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(. SIDIS with SoLID and a polarized 3 He target. SoLID Collaboration Meeting October 14-15, 2011. Haiyan Gao Duke University Durham, NC, U.S.A. Imaging the Nucleon three-dimensions (example, GPD).
( SIDIS with SoLID and a polarized 3He target SoLID Collaboration Meeting October 14-15, 2011 Haiyan Gao Duke University Durham, NC, U.S.A.
Imaging the Nucleonthree-dimensions (example, GPD) Fourier transform in momentum transfer x < 0.1 x ~ 0.3 x ~ 0.8 gives transverse spatial distribution of quark (parton) with momentum fraction x What about three-dimensional momentum space?
Lepton Scattering ----- A powerful tool x=1维纵向动量 tagging the struck quark through leading hadrons (semi-inclusive DIS) to image in 3-momentum space 8 New TMD PDFs f1(x,kT), .. h1(x,kT)
All Leading Twist TMDs Nucleon Spin Quark Spin h1= f1= Boer-Mulder g1 = h1L= Helicity h1T = Transversity f1T= g1T= h1T= Sivers Pretzelosity
Access Parton Distributions through Semi-Inclusive DIS Unpolarized Boer-Mulders Polarized Target Transversity Sivers Pretzelosity Polarized Beam and Target SL, ST: Target Polarization; e: Beam Polarization
Separation of Collins, Sivers and pretzelocity effects through angular dependence SIDIS SSAs depend on 4-D variables (x, Q2, z and PT ) Large angular coverage and precision measurement of asymmetries in 4-D phase space is essential.
TMDs in SIDIS Cross Section f1 = h1= Boer-Mulder h1L= Worm Gear g1 = Helicity g1T= Worm Gear h1T = Transversity f1T= Sivers h1T= Pretzelosity SL, ST: Target Polarization; le: Beam Polarization Jin Huang <jinhuang@jlab.org>
JLab E06‑010 Experiment Luminosity Monitor • Polarized 3He Target, > 60% with beam, world record • Polarized Electron Beam • ~80% Polarization • Fast Flipping at 30Hz • PPMLevel Charge Asymmetry controlled by online feed back • BigBite at 30º as Electron Arm • Pe = 0.7 ~ 2.2 GeV/c • HRSL at 16º as Hadron Arm • Ph = 2.35 GeV/c Beam Polarimetry (Møller + Compton) Spokespersons: Chen, Cisbani, Gao, Jiang and Peng
Results on Neutron • Sizable Collins π+ asymmetries at x=0.34? • Sign of violation of Soffer’s inequality? • Data are limited by stat. Needs more precise data! • Negative Sivers π+ Asymmetry • Consistent with HERMES/COMPASS • Independent • demonstration of negative d quark Sivers function. Model (fitting) uncertainties shown in blue band. Experimental systematic uncertainties: red band X. Qian et al, Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 072003 (2011)
Best Measurements on Neutron at High x UIUC Seminar
Double Spin ALT worm-gear function • Dominated by real part ofinterference between L=0 (S) and L=1 (P) states • Imaginary part -> Sivers effect, Boer-Mulders • No GPD correspondence • a genuine sign of intrinsic transverse motion • First TMDs in Lattice calculation • arXiv:0908.1283 [hep-lat], arXiv:1011.1213 [hep-lat] Worm Gear • First data with 3He • 30 Hz beam helicity flips • Data suggest non-zero SIDIS ALT: π-, +2.8σ (sum all bins) Preliminary g1T= J. Huang et al., submitted to PRL
New Hall Add 5 cryomodules 20 cryomodules Add arc 20 cryomodules Add 5 cryomodules Enhanced capabilities in existing Halls 12 GeV Upgrade Project • Scope of the project includes: • Doubling accelerator beam energy • New experimental Hall and beamline • Upgrades to existing Experimental Halls Upgrade arc magnets and supplies CHL upgrade • 310 million US$ construction project • Construction started 2009 • Currently 50% complete • Beam starts 2013
Approved by JLab PAC35 A-rating by PAC38 E12-10-006:Nucleon Transversity at 11 GeV Using a Polarized 3He Target and SOLid in Hall A Beijing U., CalState-LA, CIAE, W&M, Duke, FIU, Hampton, Huangshan U., Cagliari U. and INFN, INFN-Bari and U. of Bari, INFN-Frascati, INFN-Pavia, Torino U. and INFN, JLab, JSI (Slovenia), Lanzhou U, LBNL, Longwood U, LANL, MIT, Miss. State, New Mexico, ODU, Penn State at Berks, Rutgers, Seoul Nat. U., St. Mary’s, Syracuse, Tel aviv, Temple, Tsinghua U, UConn, Glasgow, UIUC, Kentucky, Maryland, UMass, New Hampshire, USTC, UVa and the Hall A Collaboration Strong theory support, Over 130 collaborators, 40 institutions, 8 countries, strong overlap with PVDIS Collaboration ( Spokespersons: Chen, Gao (contact), Jiang, Peng and Qian
E12-11-007 Asymmetries in SIDIS (e, e’π±) on a Long. Pol. 3He Target 180+ collaborators, 50+ institutes, strong theory supports andtheHall ACollaboration Spokespersons Jian-Ping Chen (JLab) Jin Huang (MIT) Yi Qiang (JLab) Wenbiao Yan (USTC, China) Approved by JLab PAC37 A-rating by PAC38
Experiment E12-10-006 (study done with CDF magnet, 1.5T) GEMs Study done with CDF and BarBar magnets (CDF shown here)
Kinematic Coverage • Precision 4-D (x, Q2, pT and z) mapping of Collins, Sivers and pretzelosity. • Coverage with 11 GeV beam shown here • Black: forward angle • Green: large angle • xB: 0.1 ~ 0.6 • PT: 0 ~ 1.5 GeV/c • W: 2.3 ~ 4 GeV • z: 0.3 ~ 0.7 • Mm: 1.6~ 3.3 GeV
Kinematic Coverage • Large coverage in kinematic space • 2 beam energy -> Q2 coverage; rad. cor. Q2 (GeV2) Ph⊥ (GeV/c) z 11GeV Beam • Electron: • Forward Det. • Large Angle Det. 8.8GeV Beam xbj xbj xbj Jin Huang <jinhuang@jlab.org>
E12-10-006 projection on Collins (Sivers) • Total 1400 bins in x, Pt and z for 11/8.8 GeV beam. • z ranges from 0.3 ~ 0.7, only a sub-range of 11/8.8 GeV shown here.
E12-11-007 Projection/ALT (Partial) • Projection of a single Q2-z bin for π- • Strong theory supports • 4 sets of predictions calculated for this proposal Center of points: E06-010 Data (Preliminary) Scale for error bars: Jin Huang <jinhuang@jlab.org>
E12-11-007 Projection/AUL(Partial) • Projection of a single Q2-z bin for π+ Center of points: Scale for error bars: Jin Huang <jinhuang@jlab.org>
>1000 bins: critical for studying multi-D structure z= 0.3~0.7 Ph⊥ (GeV/c) Scale for error bars : π+ AUL Q2 = 1~8 GeV2 xbj
New Proposal PR12-11-108:Target Single Spin Asymmetry in SIDIS (e, eπ± ) Reaction on a Transversely Polarized Proton Target and SoLID • Measure SSA in SIDIS using transversely polarized proton target • Use similar detector setup as that of two approved 3He SoLID expts. • Use JLab/UVa polarized NH3 target with upgraded design of the magnet • Target spin-flip every two hours with average in-beam polarization of 70% • Two Beam energies: 11 GeV and 8.8 GeV • Polarized luminosity with 100nA current: 1035 cm-2s-1 • Beamline chicane to transport beam through 5T target magnetic field (already designed for g2p expt.) NH3 target Spokespersons: J. P. Chen, Haiyan Gao (Contact), Xiaomei Li (CIAE), Z-E. Meziani (Temple) PAC38: Conditionally approved
Status on funding applications in China • National Science foundation of China (NSFC) • Major international collaborations 2-3 M (RMB) over a period of 3-4 years, proposal by Ma and Gao submitted in March 2011, approved in July 2011 for 3M (RMB) • Another proposal awarded by NSFC 3.5 M (RMB) to B.T. Hu et al. • Major program, encouraged by NSFC, Z.G. Zhao from USTC will lead the effort • Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) • 973 program: large scale science project over a funding period of 5 years: total ~20M (RMB), proposal submitted March 2011, led by CIAE (did not make 2nd round this year), will submit March 2012 again
Summary • Frontiers in nucleon structure go beyond collinear, 1-D picture • TMDs • Three-dimensional description of nucleon in momentum space • Direct link with orbital motion (orbital angular momentum) • Transverse motion: spin-orbit correlations, multi-parton correlations, dynamics of confinement and QCD • JLab 12-GeV upgrade will provide unique opportunities to map out the 3-dimensional structure of the nucleon, and the SoLID will guarantee this success by JLab Thanks to many in the SoLID collaboration Supported in part by U.S. Department of Energy under contract number DE-FG02-03ER41231