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Faculty Development Gap Analysis and Product Development. Addendum. Faculty Development Gap Analysis Laureate Higher Education Group Network Products and Service. Project Staff Carmen (Lizy) Lamboy, Ed.D. Director Faculty Development February, 2009 Laureate Higher Education Group
Faculty Development Gap Analysis and Product Development Addendum
Faculty Development Gap Analysis Laureate Higher Education GroupNetwork Products and Service Project Staff Carmen (Lizy) Lamboy, Ed.D. Director Faculty Development February, 2009 Laureate Higher Education Group Network Products and Service To request additional information, please contact Laureate Higher Education Group Network Products and Service 701 Brickell Ave., Suite 860 Miami, FL 33131 (786) 425-0370
Sources of Data • Faculty Development Needs Assessment • UNITEC and UDLA Report on LASPAU Activities • UEM Professional Development Plan Report • Inventory Survey
Faculty Development Needs Assessment • NPS identified the needs at each university by administering an online Needs Assessment instrument to faculty members of several LIU schools in Latin America, US, and Brazil • Created specifically to identify the needs of each institution from the perspective of the professors • Global report available upon request • Reports per institution are also available • N=883
Findings • Professional development activities in the area of online teaching should be explored due to the possibility of impacting a large group of instructors and the need is great in most segments of the population. • Attention should be provided to the achievement of advancing the academic degrees of the faculty, especially in Education and Business Administration. NPS should be an instrument that opens up possibilities for assisting schools to advance the degrees of their faculty by 1) offering high-quality, discounted or tuition assisted programs to all faculty notwithstanding the type of contract, 2) internally communicating degree-seeking opportunities to faculty across the network.
Findings • The top three professional development activities are: 1) offering in-depth knowledge seminars pertaining different fields of study; 2) providing workshops at different levels of educational technology; and 3) providing faculty with opportunities to improve their English skills for teaching and learning. • NPS should utilize and recognize local efforts and strategic plans as priorities and vision are set and leverage best-practices by sharing ideas and adopting processes from different universities as well as respect the diversity and uniqueness of some of the LIU partners. • Due to the richness of resources available in the LIU network and the perception faculty has of current initiatives, NPS should follow a systematic process of identifying not only if current assets are available within the network, but making decisions on whether to develop these assets internally or outsource them.
UNITEC and UDLA Report on LASPAU Activities • UNITEC and UDLA representatives (n=2) responded to a survey which asked specifically about their relationship with LASPAU. • LASPAU provides consultant services by providing faculty and administrators with training in the area of competencies and standards in the design, delivery, and management of quality environments that promote effective teaching and learning at both an institutional and classroom level. • Customized programs • In the case of their work with UDLA, they are also working on developing math content-specific training.
Findings • Considering both UNITEC and UDLA professors who have been trained to facilitate workshops on LASPAU materials, LIU counts with 52 trainers. • Content for training involves both administrators and faculty. Provides faculty and administrators with training in the area of competencies and standards in the design, delivery, and management of quality environments that promote effective teaching and learning at both an institutional and classroom level.
Findings • Program Evaluation piece in order to identify QA and University Impact not clear. • Creation of LASPAU hosted communications Web site to promote the interchange of current information on student-centered learning, provide access to resources which are useful for faculty, Serve as support mechanism to the SENECA (UNITEC) program was not effective due to server problems and additional log in for faculty. • Investment with LASPAU $731,296.00.
UEM Professional Development Plan Report • UEM provided a report that summarized the Faculty Professional Development Plan • Based on Needs Assessment • Description of programs being developed since the incorporation of UEM to the Laureate Network • Current and Future Evaluation of programs • It is part of the “Vicerrectorado de Política Científica y Profesorado y por el área de Desarrollo de Recursos Humanos” • Plan for Professional Development was created based on the results of the Needs assessment and Survey on Work Environment carried out in 2007
Ideal Faculty profile • Design and plan the teaching-learning process • Select and present content appropriately • Offer comprehensible information and explanations • Integrate technology in education • Use appropriate teaching methods and learning strategies • Relate constructively with students • Provide assistance and guidance to students • Evaluate learning and the skills acquired • Reflect and carry out research about learning: theirs and their students.
Contents • Active methodologies (16 hours) • Active learning methods and techniques • Evaluating Learning (12 hours) • Assessment of Learning, Alternative Assessments • Developing Student Competencies (12 hours) • How to develop competencies for real world: communications abilities, team building, values, ethics and other transversal competencies which all alumnae should present • Educational Research (10 hours) • Develop the ability of systematically reflect on their teaching in order to innovate and measure results in a variety of formats (qualitative, quantitative, research in action, etc.). • Educational Technology • Incorporating virtual environments and technology
Complementary Activities • Teacher Training Program (In English) • Research and Development (Doctoral Seeking students) • Academic Advising Skill Development • English Language Training
Faculty Development Inventory • Target sample: CAE Directors, CAO, Academic Directors (Anyone in charge of Faculty Development within the University) (From here on referred to as Administrators) • The Faculty Development Inventory collected input and feedback on: • Types of faculty development programs and activities in place • Future plans for faculty development • Needs to offer professional development
Faculty Development Inventory • Purpose • Understanding the needs and perceptions of the different institutions regarding faculty development • identify best practices throughout the LIU network.
Participants (n=6) • Universidad del Valle de Mexico • UDLA-Ecuador • Universidad Europea de Madrid • Kendall College • Universidade Anhembi Morumbi • Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)
Defining the Laureate-Wide Profile • What is the faculty profile at each LIU university? • What traits are found across the board? • What is the profile of an LIU Faculty?
Initial Profiles: UVM • 1. Amplio conocimiento y dominio actualizado de la disciplina que imparta, avalado por las credenciales académicas expedidas por instituciones reconocidas. • 2. Tener conocimiento y conciencia sobre la realidad del país. • 3. Ser altamente competente como profesionista, teniendo por lo menos cinco años de experiencia laboral reconocida. • 4. Contar con experiencia docente como mínimo de tres años. • 5. Tener amplia cultura general. • 6. Compromiso con la formación de los estudiantes y verdadera vocación docente. • Técnico-pedagógicas • 1. Dominio de las estrategias didácticas de vanguardia. • 2. Incorporación de las TIC en el proceso educativo • 3. Capacidad emprendedora, creativa y de innovación en la práctica docente. • Interpersonales • 1. Capacidad en el manejo de relaciones interpersonales, creando un ambiente de armonía y respeto. • 2. Vinculado con el contexto social y el mercado laboral. • 3. Visión internacional, apertura hacia la interculturalidad, así como conocimiento del contexto global. • 4. Disposición y habilidad para el trabajo colegiado. • 5. Dinámico y Motivador. • 6. Apertura y capacidad de autocrítica. • 7. Comunicación efectiva oral y escrita tanto en el idioma español y en buena medida en el idioma inglés. • 8. Ser modelo positivo a seguir por los estudiantes demostrando tener una participación responsable en la sociedad. • 9. Respeto y apego al código ético y a los valores institucionales. • De aprendizaje permanente • 1. Capacidad de investigar y aprender por cuenta propia. • 2. Cultura de formación continua y permanente • 3. Aprende por iniciativa e interés propio a lo largo de la vida.
Initial Profiles: UEM • Estas competencias docentes se concretan en que el profesor sea capaz de: • Diseñar y planificar el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje • Seleccionar y presentar adecuadamente contenidos disciplinares • Ofrecer informaciones y explicaciones comprensibles • Manejar didácticamente las TIC • Gestionar los métodos didácticos y estrategias de aprendizaje • Relacionarse constructivamente con los alumnos • Tutelar eficazmente a los alumnos • Evaluar los aprendizajes y los procesos para adquirirlos • Reflexionar e investigar sobre la enseñanza (incluyendo la suya propia)
Tuition Assistance or Reimbursement Programs • 100% of the sample mentioned that they do offer some type of tuition assistance or reimbursement program but differ by university • Important to note is that all formats of the needs assessment survey demonstrated that a large percentage, ranging from 75% to 96% of faculty expect the university to offer tuition assistance or reimbursement, but 40% to 62.6% do not know that their university offers any type of aid.
Policies for Tuition Assistance Programs • At UVM, it is sometimes required to receive a recommendation by the Chief Academic Officer
Tuition Assistance or Reimbursement Programs • Data from the needs Assessment reveals that an overwhelming majority in all universities described themselves as part-time faculty; ranging from 45.2% in the final English survey to 84.3% in the pilot English survey. • These findings demonstrate that tuition reimbursement or tuition assistance program of some kind would be important to further the professional development of the faculty, and that the assistance should include part time and full time faculty.
Perspectives from administrators • In need for a comprehensive system, in particular for hourly teachers. Hourly teachers, don't necessarily feel the Laureate brand as a differentiator. • A big plus for the Laureate network would be a system whereby teachers could receive workshops or programs, mostly online (for example from Walden) with a "Laureate" label and in Spanish. • Include the Laureate brand in these activities to foster the teacher’s loyalty. • Link the individual assessments with workshops or programs to enhance faculty’s pedagogical skills
Perspectives from administrators • Follow up sessions on PBL methodology application • Session on evaluation of student learning • Workshop on assessment of general competencies • Sessions on academic best practices presented by professors of the different schools.
PD Plans FY 2009 • The aim at UVM is to link the weaknesses and strengths detected through the teacher evaluation system with a formal training scheme to enhance the teachers´ pedagogical skills and effective teaching techniques. • An added plus would be to find a concrete way to give the teachers a feeling of being part of a worldwide network such as Laureate
PD Plans FY 2009 • UEM has defined a global training plan for the UEM employees for 2009, allocating the required budget. • As it regards development activities for faculty, priorities will be: • Teacher training • English improvement plan • Management skills for faculty managers
PD Plans FY 2009 • UPC has included in their plan: • Continuing education for professors • Assessment of General Competencies • Development of virtual tools for education • Development of an educational model for on line programs • Diploma and Magister on Higher Education for full time UPC professors
A word of guidance to Laureate CAE Measures of Success Quality Assurance & Positive Impact
Measuring Success • When including Quality Assurance piece in each of the initiatives on the CAE, it is important to use these criteria to measure QA and Institutional Effectiveness.
Additional measures of Success • Laureate CAE should consider the following when measuring positive impact or quality assurance • Interaction with and sense of being part of the Laureate network for hourly teachers • Increased student engagement and retention • Exchange of educational best practices among Laureate Universities. • Number of participants in the training programs offered by CAE • Increased number of Accredited Laureate Universities
Investments with LASPAU UNITEC and UDLA
LASPAU @ UNITEC Investment • This does not include transportation of participants if workshops are outside of Honduras, nor translations or translation equipment when the facilitator only speaks English. To date, budget for 2006 and 2007 have been used, and 30% of the budget for 2008.
LASPAU @ UDLAInvestment • US 372,812.00 • It has been two years • 2006 – Agreement signed • 2007 – Initial steps • 2008 – facilitators developed