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District and Campus Planning and Decision Making. Education Service Center Region XV. Why do planning and decision making?. The purpose of all district and campus planning and decision making is to improve the performance of all students. TEC 11.251 (a).
District and Campus Planning and Decision Making Education Service Center Region XV
Why do planning and decision making? • The purpose of all district and campus planning and decision making is to improve the performance of all students. • TEC 11.251 (a) Education Service CenterRegion XV
district and campus professional staff 2/3 of the elected professional staff must be classroom teachers Professional staff must be nominated and elected by other professional staff members There is no state-designated ratio of professional staff to non-staff members The staff membership should allow for effective consideration of all student performance needs parents community members business representative community, business, and parent members must be representative of the community’s diversity Local policy defines how these members are selected, but considerations are: Ability to attend meetings Ability to communicate with constituents Willingness to receive training Statute does not prohibit policies established to receive input from others, including students or para-professional staff Committee Make-up Education Service CenterRegion XV
… is responsible for providing assistance to the superintendent in the development, evaluation, and annual revision of the district improvement plan. TEC 11.252 …may assist in the development of district-wide staff development through the decision-making process under TEC 11.251 … must meet periodically with the board, or the board’s designee, to share their deliberations. TEC 11.251 …must adopt a student code of conduct for the district. TEC 37.001 … must provide comments on district-level waivers TEC 7.056(b)(2) … must be actively involved in establishing the administrative procedure that defines the respective roles and responsibilities of planning and decision making TEC 11.251 … shall hold at least one public meeting per year after receipt of the annual performance report, to discuss the performance of the district and the district performance objectives TEC 11.252 …every two years shall evaluate the effectiveness of the district’s decision-making and planning policies, procedures, and staff development related to planning and decision-making to ensure that they are structured to positively impact student performance. TEC 11.252(d) The District Improvement Committee: Education Service CenterRegion XV
…shall assist the principal in the development, review, and/or revision of the campus improvement plan for the purpose of improving student performance for all student populations, including students in special education programs… TEC 11.253 …must approve the portions of the campus plan addressing campus staff development needs. TEC 11.253(e) …shall evaluate the effectiveness of the decision-making and planning committee every two years TEC 11.252(d) …shall hold at least one public meeting per year. The required meeting shall be held after receipt of the annual campus rating to discuss the performance of the campus and the campus performance objectives.TEC 11.253(g) Must ensure that systematic communications measures are in place to periodically obtain broad-based community, parent, and staff input, and to provide information to those persons regarding the recommendations of the campus-level committees. TEC 11.253(g) The Campus Improvement Committee: Education Service CenterRegion XV
Roles and Responsibilities of the District and Campus Planning and Decision Making Committees • Planning • Budgeting • Curriculum • Staffing patterns • Staff development • School organization Education Service CenterRegion XV
District/campus level committees must provide assistance to the superintendent/principal in the development, review, and revision of the district/campus improvement plan.TEC 11.252 The purpose of the district/campus improvement plan is to guide district and campus staff in the improvement of student performance for all student groups in order to attain state standards in respect to respect to the academic excellence indicators (AEIS). TEC 11.252 District and campus performance objectives should be complementary and mutually supportive TEC 11.251 (a)(1) District/Campus Plans must include: Comprehensive needs assessment Measurable performance objectives Strategies for improvement Resources needed for strategies Staff responsible for accomplishment Timelines for monitoring implementation Formative evaluation criteria TEC 11.252 All federal planning requirements must be met. Roles/Responsibilities:Planning Education Service CenterRegion XV
May be centralized or decentralized—according to the district policy Committee members should be informed/trained regarding: the budgeting process the district uses federal funding sources in the district How/if budgetary allocations can be shifted for different purposes The committee should consider timelines for budget adoption andschool improvement needs Committee members should be knowledgeable regarding the use of state compensatory education funds to supplement the regular education program. Roles/Responsibilities:Budgeting Education Service CenterRegion XV
Roles/Responsibilities:Curriculum May include discussion and recommendations related to: • Instructional methods used • District curriculum development • Preparation for TEKS/TAKS • Recommendations on the high school program options • Technology considerations • Discussions on how curriculum ties to student performance • Innovative ways to address strategies for improvement through curriculum • Curriculum alignment issues Education Service CenterRegion XV
Roles/Responsibilities:Staffing Patterns May refer to: • Team composition • Block scheduling • How staff are screened for hiring purposes • Communication across campuses • How the needs of all students are being met through highly qualified staff • The adequate and equitable staffing for all areas of the schools • How specialists are used • Paraprofessionals • Etc. Education Service CenterRegion XV
Roles/Responsibilities:Staff Development • Staff development is determined by the District and Campus comprehensive needs assessment. • Staff development must be: predominantly campus based, related to achieving campus performance objectives, and developed and approved by the campus-level committee. TEC 21.451 Education Service CenterRegion XV
Roles/Responsibilities:School Organization Could include discussions on: • School calendar • Physical organization of the buildings • Allocation of equipment and materials • Use of space for regular and special functions and services • Communication channels--both formal and informal • How different program/content areas within and between the schools relate • How the organization of the district benefits students and supports performance • How schools would handle a crisis • Extracurricular activities in the district Education Service CenterRegion XV
Systematic communications measures must be in place: TEC 11.251(a)(1) to obtain input from community members, parents, and staff to provide information to all regarding committee recommendations At least one public meeting of the district and campus committees shall be held annually after receipt of the annual performance report for the purpose of… discussing the performance of the district/campus, and the performance objectives in the improvement plan TEC 11.252 Additional Expectations in law... Education Service CenterRegion XV
The Planning Process Education Service CenterRegion XV
The Planning Process • District/Campus Improvement Plans must include provisions for a comprehensive assessment of the measurable performance of each group of students served by the district, including categories of ethnicity, socioeconomic status, sex, and populations served by special programs, including students in special education programs. TEC 11.252(a)(1) It may include: • Quantitative measures of programs outcomes • Locally developed measures of students performance • Surveys or group evaluations indicating perceptions of staff, parents, community members, and students • Predicted needs based on projected enrollment, demographic trends, legislative impact, and state and local political and economic events. Education Service CenterRegion XV
Planning Process • Update GOALS based on state standards. Goals are long range (3-5 years), and are broad statements of expected outcomes that are consistent with the vision and mission of the district. They are focused on desired outcomes for students. Goals provide direction and focus. Example: By 2007 Blank ISD will have an Exemplary rating for student performance. • Write OBJECTIVES for the school year that address the needs of all students and all student groups. Objectives are specific, measurable, expected results or outcomes for all student populations served. They target observable behaviors that provide indicators for student performance. District objectives should be logically related to campus performance objectives and provide direction and support for campus improvement initiatives. Example: By 2004 85% of all students and all student groups, including students in Special Education who are tested, will pass all state tests taken. Education Service CenterRegion XV
Planning Process • Write Strategiesthat address: • the needs of all students and all student groups, including special education • instructional methods for students not achieving their full potential • methods for addressing the needs of students in special programs Strategies tell HOW the objective will be accomplished. They address broad improvement initiatives by outlining CHANGES in district operations that are expected to result in significantly improved outcomes for specifically targeted populations. Strategies include sequential activities or tasks that will result in specifically identified changes in knowledge, skills, or attitudes of educators, parents, community members, and/or students. Education Service CenterRegion XV
Guidelines for Activities/Strategies Activities/Strategies must address: • Instructional methods for students not achieving • The needs of students in special programs such as violence prevention, suicide prevention, conflict resolution, or dyslexia treatment programs • Drop out reduction • Integration of technology in instructional programs • Career education • Accelerated education (at-risk, SCE) • Staff development for professional staff to meet student needs • Staff development for teachers who work primarily outside of the area of special education “related to the instruction of students with disabilities” • Information to middle/high school parents, counselors, students regarding higher education opportunities, including TEXAS and Teach for Texas grants, admissions and financial aid for higher education, and the need to make informed curriculum choices • Pregnancy related services • Activities that address G/T student needs • CAP (special education) components (see the following pages) • Title I components for Schoolwide Title I campuses (see the following pages) Education Service CenterRegion XV
Strategies: Title I Schoolwide Campus Components • Comprehensive Needs Assessment of the entire school (including Migrant children) • Reform strategies that address the needs of all children in the school, but particularly the needs of children of underserved populations of any program that is included in the schoolwide program and that use effective methods and instructional strategies based on scientifically based research. • Instruction by highly qualified teachers (Show appropriate staff development to meet the needs of students at-risk in the D/CIP) • Professional development for teachers and aides, and where appropriate, pupil services personnel, parents, principals, and other staff who work for student improvement • Strategies to attract high-quality highly qualified teachers to high-need schools • Strategies to increase parental involvement • Plans for assisting preschool children in the transition from early childhood programs, such as Head Start and Even Start, to local elementary school programs. (Examples could include: provide parents with kindergarten objectives at an orientation session; teachers from pre-K/K meet to discuss instructional programs and needs of students, etc.) • Steps to include teachers in the decisions regarding the use of assessments. (In the formative evaluation column of the D/CIP show that teacher made tests, or teacher classroom observations are occurring to assess students) • Activities to ensure that students who experience difficulty mastering any of the State’s standards during the school year will be provided with effective, timely additional assistance. • Coordination and integration of Federal, State, and local services and programs, such as violence prevention programs, nutrition programs, housing programs, Head Start, adult education, vocational and technical education, and job training In the Plan: Include a list of federal programs whose funds are combined to implement the schoolwide program. Education Service CenterRegion XV
Strategies for Special Education Comprehensive Analysis Process (CAP) Components Should be written in the activity/strategy part of the Plan. At least one area must be addressed each year. • 1. Timeline for initial evaluation • A systemic process for pre-referral is established • Operation guidelines and tracking system are in place • Diagnostic staff complete evaluations within timelines • 2. Least Restrictive Environment • Supplementary aids and services are provided • Continuum of alternative placements is available • Placement decision includes annual determination of LRE • Students with disabilities participate in nonacademic activities • 3. Related Services • LEA considers related services based on student need • Needed related services are provided as specified in students’ individual education programs • Adequate supply of personnel is available to provide services • 4. Timeline for Reevaluation • Operating guidelines and tracking system are in place • Adequate supply of diagnostic staff completes reevaluation in timeline • A team of qualified personnel and parent follow the new process • 5. Transition Services • By age 14 the statement of transition service needs is in IEP • By age 16 an ITP is in place and links to the IEP • Agencies participate, when appropriate, in the transition process • ARD notice includes transition as a purpose and students are invited Education Service CenterRegion XV
Planning Process • Identify the resources needed to implement the plan • Include appropriate detail—adequate and appropriate space, materials, and equipment are addressed within the plan to accomplish the specified strategies • Identify the source of funds for each strategy. Funds must be budgeted consistently with program legal fiscal requirements. • State Compensatory Education funds must be identified for each strategy that is supplemental and indicates: • The amount of money $$$ allocated for each activity/strategy, and • total personnel funded through SCE Education Service CenterRegion XV
Planning Process • Identify staff responsible for ensuring the accomplishment of each strategy/staff needed to implement the plan. Use names of staff members responsible. Assignments should be clearly specified for: • individuals responsible for periodic evaluation of progress and • for persons accountable for the accomplishment of each activity • Set timelinesfor ongoing monitoring of strategies throughout a grading period or instructional period. Incremental progress reviews should be scheduled for discussion by the Committee. Education Service CenterRegion XV
Planning Process • Determine formative evaluation criteriafor determining periodically whether strategies are resulting in intended improvement of student performance. • The purpose of formative evaluation is to provide the opportunity for corrective actions during the implementation phase. Education Service CenterRegion XV
Planning Process Include SUMMATIVE evaluation • Summative evaluations answers the question, “Did we meet our objective?”. • All student program areas must be evaluated. • Summative evaluation measures are intended to summarize the cumulative results for the year. This evaluation will typically provide a basis for the annual needs assessment to guide the revisions to the plan for the coming year. Education Service CenterRegion XV
Goal:Long range (5 years) Goals that reach to the state standards for AEIS and Federal mandates for NCLB. The district/campus may write any additional goals necessary for student improvement. Objective: Annual, measurable targets. Objectives must address all AEIS and NCLB performance indicators that apply. Objectives must address all students and all student groups* for whom improvement is needed, including students in Special Education. Objectives should answer the question: Who will do what, by when, and to what extent? *W, H, AA, ED, Spec Ed, G/T, Title I, Male, Female, Migrant, LEP, Bilingual/ESL, At-Risk, etc. Education Service CenterRegion XV
Goal: Friend ISD will have an Exemplary rating by 2006 Objective: By May 2002, 86% of all students and all student groups*, including Special Education students tested, will pass all portions of the state assessment and the performance gap will be reduced by 10% between student groups. *W,H,AA,ED,Migrant,LEP, Bilingual/ESL,G/T,etc. Summative Evaluation: 86% of students will pass all portions of the state assessment and the performance gap between students at risk and students not at risk will be reduced. Education Service CenterRegion XV
Effective Meeting Practices Education Service CenterRegion XV
Effective meetings • Meeting success is influenced more by the collaborative norms of the group than by the knowledge and skills of the group’s facilitator. • Examples: Stay on task; Be open to people and ideas; Be on time; Be prepared to share ideas; Be an active listener; etc. • The power of the group to produce results is rooted in the quality of the relationships between participants. Education Service CenterRegion XV
Effective Meetings AGENDA Suggestions • Getting Input for the Agenda: • Staff, parents, students, and community should have an opportunity to give input to the committee—identify a method to receive input. • Begin the next meeting agenda at the close of the current meeting. • Writing the Agenda: • The agenda is developed by the administrator with input from the chairperson before the meeting. • It should be realistic in terms of time, need, and balance of topics. • It should be posted where all can see it prior to the meeting. • Following the Agenda • Consider the time and length of discussion allowed on each item and make adjustments as necessary. • Strive for closure on most if not all items. Education Service CenterRegion XV
Effective Meetings Minutes: • …should be kept for each meeting. • …should be provided to school staff in a timely manner indicating committee recommendations and future discussion items. Summaries of committee deliberations should be provided to community members, parents, and business members upon request. Education Service CenterRegion XV
Effective Meetings--Roles Education Service CenterRegion XV
Strive for Consensus Consensus means: All participants contribute Everyone can paraphrase the issue Everyone has a chance to describe their feelings about the issue Those who continue to disagree indicate publicly that they are willing to go along for a trial period All share in the final decision Consensus does NOT mean: A unanimous vote Everyone’s first choice That everyone agrees Remember…not all decisions should be made by consensus Effective Meetings Education Service CenterRegion XV
Avoid arguing for your own position Insist that all views be heard, understood and respected. Address issues, not people Don’t assume someone must lose and someone must win at stalemate positions. Look for the next most acceptable alternative. Confront problems, misunderstandings, and bad feelings early in the discussion. Avoid conflict-reducing techniques like majority vote, averages, coin toss or bargaining. Don’t change your mind just to avoid conflict. Seek out differences of opinion. Use formal voting as a last approach Effective MeetingsRules for Consensus Decision Making Education Service CenterRegion XV
Pause: All pause before responding to give everyone time to think. This reinforces “listening to understand.” Paraphrase: “So…” or “You’re saying that…” It says to the other person—I’m listening or I understand you. Probe: Put ideas on the table: Everyone participates and contributes! Ideas are the heart of meaningful group work. Pay attention: Be aware of what you are saying and how others are responding. All members need to be aware of themselves and of others. Presume positive intentions: Assume others’ intentions are positive—it facilitates a stronger team. Eliminate put-downs of people and ideas. Pursue a balance of advocacy and inquiry: Balance the questions you ask with your statements of agreement. “I’d like to say I agree with that idea…” Seven Norms of Collaborative Work Use gentle open ended probes such as “Please say more…” or “I’m curious about that idea…” It helps all understand better. Education Service CenterRegion XV
Effective Meetings Meeting Closure • Who will do what by when? • Who will communicate informally and formally to whom? • What will be communicated regarding decisions at today’s meeting? • What are our next steps? Education Service CenterRegion XV
District and Campus Planning and Decision Making Education Service Center Region XV Education Service CenterRegion XV