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Mastering the Art of Reviews: Unleashing the Power of Critique

Learn about the essence of reviews, how to analyze different types of content, and craft engaging critiques. Discover the elements that make a review compelling and how to structure your own detailed assessments.

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Mastering the Art of Reviews: Unleashing the Power of Critique

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  1. Year 8 Reviews

  2. Lesson 1

  3. Review what you know What is a review? Is it : • A summary which tells you what something is about (stand on one leg if you think this is correct). • A list of quotes (put your right hand on your hip if you think this is correct) • An opinion of what you think about something ( Put both hands on your ears if you think this is correct).

  4. What types of things can we review? Try to remember everything you see! Films Books Plays Poems Shops Food Music Schools Holidays Your teachers!

  5. What do reviews normally have in them? Reviews

  6. Read the first film review Now go back to the mind map and see if you can add anything else.

  7. With a coloured pencil, colour in any words which make the article seem exciting. Many are tipping Slumdog Millionaire to win this year's Oscar for Best Film. I don't think it will, but it deserves to win many hearts with its mixture of exhilaratingromance, shocking and rags-to-riches fairytale. There won't be many films in 2009 that are this vibrant or energetic.

  8. Try to identify the areas were the critic is being positive and negative about the film. I don't think it will, but it deserves to win many hearts with its mixture of exhilarating romance, shocking and rags-to-riches fairytale. There won't be many films in 2009 that are this vibrant or energetic. Negative Positive

  9. Annotate the whole article Now you need to label the things we associate with film reviews. Example : Ratings RATING OUT OF FIVE: Three Film rating

  10. Make sure you identify and label the following: • Rating • Writer • Date of the review • Title of film • Age certificate • Picture • Actor’s names • Summary of the film (what happens) • Including the audience: ‘we’ and ‘us’ • Personal opinion : using ‘I’ • A one line summary

  11. Extension Task 1) Copy out the tick list on the last slide for homework. 2) Read the next film review and highlight the exciting and interesting phrases. 3) As a class, explain why this phrases and words make the review interesting.

  12. Homework • You must write your own film review for a film you have seen recently. • You must include all the tick list information and tick the boxes as you write the article. • This must be at least one page long.

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