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Bleed:A photograph that extends past the exterior margin to the edge of the page, without leaving a margin.Body Copy:The main text of a page, section, or book that details the story of an event, as distinguished from headlines or captions.
1. Yearbook Vocabulary Terms You Should Know
2. Bleed: A photograph that extends past the exterior margin to the edge of the page, without leaving a margin.
Body Copy: The main text of a page, section, or book that details the story of an event, as distinguished from headlines or captions.
Byline: Line at beginning of copy giving name of person who wrote it.
3. Candid Photo: An un-posed photo.
Caption: Used to describe a picture. Captions should be placed as close to their corresponding pictures as possible and no more than two captions should be stacked. Every picture should have it own individual caption.
Closing: The final one to five pages of the yearbook where the theme is wrapped up.
4. Colophon: A statement recording the names of the staff and printer, book specifications, size of the edition, and other information about the production of the yearbook.
Cropping: Eliminating portions of a photo to improve its composition and make it proportional to layout space.
Die Cut: A pattern or design that is cut out by a die and removed from a page or end sheet so that part of the next page is visible.
5. Division Pages: A spread used to separate each of the sections in the yearbook.
Dominant Photo: The first picture to be placed on the layout. The dominate photo should be two to two and half times larger than any other picture on the spread.
End Sheet: Paper that attaches the book to it cover, there are end sheets in the front and back of the book. The end sheets in the front of the book usually contain the table of contents.
6. Eyeline: Formed by arranging photos, type, or other pages elements to form an even band of white space across the spread. It is used to visually link a spread.
Folio: A page number placed at the bottom corner of the page.
Gutter: The center of the spread where the two pages meet.
7. Headline: A line of larger type used to tell the reader what is to follow, introducing the topic and main point of interest of the copy.
Index: One complete listing of all students, teachers, advertisers, and subjects included in the yearbook and the page numbers where they can be found.
Justify: To set type so that both sides of a column are straight.
8. Ladder: A page-by page listing of the yearbooks contents.
Margin: Space forming the border of a page or sheet.
Mug shot: A photo of a persons head and shoulder area only, usually a class picture or senior photo.
9. Opening: The first one to five pages of the yearbook after the title page where the theme is introduced.
Page proof: A simulated version of a page showing copy, pictures and art work which is used for editing purposes prior to printing.
Pica: A unit of measurement equal to 12 points or 1/6 inch.
10. Quotes: Direct statements obtained through the interviewing process by the reporter, to be included word-for-word in copy or captions.
Section: Portions of a yearbook devoted to a particular topic (i.e.: sports, academics, clubs, student like, people, and community.)
Signature: A larger sheet of paper containing 16 yearbook pages, eight on each side. Before the plant can print the signature all 16 pages must be submitted together.
11. Spread: Two pages that face each other.
Theme: The central idea or concept. It unifies the entire yearbook.
Title Page: Page one of the yearbook. It should include the name of the book, name of the school, completed school address, volume number, and year.
12. Towayam: The name of Winter Parks yearbook. The yearbook has a theme for the year, but a name for the publication.
White Space: Blank area where no elements are placed. Planned
white space is an important part of the spread.
2445: Our job number. The job number is how the plant recognizes Winter Parks book.