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Valley Fliers

Join us for the annual meeting of Valley Fliers featuring reports, votes, and discussions on members' interests. Learn about financial highlights, maintenance updates, safety reports, and more!

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Valley Fliers

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Valley Fliers Annual Members Meeting March 2015

  2. Agenda • Opening Remarks • Treasurer’s Report • Items Up for Vote • Maintenance Report • Safety Officer’s Report • Door Prizes

  3. Opening Remarks

  4. Treasurer’s Report

  5. 2014 Financial Highlights • Purchase of Precision Flight Simulator • GNS 430WAAS Upgrade for 63S • Fraud loss in the process of trying to upgrade  ? • 9 Shares turned over (Same as 2013) • Relatively stable fuel prices required no rate changes • Insurance deductible adjusted to $2500 for a savings of approx. $1200/yr (Eric Lawton spearheaded this effort) • Our waiting list for membership purchase grew to 10 and had to be closed (Thanks to Eric Lawton & Roland Barber)

  6. Items Up for Vote • Approval of 2014 Annual Meeting Minutes • Election of Officers • Changes to Bylaws

  7. Proposed Compensation for Officers • Dues exemption for Officers • 2 free flight hours per month for the Treasurer • Board Members eligible for Flight Hour credits associated with maintenance in the same manner as other members

  8. Maintenance

  9. Highlights • Aircraft Exteriors are Professionally Washed every Three Months • Purchased Flight Simulator (Yay, Eric Lawton) • WAAS Upgrade in 63S • 406 ELT in 9MA • Hanger Rash Remains an Issue. Think of the Aircraft as Your Own (because they are) • The Future of 34H? • Call with Significant Squawks!

  10. 2013 to 3/11/15 Aircraft Maintenance Comparison

  11. Aircraft Maintenance Summary

  12. Safety

  13. LocalAirspaceBoeingSea-TacRenton

  14. Boeing Transition Northbound

  15. <- Gravel Pit is 3 miles southeast of Boeing Over fly it heading towards downtown Just north of the Gravel Pit over the downwind leg for 13L-31R at 1,500 feet ->

  16. <- Fly over the power lines at 1,500 feet. Traffic pattern for the east runway is at 1,000 feet. At the north end of the power lines is the Veteran’s Hospital. From here, decide which side of downtown you’d like to fly past. ->

  17. <- Just north of the VA Hospital passing east of downtown at 1,500 feet. Stay at 1,500 until north of the ship canal. Passing west of downtown along the waterfront at 1,500 feet. -> Stay at 1,500 until north of the ship canal.

  18. Boeing Transition Southbound

  19. Boeing Tower, Cessna 9534H, <- Green Lake, with ATIS for southbound transition. OR Boeing Tower, Cessna 9534H, Lake Union, -> with ATIS for southbound transition.

  20. <- Over Lake Union headed towards east-of-downtown at 1,500 feet. South of downtown heading towards the VA Hospital at 1,500 feet. From there, fly over the power lines towards Mt Rainier. ->

  21. <- Approaching the VA Hospital at 1,500 feet. From there, fly over the power lines towards Mt Rainier. Boeing Field while flying over the power lines at 1,500 feet towards Mt Rainier. Downwind traffic for the east runway is at 1,000 feet below you. ->

  22. Stadium TFR’shttp://skyvector.com Must be in contact with ATC

  23. Door Prizes

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