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Judaism. Timeline of Major Events. Information Founding Judaism. B egan about 4000 years ago. O ne of the oldest religions still existing today. A bout 12-14 million Jews living today. O riginated in the eastern region of Canaan. Ceremonies and traditions.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Judaism

  2. Timeline of Major Events

  3. Information Founding Judaism • Began about 4000 years ago. • One of the oldest religions still existing today. • About 12-14 million Jews living today. • Originated in the eastern region of Canaan.

  4. Ceremonies and traditions • Bar mitzvah/bat mitzvah are used to celebrate a child's age of maturity 13 yrs. for boys 12 yrs. Girls • At weddings Jews do a tradition of breaking the glass which symbolize the destruction of the holy temple 2000 years ago • Jews celebrate a variety of holidays like Hanukkah to passover

  5. Sacred Texts • The ancient collection of writings is the Tenakh. • 1000 to 100 BCE. • The Tanach is known as the Bible in English. • Most important book is the Torah. Which was the whole of laws given to the Israelites at Sinai. • Talmud • Mishna • Haggada • Kabbalah • Midrash

  6. Short Term Effects • Occupied Israel in 63 BCE • Great Revolt against Rome in 66 CE • Bar Kokhba Revolt soon followed • Rebels took over Jerusalem • 132-136 CE

  7. Long Term Effects • Helped to form America • Bible helped to make America a democracy • Many Jewish Nobel Prize winners • 41% of Economic Nobel won by Jews • 53 Jewish Nobel winners in medicine

  8. Maps

  9. Maps 2.0

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