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Understanding Asana: Yogic Health Postures |

Dive into the essence of Yoga Asanas as relaxation exercises that benefit physical and mental health through steady movements and controlled breathing. Learn about the different levels and benefits of practicing various postures. |

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Understanding Asana: Yogic Health Postures |

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  1. Asanas Yogacharya Vishwas Mandlik Yoga Vidya Gurukul www.yogapoint.com

  2. Asana – Yogic Concept I Yoga = Evolution Yoga           Positive Level      Normal Level      Negative Level

  3. Asana – Yogic Concept I • Isotonic movements of muscles – tone is constant & length changes i.e. exercise • Isometric movements of muscles – tone is changing & length is constant i.e. Yoga Asana • Red muscle fibres are active during isometric movements & they consume less oxygen • White muscle fibres are active during isotonic movements & they consume excess oxygen • Oxygen consumption increases during exercise • Oxygen consumption decreases during Yoga Asana

  4. Asana – Yogic Concept I Yoga Asana is not an exercise, but Yoga Asana is Relaxation Action Exercise Yoga Asana Movements Dynamic Steady Movements Speedy Slow Movements Isotonic Isometric Heart Rate Increases Decreases Respiratory Rate Increases Decreases Blood Pressure Increases Decreases B.M.R Increases Decreases

  5. Asana – Yogic Concept I Asana does not mean EXERCISE ASANA means POSTURE Asana means EXISTENCE EXSITENCE – without doing anything! There is no movement in ASANA A steady posture is ASANA Hence the definition… “STHIR SUKHAM ASANAM” 2:46 “Steady & comfortable posture is Asana”

  6. Asana – Yogic Concept I Asana is a posture without movements. But to attain this posture movements are essential. Performing the Asana Pre-Position • Attaining the Asana posture with movements • Asana Posture – Maintaining with no movement • Releasing the Asana posture with movements Note: Step No. 2 is Asana Step No. 1 & 3 is not Asana

  7. Asana – Yogic Concept I A steady & comfortable posture is Asana. However movements are essential to attain the posture. The movements must be very slow The movements must be under control The movement must be accompanied with a correct breathing method

  8. Asana – Yogic Concept I “STHIR SUKHAM ASANAM” 2:46 Steady & comfortable posture is Asana • Steadiness & comfort must be in Physical body (mainly muscle) Mental Condition • Steadiness & comfort are also interdependent

  9. Asana – Yogic Concept I “PratyatanaShaithilya AnantaSamapattibhyam” 2:47 “Relaxation with efforts & Concentration on Infinite” “Tato Dwandanabhighatah” 2:48

  10. Asana – Yogic Concept II Definition of Asana Sthir Sukham Asanam ||2:46|| Steady & comfortable posture ____________________________   Without Movement With Movement   slow movements fast movements Prayatnashaithilya Anantsmapattibhyam ||2:47|| • Relaxation • Concentrating the mind

  11. Asana – Yogic Concept II Asanas can be practiced on the following Levels 0) With fast movements & without steadiness 1) With slow movements but without steadiness 2) With slow movements & with steadiness for a certain period 3) With slow movements with steadiness for a certain period & a relaxation of the muscles 4) With slow movements & with steadiness for a certain period, relaxation of the muscles & concentrating the mind on any organ of the self-body 5) With slow movements & with steadiness for a certain period, relaxation of all the muscles & concentrating the mind on infinity

  12. Asana – Yogic Concept II Level – 0 With fast movements & without steadiness This is non-yogic level This is a type of exercise Different muscles will be exercised and will be toned accordingly This level will tone up the muscles properly This will strengthen the different muscles Functions of joints will improve Note: This will not yield the results as mentioned by Patanjali

  13. Asana – Yogic Concept II Level – 1 With slow movements but without steadiness This type of practice of asana is useful for persons suffering from joint problems e.g. Arthritis, frozen shoulder & joint pains. This type of practice of asana is useful for the physically weak This type of practice of asana will improve the blood circulation to different muscles & joints

  14. Asana – Yogic Concept II Level - 2 With slow movements & with steadiness for a certain period This type of practice of asana will have the advantages of level 1 also When posture is maintained for a certain time period, the stretching & contracting of the muscles improves the supply of blood to those organs benefited in that asana The nerve supply to those organs will also improve

  15. Asana – Yogic Concept II Level – 3 with slow movements & with steadiness for a certain period & relaxation of the muscles. This type of practice of Asana will have the advantages of level 1+2 also When the muscles are relaxed, the stretch will be transferred to the internal organs. These organs are also made up of muscles. These muscles receive a stretch. This action improves the function of those organs. This action stimulates the blood supply to those organs & provides more oxygen & glucose.

  16. Asana – Yogic Concept II Level – 4 With slow movements & with steadiness for a certain period & concentrating the mind on any organ of the self-body This type of practice of asana will have the advantages of level 2 & 3 also By concentrating the mind on any particular organ the mental energy will be provided to it. As a result that particular organ will improve its function We can concentrate on - Pancreas for diabetes - Liver for liver problems - Heart for heart disease etc

  17. Asana – Yogic Concept II Level – 5 With slow movements & with steadiness for a certain period & concentrating the mind on Infinity The aspirant who wants to progress to higher levels can practice some of the asanas at this level This level can only be achieved after practicing the prior levels This type of practice will lead to control the mind The practitioner can reach beyond the dualities of life as explained by Patanjali

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