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Survey of Revelation. Seer—1 Sam. 9:9 One who saw things other could not see. Prophet One who spoke under divine impulse. Apokalupsis. an uncovering an unveiling a disclosure. Survey of Revelation. 96 AD Irenaeus Domitian (Sept. 13, 81 AD—Sept 18, 96 AD)
Seer—1 Sam. 9:9 One who saw things other could not see. Prophet One who spoke under divine impulse
Apokalupsis an uncovering an unveiling a disclosure
Survey of Revelation 96 AD Irenaeus Domitian (Sept. 13, 81 AD—Sept 18, 96 AD) Clement of Alexandria Origen Victorinus Eusebius Jerome
96 AD the spiritual decline of the seven churches Nicolaitans John’s exile
Historical O.T. prophecies had historical fulfillments The things which much shortly come to pass are events. what must begin to occur soon 1:3--the time is at hand 22:6—the things which must shortly be done 22:10—the time is at hand
1:19 1. Write the things which thou hast seen (ch.1) 2. And the things which are (ch.2 & 3) 3. And the things which shall be hereafter. (introduced in 4:1—[Come up here, & I will show thee things which must be hereafter.] and goes to end of the book) 5:1—John saw a scroll 6:1—Lamb opens first seal
Key Verse Rev.17:14 “These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall over come them, for He is Lord of lords, and King of kings, and they that are with Him are called, and chosen, and faithful.”
Historicist—from John’s day to the end • Preterist (Alcasar)—“gone by” (70, 325, 476) • Futurist (Ribera)—just before the end of time • Spiritual, Idealist, Philosophy of History— trans-temporal
Meaning • What is predicted? • Given the prediction, how should I live?
Core of Revelation Seven Seals Seven Trumpets Seven Bowls of Wrath Parallel? Continuous?
Continuous Historical Structure 1. Daniel 2. Other Apocalyptic Writings 3. Internal Indicators 4. 7th Seal, 7th Trumpet, 7th Bowl 5. The Three Woes (8:13; 9:12; 11:14)
Special Blessing Read Hear Keep
Understanding Revelation 1. General Knowledge of the Bible 2. Knowledge of History 3. Special Knowledge of O.T. Prophets 4. Knowledge of Bible Symbols
Why Symbols? 1. Predicted the Downfall of Governments 2. To Conceal the Meaning from All but the Dedicated 3. Oriental Beauty 4. Encrypted for Ambiguity
Daniel’s Fourth Beast (Dan.7) Rome Amos 3:7 Ax.15:18
Chapter One Introduction v.10—Alpha and Omega Prophet, Priest, King “What thou seest, write in a book”
Survey of Revelation Skip the First Five Chapters Leave Off the Last Two Chapters Skip Other Intermittent Portions Depending on Time Focus Mainly on Nine Chapters: 6, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 16, 17, 20
Chapters Two and Three Letters to the Seven Churches
Chapters Four and Five The Almighty on His Throne (4:2) The 24 Elders (4:4) The Four Living Creatures (4:6) The Seven-Sealed Scroll (5:1) The Lamb as It Had Been Slain (5:6)
Scrolls Seven-Sealed Scroll Written on Both Sides Seven Trumpets Seven Bowls 4-2-1 Pattern The Little Scroll (ch.10) (Ezekiel 2:9-3:9)
Chapter Six The present is the past rolled up for action. The past is the present unrolled for our understanding. Those who can’t remember the past are condemned to repeat it. The study of history is the best medicine for a sick mind.
World Empires Babylon—spread the Jews Medo-Persia—restored worship Greece—common precise language Rome—paxRomana, roads, etc.
Roman Emperors Julius Ceasar (d.44 BC) Augustus (27 BC-14 AD) Tiberius (14-37) Caligula (37-41) Claudius (41-54) Nero (54-68) Galba (68-69) Otho (69) Vitellius (69) Vespasian (69-79) Titus (79-81) Domitian (81-96)
Patmos eight miles long five miles wide coastline deeply indented harbor forty miles from Asian mainland harbor sixty-five miles from Ephesus
In the Spirit “What Immortal Hand or Eye Could Frame Thy Fearful Symmetry?” Seals Horsemen
The Four Horsemen (6:1-8) Zechariah 1:7-11; 6:1-8 The Romans believed the horse was sacred to Mars, their god of war. White, Red, Black, Pale The Course of Empire Through War
The First Seal (6:1-2) White Horse—Triumph and Prosperity Bow—Cretan Crown—stephanos, laurel wreath Diadem not adopted by Roman Emperors until Diocletian (292 AD)
White Horse (96 AD-183 AD) • Nerva (Cretan)(96-98) • Trajan (98-117) • Hadrian (117-138) • Antoninus Pius (138-161) • Marcus Aurelius (161-180) “the finest succession of great sovereigns the world has ever had”—Renan “the five good emperors”—Encyclopedia Britannica Vol. VII, p.264 “The Age of the Antonines”
Edward Gibbon (1737-1794) Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (Modern Library edition, Vol.1, p.70)
Second Seal (6:3-4) Red Horse Civil War (192-284) Commodus (180-192) peace was taken from the earth Great Sword (makairos) Praetorian Guard “The earth” is the world of the first century reader, the Roman world and its people.
Four Sore Judgments Ezekiel 5:16,17 Ezekiel 14:21 Sword Scarcity Pestilence Wild Animals Diocletian became emperor in 284.
Third Seal (6:5-6) Black Horse (235-285) scarcity tending toward famine inflation balances denarius a day’s wages oil and wine liter (choenix) of wheat for a denarius
Fourth Seal (6:7-8) Pale Horse greenish gray, livid, ashen, the color of death Death and Hades a fourth of the earth Gibbon 1: 244, 245
Fifth Seal (6:9-11) The Martyrs temple altar souls white robes
Ten General Pagan Persecutions 1. Nero (64 AD) 2. Domitian (81 AD) 3. Trajan (108) 4. Marcus Aurelius (162) 5. Septimius Severus (193) 6. Maximus (235) 7. Decius (249) 8. Valerian (257) 9. Aurelian (274) 10.Diocletian (303) Gibbon says Diocletian in 303 “declared in a series of edicts his intention of abolishing the Christian name”
Sixth Seal (6:12-17) earthquake—the destruction of an existing system The Pagan Roman Empire Constantine Oct.28, 312 AD—Battle of the Mulvian Bridge 319—stronger edict of toleration 321—all labor cease on Sunday 324—sole emperor 325—abolished gladiatorial combats 330—moved capital to Byzantium/Constantinople 331—declared that paganism should no longer exist
Will DurantCaesar and Christ, p.652 “The blood of the martyrs,” wrote Tertullian, “is seed.” There is no greater drama in human record than the sight of a few Christians, scorned or oppressed by a succession of emperors, bearing all trials with a fierce tenacity, multiplying quietly, building order while their enemies generated chaos, fighting the sword with the word, brutality with hope, and at last defeating the strongest state that history has known. Caesar and Christ had met in the arena, and Christ had won.”
Nicean Council, 325 AD Trinitarians—homoousion, one in essence Arians—homoiousion, one in character
Chapter Seven Interlude between the opening of the Sixth and Seventh Seals Four Angels Holding Back the Four Winds Boreas—north wind Eurus—east wind Zephyrus—west wind Notus—south wind North, East, West, South = NEWS
The Sealing of the Israel of God Distinguishes God’s people from “Christians” in name only Not visible to humans, but denotes God’s knowledge of the redeemed Ezekiel 9 & 10 144,000 are sealed out of the 12 tribes Ephraim & Dan were the principal promoters of idolatry
The 144,000 are the faithful to God in the 4th century. The innumerable multitude in v.9 shows a proleptic scene of the saved of all ages. In v.4, John heard. In v.9, he saw. White Robes
Chapter Eight v.1—Seventh Seal v.2—Seven Trumpets v.3,4—Prayers v.5—the fire of divine judgment (Ezekiel 10)
The First Four Trumpets The trumpet is a symbol of God’s intervention in history. Earth, Sea, Rivers & Springs, Sun moon & stars One third of the empire is the western empire. Included Britain, Gaul, Spain, Italy, western part of the north coast of Africa
Mixture of Literal with Figurative Essential to the Nature of Symbolism Impossible to take it all literally or all symbolically. Contact with reality would be lost. Gen.37:9 Ps.80:8-11; Jer.1:13; 3:6; Ezek 27; 32
The Barbarian Invasions Death of Theodosius (Jan.17, 395) 1st Trumpet: Alaric & the Goths (410) 2nd Trumpet: Genseric & the Vandals (422-455) 3rd Trumpet: Attila & the Huns (452) 4th Trumpet: Odoacer & the Heruli (476) Odoacer—first barbarian king of Italy Last Western Emperor—Romulus Augustulus Paul’s restraint (2Thes.2:6) was taken away.
Woe, Woe, Woe Introduced in 9:1; 9:13; 11:15
Chapter 9 Fifth Trumpet (9:1-12) Mohammed Kaaba in Mecca Bottomless Pit—the Abyss Smoke—False Doctrine Koran
Mohammed (570-632) 1st wife—Khadija Cousin—Ali The Night of Power—610 Abu Beker brought five Meccan Leaders 612—Public Proclamation
Locusts (v.3) Judges 6:5 Nahum 3:15 Joel 1 & 2 Arab—Arid Saracens--Easterners