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A reminder to consider others during church service. Explore the concept of death and how different religions and beliefs deal with it. Discover how Christianity offers hope and salvation through Jesus, the man who can raise the dead.
Grace Bible ChurchGlorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ
A reminder to consider others Please: Turn off your cell phone or set to vibrate only Turn off sound to all electronic devices Use the nursery or cry room if your child is fussy Get up during the preaching only if absolutely necessary (please sit in back if you must leave early)
The Man Who Can Raise the DeadJohn 11:17-45 The great quest of mankind has been how to prepare for and deal with death Denial of the existence of the human soul seeks to remove the eternal ramifications of death Common idea of atheists, agnostics
The Man Who Can Raise the DeadJohn 11:17-45 Belief in cyclic reincarnation seeks to give yet another chance to reach Nirvana - the state of non-existence Eastern Mystical Religions The idea of entering a life similar to the present beyond death Common in pagan religions
The Man Who Can Raise the DeadJohn 11:17-45 Religions of personal achievement believe judgment based on whether you were “good” or “bad” awaits The Bible proclaims eternal condemnation for sin but offers salvation based on God’s grace
The Man Who Can Raise the DeadJohn 11:17-45 Only Christianity says, “Yes, someone has conquered death and He can enable you to conquer it too.”
The Death of LazarusJohn 11:1-19 Vs. 4 - “This sickness is not unto death, but for the glory of God, that the Son of God may be glorified by it” Jesus purposely waited two days until Lazarus was dead before leaving to “awaken him”
The Death of LazarusJohn 11:1-19 Vs. 17-18 Lazarus had been in the tomb four days by the time Jesus arrived The Jews buried their dead quickly without embalming Mourning after burial would last 3 days to a week or longer
The Death of LazarusJohn 11:1-19 “Many of the Jews,” which would have included religious leaders, came to mourn Lazarus
Jesus and MarthaJohn 11:20-28 Martha goes out to the outskirts of the village to meet Jesus as He was arriving Vs. 21-22 Lazarus was dead, but Martha’s trust in Jesus remained strong and steadfast
Jesus and MarthaJohn 11:20-28 Our faith should be as strong as Martha’s, but our own self-centeredness blinds us to truth and trusting God Vs. 23-24 Martha believes Jesus is speaking of the prophesied future resurrection, not an immediate one of Lazarus
Jesus and MarthaJohn 11:20-28 Vs. 25-26 Jesus declares “I am the resurrection and the life” - He is the object of faith for that hope Those who believe in Jesus receive the resurrection to life, those that reject are resurrected to eternal death
Jesus and MarthaJohn 11:20-28 The soul continues to live even if the physical body dies Vs. 27 Martha declares her faith is a settled conviction that Jesus is the promised Messiah Vs. 28 Martha leaves to get Mary telling her secretly to avoid attention
Jesus and MaryJohn 11:29-32 The quickness of Mary’s departure attracted the attention of those present who then followed her Vs. 32 Mary was also grieved, but expressed her own belief and submission by falling at Jesus’ feet
The Compassion of JesusJohn 11:33-38 Jesus is compassionate and understands us (Heb. 4:15) and wept (shed tears - not weeping / crying) Reasons to weep: in sympathy for the grief of His friends; over sin that causes death; lament over unbelief
The Compassion of JesusJohn 11:33-38 Vs. 36-37: A mixed response among the Jews over Jesus’ tears: 1) Evidence of His love 2) Evidence of His failure While acknowledging Jesus’ ability to heal, they did not believe He could raise the dead
The Compassion of JesusJohn 11:33-38 Jesus is filled with intense emotions and goes to the tomb
Jesus Raises Lazarus from the Dead John 11:39-44 Martha objects to having the stone removed for fear of the stench of death which would be released
Jesus Raises Lazarus from the Dead John 11:39-44 Jesus pauses to comfort & encourage Martha and to pray so people would know the source of the miracle The prayer glorifies The Father who hears; The Son whom the Father hears; and is a cause for belief
Jesus Raises Lazarus from the Dead John 11:39-44 Jesus only has to call Lazarus and the process of decay is instantaneously reversed and life is restored Lazarus hobbles out bound in his cloth strips wrapping his body
The ResponseJohn 11:45-46 The miracle caused some to believe and others to continue to reject and plot evil against Jesus People still respond the same way to the story of Jesus: Some believe and others reject all evidence
Conclusions Be humble and believe as did Martha & Mary for we have a compassionate and all powerful Savior You can entrust both your present and future to Jesus, the man who can raise the dead
Grace Bible ChurchGlorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ