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Vocabulary Ch 9-1 Classical Europe

Vocabulary Ch 9-1 Classical Europe. Classical – relate to ancient Greek and Roman. Polis – Greek term (city-state). Democracy – citizens choose nations leaders by voting (Direct rule of the people). Philosophy – from Greek “love of wisdom.

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Vocabulary Ch 9-1 Classical Europe

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  1. Vocabulary Ch 9-1 Classical Europe

  2. Classical – relate to ancient Greek and Roman

  3. Polis – Greek term (city-state)

  4. Democracy – citizens choose nations leaders by voting(Direct rule of the people)

  5. Philosophy – from Greek “love of wisdom

  6. Republic – strong national gov’t headed by elected leaders

  7. Consuls – elected chief official of Roman republic

  8. Senate – supreme council of ancient Roman Republic

  9. Emperor – absolute ruler of an empire

  10. Vocabulary Ch 9-2 Medieval Europe

  11. Bishop – official of Christian Church

  12. Pope – Head of Roman Catholic Church

  13. Missionary-Teacher of Christianity

  14. Monastery-Place where monks live, pray, and study

  15. Convent-Place where nuns live, pray, and study

  16. Common Law-Unwritten set of laws based on local customs

  17. Feudalism-Political and social system in which a lord gave land to a noble to work, govern, and defend, in return for the nobles loyalty Medieval political and social system

  18. Vassal-Noble in medieval society who swore loyalty to a lord in return for land

  19. Manor-Feudal estate made up of a manor house or castle and land The feudal estate and basic economic unit

  20. Serf-Peasant laborer

  21. Tenant-Farmer or others who pays rent to another for use of land or property

  22. Guild-Medieval workers’ organization

  23. Apprentice-Young worker who learned a trade or skill from a master teacher

  24. Charter-Written agreement guaranteeing privileges and freedoms

  25. Ch 9-3 The Beginning of Modern Time

  26. Indulgences – pardons for sins, given or sold by Catholic Church

  27. Protestant – person who “protested” Catholic practices

  28. Reform – to improve by changing

  29. Columbian Exchange – people disease, ideas & trade distributed around world

  30. Revolution - great & often violent change

  31. Divine Right of Kings – belief that royalty ruled by will of God

  32. Parliament – supreme legislative body in UK & other countries

  33. Constitution – formal agreement that establishes basis for country’s laws

  34. Classical Greece Polis Democracy Athens Philosophy Socrates Plato Aristotle Sparta Alexander the Great Alexandria Culture City state Peloponnesian War Rome Italian Peninsula Republic Consuls Senate Roman Law Land owners Twelve Tables Roman Empire Caesar Augustus Pax Romana Christianity Germanic Peoples Eastern Roman Empire Guided Reading 9-1Word Bank

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