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Astra A Space Charge Tracking Algorithm

Astra A Space Charge Tracking Algorithm. Klaus Flöttmann DESY. Zeuthen 18.08.03. General. Program development started in ’96 based on a precursor by Ch. Stolzenburg written in Fortran 90, runs on: Windows PC LINUX PC SUN UNIX MAC OS ~ 50 -100 users. Astra design philosophy.

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Astra A Space Charge Tracking Algorithm

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  1. AstraA Space Charge Tracking Algorithm Klaus Flöttmann DESY Zeuthen 18.08.03

  2. General • Program development started in ’96 based on a precursor by Ch. Stolzenburg • written in Fortran 90, runs on: • Windows PC • LINUX PC • SUN UNIX • MAC OS • ~ 50 -100 users

  3. Astra design philosophy • the program is user oriented, i.e. it is designed • to be easy to use • to be robust against user errors • to avoid ambiguous parameters • Astra supports parameters scans. • Astra is complemented by graphics and analysis tools.

  4. Astra design philosophy • in order to avoid the development of diverging versions only executables are distributed. • to give the user insight into what is going on in the code a number of tools are provided. Examples will be shown in the following.

  5. Space Charge Calculation • a grid consisting of rings (transversely) and slices (longitudinally) is set up for the space charge calculation. • the grid size matches the dimensions of the bunch, with some additional grid cells added automatically outside of thebunch.

  6. Space Charge Calculation • the space charge field is calculated in the average rest frame of the bunch assuming a constant charge density inside the ring elements. • remaining non-relativistic velocity components in the average rest frame can be taken into account. • in the center of the bunch statistical problems may arise due to the small cell volume despite the higher charge density.

  7. grid lines bunch extension Example: radial electric space charge field of a bunch as calculated by Astra, plotted with fieldplot uniform charge density, 1000 macro-particles, 10x10 grid cells

  8. Example: radial electric space charge field of a bunch as calculated by Astra, plotted with fieldplot uniform charge density, 1000 macro-particles, 10x10 grid cells increased cell size in the center

  9. Example: radial electric space charge field of a bunch as calculated by Astra, plotted with fieldplot uniform charge density, 5000 macro-particles, 10x10 grid cells adjusted cell size

  10. Space Charge Calculation The grid and the space charge field are scaled as the bunch propagates through the beam line according to varying bunch dimensions, charge and energy. When the scaling factor exceed a user defined limit a new space charge calculation is automatically initiated.

  11. Example: development of electric space charge field as seen by probe particles. (Calculation with Astra, plotted with lineplot.) L-band rf gun 5000 macro-particles, 10x10 grid cells

  12. Example: development of electric space charge field as seen by probe particles. (Calculation with Astra, plotted with lineplot.) L-band rf gun 5000 macro-particles, 10x10 grid cells

  13. Example: development of space charge scaling factors in Astra. L-band rf gun 5000 macro-particles, 10x10 grid cells Cavity shape

  14. Example: development of time steps. L-band rf gun 5000 macro-particles, 10x10 grid cells

  15. Emission of particles from the cathode

  16. Emission of particles from the cathode Random distribution with clusters and voids.

  17. Emission of particles from the cathode Regular distribution with mis-matched grid.

  18. Emission of particles from the cathode Quasi random distribution based on a Hammersley sequence.

  19. Emission of particles from the cathode Particles are sorted w. r. t. their emission time. After the emission of a single particle the space charge field is scaled with: When a complete time step is fulfilled a new space charge field calculation is initiated. Some resolution below a time step.

  20. Emission of particles from the cathode The grid is set up successively as the particles come out of the cathode. Equivalently a mirror charge bunch is generated

  21. Example: Space Charge field at the cathode during emission. 1 nC, 3.0 mm dia. Plate capacitor:

  22. Example: Space Charge field at the cathode during emission. space charge limited emission: 5 nC launched 2.3 nC emitted 3.0 mm dia.

  23. Emission of particles from the cathode In Astra it is not necessary to assign the same charge to all macro particles. This allows to simulate the emission self-consistently, e.g. when the quantum efficiency of the cathode depends on the applied accelerating field, so-called Schottky effect.

  24. Example: Charge vs. phase of an rf gun. 1 nC, 40 MV/m

  25. Example: Charge vs. phase of an rf gun. 1 nC, 40 MV/m with strong Schottky effect

  26. Ekin = 0.0 eV Ekin = 0.25 eV Ekin = 0.5 eV Ekin = 1.0 eV Example: Charge vs. phase of an rf gun. 1 nC, 40 MV/m without space charge

  27. Astra graphics tools • for the data visualization and analyses three graphics programs are provided • fieldplot • lineplot • postpro • the plot programs are menu controlled

  28. Some menu pages of graphic programs

  29. Slice emittance plot

  30. Core emittance plot

  31. Acknowledgement Thanks to all colleagues who contributed to the program development, especially: Christoph Stolzenburg, Phillipe Piot, Bagrat Grigorian and Sven Reiche.

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