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AGATA@GSI LoI. Relativistic Coulomb M 1 excitation of neutron-rich 85 Br. N. Pietralla. G. Rainovski. J. Gerl. D. Jenkins. Evolution of the proton SPEs towards 78 Ni. Approaching 78 Ni from left - N=40 to N=50. T. Otsuka et al., PRL 104, 012501 (2010).

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Presentation Transcript

  1. AGATA@GSILoI Relativistic Coulomb M1 excitation of neutron-rich 85Br N. Pietralla G. Rainovski J. Gerl D. Jenkins

  2. Evolution of the proton SPEs towards 78Ni Approaching 78Ni from left - N=40 to N=50 T. Otsuka et al., PRL 104, 012501 (2010) K.T. Flanagan et al., PRL 103, 142501 (2009) Z=28 50

  3. Approaching 78Ni from above - Z=40 to Z=28 p1/2 ??? 89Y 87Rb 85Br 83As 81Ga 79Cu 39 ? ESPE (kEV) • E(p3/2) – E(f5/2)  constant 2) E(p1/2) – evolves ??? 28 89Y, NNDC; 87Rb, L. Käubler et al., PRC 65, 054315; 85Br NNDC; 83As, NNDC and E, Sahin et al., AIP Conf. Proc. 1072, 298 (2008), 1012, 139 (2008); 81Ga, D. Verney at al. PRC 76, 054312 (2007) 50 29 31 39 37 35 33

  4. What is the unique experimental signature of p1/2? Spin-flip M1 transitions: direct observation of spin-orbit splitting 1p1/2 0.47(5) N2 ??? j< = l-1/2 0.68(10) N2 Unique signature!!! 1p (l=1) B(M1;j>j<)  1 N2 j> = l+1/2 89Y 87Rb 85Br 1p3/2 Relativistic Coulomb excitation reactions at high v/c large M1 matrix elements can significantly contribute to the total CE yield c(E2)  (1/)2 c(M1) – independent Relativistic beam energies   50-80 % Unique at GSI Huge Doppler spread in the observed -ray spectrum need of capability to perform precise Doppler correction and reduce the Doppler broadening AGATA

  5. Test case – 85Br • primary beam – 86Kr with intensity of about 109 pps • primary target – 2 g/cm29Be • secondary beam – 85Br, produced in fragmentation -   10 mb • secondary beam energies – 200 MeV/u and 450 MeV/u • beam intensity at S4 – 105 pps (10% FRS efficiency) • yield estimates - 10% efficiency of AGATA+PRESPEC set-up Assume the same strengths as in 87Kr: B(E2;5/2-3/2-)= 40 e2fm4B(M1;5/2-3/2-)=10-2N2 B(M1;1/2-3/2-)=0.58 N2 85Br Beam time – 100 h • Disentangle E2 and population from GDR: DSAM, two beam energies and multiplicity-total energy gates  HECTOR

  6. Summary Relativistic Coulomb M1 excitation of neutron-rich 85Br • physics goal - to fix the relative spacing between the p1/2 and p3/2 orbitals in the neutron rich nucleus 85Br • methodological goal - to show that the method of relativistic Coulomb excitation is a reliable experimental tool for quantitative study of M1 excitation strengths in exotic nuclei Requires RIB at relativistic energies – unique at GSI Requires capability for high resolution -ray spectrometry at v/c  50-80% - needs AGATA

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