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Detecting Dangerous Queries:

Detecting Dangerous Queries:. A New Approach for Chosen Ciphertext Security. Susan Hohenberger. Allison Lewko. Brent Waters. SK. PubK. Public Key Encryption [DH76,RSA78,GM84]. Passive Attacker : Chosen Plaintext Attack (CPA). SK. PubK. Active Attackers [NY90,DDN91,RS91].

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Detecting Dangerous Queries:

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  1. Detecting Dangerous Queries: A New Approach for Chosen Ciphertext Security SusanHohenberger Allison Lewko Brent Waters

  2. SK PubK Public Key Encryption [DH76,RSA78,GM84] Passive Attacker : Chosen Plaintext Attack (CPA)

  3. SK PubK Active Attackers [NY90,DDN91,RS91] Chosen Ciphertext Attack (CCA)

  4. IND-CPA [GM84] Indistinguishability under Chosen Plaintext Attack Challenger Setup PK M0 ,M1 b{0,1} CT* = Enc(PK, Mb) b’  {0,1} AdvA = Pr[b=b’]-1/2

  5. IND-CCA [NY90,DDN91,RS91] Indistinguishability under Chosen Ciphertext Attack Challenger Setup PK CT Dec(SK,CT) M0 ,M1 b{0,1} CT* = Enc(PK, Mb) CT CT  CT* Dec(SK,CT) b’  {0,1} AdvA = Pr[b=b’]-1/2

  6. IND-CCA [NY90,DDN91,RS91] Indistinguishability under Chosen Ciphertext Attack Challenger Setup PK CT Dec(SK,CT) M0 ,M1 b{0,1} CT* = Enc(PK, Mb) CT CT  CT* Dec(SK,CT) CCA-1: No 2nd phaseof oracle queries b’  {0,1} AdvA = Pr[b=b’]-1/2

  7. The Grand Goal: CCA from CPA CCA CPA

  8. Some Prior Methods (Standard Model) • NIZK [BFM88,NY90,DDN91,RS91,S99] • TPD/RSA, Pairings No:DDH, Lattices • Cramer-Shoup plus [CS98,02,…] • DDH,DCR, Factoring, IBE[CHK04], No:Lattices • Lossy TDFs [PW08,RS09,…] • DDH, Lattices

  9. 1-bit CCA to n-bit CCA [MS09] • Straightforward appending won’t work! 1 1 0 • Neat ideas • Heavyweight machinery + complex • We will adapt + generalize some ideas

  10. Our Result New General Approach for CCA security: Detectable Chosen Ciphertext Security (DCCA) CCA DCCA

  11. DCCA Security: Intuition CCA secure if avoid “dangerous” queries Hard to produce bad queries w/o challenge CT Can detect dangerous queries Example: Concatenate 1 bit CCA ciphertexts CT* 1 1 0 Dangerous Query for CT*: CT = Reorder of CT* 1)Hard to produce w/o CT* 2) Easy to detect

  12. Detectable Encryption System Setup(1n) ! (PK,SK) Encrypt(PK,M) ! CT Decrypt(SK,CT) ! M F( PK, CT* , CT) ! {0,1} Outputs ‘1’ if CT is a “dangerous” query for CT* Two Security Properties

  13. Property 1: Hard to Predict (Strong) Challenger Setup PK,SK CT, M CT* = Enc(PK, M ) AdvA = Pr[F(PK,CT,CT*)=1]

  14. Property 2: Indistinguishability CCA2=>DCCA=>CCA1 Challenger Setup PK CT Dec(SK,CT) M0 ,M1 b{0,1} CT* = Enc(PK, Mb) CT F(PK,CT*,CT)=0 CT  CT* Dec(SK,CT) b’  {0,1} AdvA = Pr[b=b’]-1/2

  15. Examples One bit to many bit CCA Tag-Based Encryption [MRY04,K06] Sloppy/Heuristic CCA

  16. The Ingredients Msg2 {0,1}* and randomness 2 {0,1}n Justified by Pseudo Random Generators PSV06,CDMW08 1-Bounded CCA CPA Trivial Detectable CCA

  17. Our Construction

  18. Setup Setup(1n): Setup1B (1n) ! (PKA, SKA) SetupCPA (1n) ! (PKB, SKB) SetupDCCA (1n) ! (PKin, SKin) PK= PKA, PKB, PKin SK= SKA, SKB, SKin

  19. Encryption • Encrypt(PK,M): • Choose random ra ,rb , rin2 {0,1}n • Cin = EncDCCA( PKin, (M,ra, rb ) ; rin ) • CA=Enc1B (PKA, Cin; ra), CB=EncCPA (PKB,Cin; rb) • CT= CA , CB CA= ;ra CB= ;rb (M, ra ,rb); rin (M, ra ,rb); rin

  20. Decryption • Decrypt(SK, CT= (CA , CB) ) : • Cin’ = Dec(SKA , CA ) • (M’, ra’, rb’) = Dec(SKin , Cin’ ) • CA’=Enc1B (Cin’; ra’), CB’=EncCPA (Cin ;rb’) • If CA CA ’ OR CB CB’ reject ;else M’ CA= (M, ra ,rb); rin ;ra CB= ;rb (M, ra ,rb); rin Idea: Recover (M, ra , rb ) then re-encrypt

  21. A Few Comments CA= (M, ra ,rb); rin ;ra CB= ;rb Features: Naor-Yung 2-key & Myers-shelat nesting Embedded Randomness vs. NIZK Proof w/ embedding randomness: Good: Decrypt from either side Problem: Embedding challenge (M, ra ,rb); rin

  22. What is the trouble? CA*= Cin*= ;ra CB*= Cin*= ;rb (M, ra ,rb); rin (M, ra ,rb); rin Challenge CT= CA *, CB * encryptions of Cin * Problem Query: Get Cin’ s.t. F(PKDCCA, Cin *, Cin’) =1 • Bad Event: Query C= CA , CBs.t. • CACA * • Dec( SKA, CA) = Cin’ where F(PKDCCA, Cin *, Cin’) =1

  23. Nested Indist. Game If prove under this game we are done! Attacker gets CCA queries Challenge Inner encrypts Msg + randomness or all 0’s (M, ra ,rb); rin (00…00); rin (00…00); rin (M, ra ,rb); rin z=1 CA*= Cin*= ;ra CB*= Cin*= ;rb z=0 No embedded randomness CA*= Cin*= ;ra CB*= Cin*= ;rb

  24. Proof Overview Eliminate bad event => Security follows from DCCA • Eliminate with z=0 (no embedded randomness) • Indirectly infer z=1 case from (1) • Finish off

  25. Summary • New abstraction: Detectable CCA security • Build CCA from it • Cover 1 to many bit enc. , tag-based, & more • Embedded randomness --- blessing & problems • Indirect inference on bad event

  26. Our Picture (not necessarily to scale) CCA DCCA CCA-1 CPA

  27. Thank you

  28. Bad Event Analysis (no embedded randomness) Show probabilities are close (00…00); rin (00…00); rin (00…00); rin Nested ;ra ;rb IND-CPA Right-Erased ;ra 1111…111 ;rb Switch -Decrypt 1Bounded CCA Full-Erased 1111…111 ;ra 1111…111 ;rb =negl(n) unpredictability

  29. No Bad Event for embedded randomness Suppose it did happen => We break DCCA indist. 1) Run Indist Game on A (while playing DCCA) (00…00); rin (M, ra ,rb); rin 2) Submit Msg1 =(M, ra, rb) , Msg0 = (00…00) or 3) Get back either 4) Create challenge CT (know SKA, SKB) 5) Use DCCA oracle to answer non-dangerous queries What if get dangerous query? Stuck! But then we know it must be Msg1 => breaks DCCA!

  30. Finishing it off z=1 CA*= Cin*= (M, ra ,rb); rin (M, ra ,rb); rin (00…00); rin (00…00); rin ;ra CB*= Cin*= ;rb z=0 No embedded randomness CA*= Cin*= ;ra CB*= Cin*= ;rb N.I. easy to prove from DCCA if no bad events CCA security follows immediately

  31. Could CCA-1 work? Idea: Replace DCCA component w/ CCA-1 Problem 1: Proof needs to detect Problem 2: Counterexample (w/natural CCA-1 scheme )

  32. Ex. 1: n-bit DCCA from 1 bit CCA Idea: Use basic concatenation Enc(PK,m) !C1=Enc(PK,m1), …, Cn=Enc(PK,mn) 1 1 0 F(PK,CT*,CT): 9 (i,j) s.t.CTi*=CTj

  33. Ex. 2: Tag-Based Encryption [MRY04,K06] Tag-Based Encryption: Each ciphertext associated with a tag Is CCA secure as long as TagCT* not queried F(PK,CT*,CT): TagCT* = TagCT Examples: CHK04-lite, Kiltz06, PW08 (CCA-1 version), DDN91 (w/o signature)

  34. Ex. 3: Heuristic/Sloppy CCA Idea: DCCA easier to meet than CCA Heuristic approach Sloppy: E.g. “Slack” bit in group representation CT: Apply transformation in case messed up

  35. Could CCA-1 work? Idea: Replace DCCA component w/ CCA-1 Problem 1: Proof needs to detect Problem 2: Can create an oracle that breaks it (CT*) :Decrypts CT*, encrypts M in another CT’ Q1: The oracle is strong! Is there middle ground? Q2: Structure for CCA-1? Proof idea?

  36. Prior Methods (Standard Model) • NIZK [BFM88,NY90,DDN91,RS91,S99] • NIZK proves well formness • NIZKs are rare: TPD/RSA, Pairings No:DDH, Lattices • Cramer-Shoup plus [CS98,02,…] • Efficient systems from number theory • DDH,DCR, Factoring, IBE[CHK04], No:Lattices

  37. Prior Methods (Standard Model) • Lossy TDFs [PW08,RS09,…] • Randomness recovery => use to verify CT • Change PK in proof • DDH, Lattices • 1-bit to many bit CCA[MS09] • General techniques • Partial randomness recovery

  38. BE-Nested vs. BE-Right-Erase ;rb 1111…111 ;rb vs. (00…00); rin • Standard IND-CPA reduction • Know SKA, SKin , not SKB • Observe BE using SKA

  39. Switch Decrypt • Switch from using SKA to SKB to decrypt • These are equivalent from Attacker’s view • Best of both worlds: Challenge CT not embed randomness, but queries must!

  40. BE-Right-Erased vs. BE-Full-Erased Full-Erased 1111…111 ;ra 1111…111 ;rb (00…00); rin Cin*= is gone! Unpredictability: Pr[Bad event in Full Erase] = negl(n)

  41. BE-Right-Erased vs. BE-Full-Erased vs. 1111…111 ;ra (00…00); rin • 1-Bounded CCA reduction • Know SKB, SKin , not SKA • Problem: Cannot observe bad event using SKB • Solution: “Peek” at 1 A query using 1-Bounded 1/Q chance of seeing it

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