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Dressed Spin Studies with Polarized 3 He. Andrea Esler & Jen-Chieh Peng (UIUC). Steve Lamoreaux & Chen-Yu Liu (LANL). Dressed Spin. Strong RF fields change the effective magnetic moments of neutrons and 3He First 3He spin dressing measurements performed in April 2005
Dressed Spin Studies with Polarized 3He Andrea Esler & Jen-Chieh Peng (UIUC) Steve Lamoreaux & Chen-Yu Liu (LANL)
Dressed Spin Strong RF fields change the effective magnetic moments of neutrons and 3He • First 3He spin dressing measurements performed in April 2005 • Change of 3He Larmor frequency with a dressing field has been observed. In the B0<<B1 limit, the g factor modification has a simple formula
Effective g factor vs. RF field strength: Dressed Neutron Spin already observed Muskat, PRL 58(20), 1987 Numerical simulations reproduced these results Fits the J0(gB1/w) prediction
Critical dressing equalizes precession rates • Reduce the effect of B0 [instability] on the two species • A check of gn=g3: scintillation no longer modulated Crossing points equalize neutron and 3He g factors: Effective dressed g factors: neutron 3He
Polarized 3He Source Spin flip region 3He detector Injection nozzle Quadrupole analyzer 1 K cold head Quadrupole separator 4 m Experiment Solenoid field 8 Gauss 3He detector RGA Spin polarizer Spin analyzer B1rf 90 cm
Adding an RF dressing field slows down spin precession between the flip coils (or speeds it up…) & changes the minimum transmission frequency Ramsey experiment technique (SOF) Images courtesy Sussex Neutron EDM group Free precession Incoming 3He p/2 pulse Second p/2 pulse +1 Z component of nuclear spin Analyzer & Counter -1 accepts P=+1 state When the RF pulses are applied on resonance (at the Larmor frequency) the 3He spin direction is completely reversed (minimal transmission)
3He experiment setup Ramsey coils and dressing coils are inside the solenoid source solenoid to analyzer and RGA detector polarizer
3He beam polarization: P > 95% Unpolarized transmission Full beam transmission RGA pressure reading ” p pulse” field setting Spin-flip magnetic field B1 x distance Dec. 2004: P=99.6% was measured with better shielding
From Dec. 2004 meeting: 1 K “Maxwell” dist. Accepted velocities Img. courtesy S. Lamoreaux • Polarization (as fn. of B1) averages over 3He velocities • P(B1) measures Fourier cosine transform of velocity spectrum • Invert the FT to measure N(v): Velocity spectrum deduced from April measurements needs to be calibrated, but we expect agreement
3He beam background pressure open and closed shutter 6 nTorr the same, log scale 0.01 nTorr
Mapping the dressing field Dressing magnet coil
Dressing coil field map Average field: 1.6 Gauss / Ampere
3He dressed spin results I Dressing field frequency 43.5 kHz Increasing dressing field Minimal transmission rate observed at the 3He Larmor precession frequency
3He Larmor Freq. Dressed at 43.5 kHz Max B field 5.8 G Inconsistent with simple formula; B0~B1
43.5 kHz data vs. simulation Rough agreement with Bloch-equation simulations – I am working to refine the code
3He dressed spin results II Dressing field frequency 8.1 kHz Increasing dressing field
3He Larmor Freq. Dressed at 8.1 kHz Max B field 1.6 G
Outlook • Continue analysis • Understand observed Larmor freq. behavior • Upcoming measurements (this week) will emulate EDM experimental conditions • More intense dressing fields over smaller volume (new coils already built) • Smaller B0 (limited by earth’s field ~5 G) • Larger dressing field frequency ~50-100 kHz