprivation Make an appointment and find out more: http://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/current-students/health-care/student-health-counselling

  19. Library Service Yourlibraryis: Social Sciences FacultyLibrary http://www.sambib.lu.se/en/ • Course and reference literature • Electronic literature • Subject guides • Chat with a librarian • Book a librarian • Copying and printing • Computer rooms • Group rooms • Search techniques and Information Literacy

  20. BIDS: Live@Lund, your study platform

  21. Live@Lund https://liveatlund.lu.se Platform for: • Your programme • Your batch • Your courses Log in with your student account Check the announcements regularly Fill in your profile – including cell phone number

  22. Mentorship programme

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