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Biology Vocabulary

Biology Vocabulary. Word Group IV. PROPERTY. A quality that describes an object. ORGANISM. A living thing that can carry out all the basic life activities. KINGDOM. One of the five groups into which living things are classified. TAXONOMY.

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Biology Vocabulary

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  1. Biology Vocabulary Word Group IV

  2. PROPERTY A quality that describes an object

  3. ORGANISM A living thing that can carry out all the basic life activities

  4. KINGDOM One of the five groups into which living things are classified

  5. TAXONOMY The science of classifying organisms based on the features they share

  6. MICROORGANISM An organism that is too small to be seen without a microscope

  7. PROTIST An organism that usually is one-celled and has plant-like or animal-like properties

  8. ALGAE Protists that make their own food and usually live in water

  9. PROTOZOAN A protist that has animal-like qualities

  10. FLAGELLUM A whip-like tail that helps some one-celled organisms move (plural is flagella)

  11. CILIA Hair-like structures that help some one-celled organisms move

  12. PSEUDOPOD Part of some one-celled organisms that sticks out like a foot to move the cell along

  13. AMOEBA A protozoan that moves by pushing out parts of its cell

  14. FUNGUS An organism that usually has many cells and decomposes material for its food (plural is fungi)

  15. DECOMPOSE To break down or decay matter into simpler substances

  16. PARASITE An organism that absorbs food from a living organism and harms it

  17. MONERAN An organism, usually one-celled, that does not have organelles

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