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Roosevelt's New Deal: Overcoming Obstacles and Rebuilding America

Delve into FDR's journey from adversity to leadership, reshaping the nation with his New Deal during the Great Depression. Discover how his innovative policies brought relief, recovery, and reform.

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Roosevelt's New Deal: Overcoming Obstacles and Rebuilding America

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  1. Ch. 9-1-1 FDR Offers Relief and Recovery

  2. Why It Matters • Faith in democracy shaken • Germany, Italy and Japan turned to dictators to help • The New Deal proved democracy could prevail

  3. Roosevelt Takes Charge • 1928 Hoover had no chance to lose • 1932 however, had no chance to win • 25% unemployed • Bank failures all over • Hunger was rampant • Franklin D. Roosevelt from New York, accepted the Democratic Party’s nomination

  4. Roosevelt Overcame Obstacles • FDR was privileged growing up • Went to elite schools and colleges • 1905 married distant cousin Eleanor Roosevelt • Theodore was Eleanor’s uncle and FDR’s fifth cousin

  5. Obstacles Continued • 1921 while vacationing • Fell in the water off a boat • Chilly waters of the North Atlantic • High fever and pain in back and legs • Diagnosed with polio • May not have had polio • 1938 started the March of Dimes • Asked everyone in America to send a dime • Did not let this stop his political career

  6. Voters Elect a New President • FDR pledged a “New Deal” • Hoover believed the local and state government should fight Depression • FDR believed it should come from the federal government • Beat Hoover by more then 7 million votes

  7. Putting Together a Winning Team • Got help from professionals and academics (men and women) known as the “Brain Trust” • Nominated two Republicans to work for him • Henry Wallace and Harold Ickes • Frances Perkins - Sec of Labor, first woman in cabinet • Wife Eleanor was instrumental • Bonus Army came back • FDR sent her to show the government cared

  8. The First Hundred Days Provide Instant Action • 15 bills passed by President and Congress • First New Deal had three goals • Relief • Recovery • Reform

  9. FDR Swiftly Restores the Nation’s Confidence • Banks closed - people went to withdraw their money • The Emergency Banking Bill passed • Gave FDR power to work with banks • Created a four-day “holiday” • Fireside Chats • Reassured Americans • Communicated with Americans

  10. Reforming the Financial System • Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) • Insured bank deposits up to $5,000 • Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) • Made it safer to invest in the stock market • Runs on banks ended and stock market stabilized

  11. Helping Farmers • Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA) • End overproduction and end low prices • Financial aid to not plant all land and kill some livestock off • Some thought this was immoral • 1934 farm prices began to rise

  12. The TVA Aids Rural Southerners • Tennessee River valley people were the poorest in the nation • Few had electricity, running water, or proper sewage systems • 1933 Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) created • Created dams to control floods and generate power • Replanted forest and created jobs • Some thought this was “socialist” • Still survives today

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