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Overview. Self-evidently sensible!Fits with principlesStatutory basis a bit trickyProcess variesSome random issues/suggestions. Principles. In performing its role, a local authority should
1. 16 April 2007 'Shared Services' – Legal Implications
2. Overview
Self-evidently sensible!
Fits with principles
Statutory basis a bit tricky
Process varies
Some random issues/suggestions
3. Principles
In performing its role, a local authority should –
collaborate and co-operate with other local authorities and bodies as it considers appropriate to promote or achieve its priorities and desired outcomes, and make efficient use of resources s.14(1)(e) LGA
4. Principles cont …
In performing its role, a local authority should -
ensure prudent stewardship and efficient and effective use of its resources in interests of the district
s.14(1)(g) LGA
also sound business practices and sustainability ((f) and (h))
s.101(1) prudent management promoting current and future community interests.
5. Council’s role
to enable democratic local decision-making and action for and on behalf of its communities,
to promote social, economic, environmental and cultural well-being of its communities,
to perform its statutory functions
ss 10 and 11 LGA
6. Council’s powers
For the purposes of performing its role, it has full capacity to carry on or undertake any activity or business, do any act, or enter into any transaction (with full rights, powers and privileges)
7. Council’s powers cont …
Subject to the LGA, any other Act, and the general law
Territorial authority must exercise its powers wholly or principally for the benefit of its district
Regional council must exercise its powers wholly or principally for the benefit of all or a significant part of its region and not for the benefit of a single district
s.12(2) –(5)
8. Shared services “exceptions”
2 or more local authorities engaging in a joint undertaking, a joint activity, or a co-operative activity
transfer of responsibility from one local authority to another in accordance with the LGA
the activities of a CCO
s.12(6) LGA
9. Importance of decision-making
Part 6 LGA
Under any other Act – s.13 LGA; RMA etc
10. Regional/Territorial
Triennial agreements – protocols for communication and co-ordination among all councils in a region s.15
Significant new activities by a regional council s.16
Transfer of responsibilities
RC to TA/TA to RC
substantive transfer/delegation
s.17 LGA/s.33 RMA
11. Different Concepts
transfer of responsibilities
- s.17 or reorganisation order
joint undertaking, joint activity, co-operative activity
contract for supply of goods or services
partnership trust, arrangement for the sharing of profits, union of interest, co-operation, joint venture or similar
entity in respect of which 1 or more local authorities, whether or not jointly with other local authorities or persons have:
control of 50% or more of votes at any meeting of members or the controlling body; or
right to appoint 50% or more of trustees/directors/managers of the entity
13. CCO/CCTO cont …
‘entity’ means any partnership, trust, arrangement for sharing of profits, union of interest, co-operation, joint venture …
excludes a joint committee
a CCO which operates a trading undertaking for purpose of making a profit is a CCTO
14. CCO/CCTO Implications
SCP to establish or become “a shareholder”
statement of intent/reporting/monitoring
principal objective/appointment of “directors”
contracts for supply of goods and services
company CCO or CCTO taxable
CCTO prohibition on guarantees/restrictions on lending
generally not subject to local government constraints
15. Process – SCP or worse!
section 16 – significant new regional activity – LTCCP
section 17 – transfer regional/territorial – SCP
section 56 – establish CCO – SCP
section 88 – change in mode of delivery of significant
activity – SCP
section 97 – significant change to service level, cost,
capacity etc - LTCCP
16. Regulatory Activities
generally can’t contract out of statutory regulatory responsibilities
specific legislation will be relevant eg – s.33 RMA
- s 233-236 Building Act
17. Regulatory Activities cont …
Schedule 7, clause 32(5): a local authority may delegate to any other local authority … the enforcement, inspection, licensing and administration related to bylaws and other regulatory matters
appointment and warranting of enforcement officers, authorised officers etc
18. Joint Committees
avoids CCO’s
statutory authority for delegated responsibility
shared governance
19. Private Sector Participation
arrangements which also include private sector parties may require compliance with s.107 policy
“water services” – ss.130, 136, 137 significant constraints if private sector participation
more risk of inadvertent CCO
Just One Life Ltd v QLDC
20. 16 April 2007 'Shared Services' – Legal Implications