Biology Short Answer Review
Slide 1 The graph above shows the rate of enzyme activity in relation to pH for the enzymes pepsin and trypsin. Both enzymes break down food molecules when taken into the body; they act in series. First pepsin breaks some bonds in very large molecules. Trypsin then acts on the fragments, products of pepsin, further breaking them down. Answer the following question based on the graph.Can pepsin and trypsin function in the same environment? Explain. Rate of Reaction pH
Dirt sticks to the body either by becoming trapped in microscopicwrinkles in the skin or, if the dirt is moist, by adhering to the body. Sometimes the natural oils on skin will give the dirt an oily coating. In such cases, water alone will not remove the dirt, but soap and water will. Use the following pieces of information along with you understanding of polarity and chemical bonding to answer the following questions.A. A soap molecule is long with one end attracted to oil molecules.B. One end of a soap molecule is polar, the other end is nonpolar.C. Soap will dissolve, and the soap molecules will float freely in water.D. A sewing needle will rest upon the surface of water. If powdered laundry detergent is gently sprinkled near the needle, the needle will eventually sink. Slide 2 • Explain why adding soap to water will help remove dirt and oil. • Why does the needle float on the water? • Why does the needle sink after soap is added to the water?
Slide 3 What effect on the protein would be seen if a mutation resulted in the following mRNA codons UGU - UAU - AUC - GAA - AAC - UGC changing to UGU - UAA - AUC - GAA - AAC - UGC
Slide 4 Animals display various behaviors for many reasons. Generally, behaviors can be linked to a goal of survival or reproduction. One famous biologist, Niko Tinbergen, noticed that Common Black-headed Gulls would meticulously remove eggshell fragments from their nests after their offspring hatched. In an attempt to understand this behavior he set up the following experiment. Control Group Experimental Group White chicken eggs were camouflaged in both the experimental and control groups to blend into the background where the gulls lived. Broken eggshells were placed near the camouflaged eggs. He observed that carrion crows were easily able to notice the white interiors of the broken shells and consumed many more of the camouflaged eggs with broken shells near them. Questions on the next slide.
Explain how you would interpret the behavior of the gulls based on this experiment. • How is the behavior of the gulls linked with natural selection? • What type of behavior is being demonstrated by the gulls in removing the eggshell fragments? • Why was it important to establish a control group within the experiment consisting of eggs with no shell fragments near?
Yes, both pepsin and trypsin can function in a liquid with a pH value between 4 and 5, but neither will be functioning at optimal levels. Slide 1
Slide 2 • The polar ends of the soap molecules are attracted to the water and pull the soap into the water. The nonpolar ends of soap molecules are attracted to the oil. The oil then mixes with the water and soap molecules and becomes separated from the dirt. The dirt is released and can be rinsed away. The oil molecules can also be rinsed away. • The hydrogen bonds between water molecules cause surface tension. This prevents the surface of the water from stretching or breaking easily. The needle is light enough that it does not overcome the surface tension. • The polar ends of the soap molecules point downward in the water because of their attraction to the polar water molecules. The nonpolar ends point upward and disrupt the surface of the water. This disruption frees water molecules to adhere to the needle, which becomes wet and sinks.
Slide 3 The UAA would produce a stop codon, thereby preventing the remainder of the protein from being synthesized.
Slide 4 • Removing the eggshell fragments helps to ensure that more of the gulls’ offspring survive against predators who would otherwise locate and consume more of their eggs because of the noticeable white shell fragments. • The offspring of gulls that remove eggshell fragments will survive and reproduce more successfully than gulls or other birds that do not remove eggshell fragments. This action benefits the individual gulls that practice this technique. • The gull behavior could be described as parental care, since it is an action to ensure the survival of their young. It could also be described as defensive behavior, since it also works to provide protection from predators. • The control group was necessary to compare against the data from the experimental group with eggshell fragments. Without the control group, it would be impossible to tell if the eggshell fragments made any difference because there would be nothing to compare the results with.