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‘Spectrum and Enablers’ (SE) Group Status and Progress (RAS Cluster). Abdur Rahim Biswas (EUWB) & Wolfgang Koenig (E3). SE Group Mission and Objectives. MISSION:
‘Spectrum and Enablers’ (SE)GroupStatus and Progress (RASCluster) Abdur Rahim Biswas (EUWB) & Wolfgang Koenig (E3)
SE Group Mission and Objectives MISSION: To drive the implication of future cognitive radio technologies and its standardization and to come up with requirements and roadmap for all EU stake holders • Objectives: • To create a technical platform where all projects can harmoniously exchange/disseminate information • To identify synergies and future technical challenges/requirements in the field of cognitive radio technologies
How do we achieve the objectives and goals? Recommendations to ETSI (for standardization), CEPT (for regulation) and EC (for potential future projects) Group” Requirements and Exploitation SE Cognitive Radio and Network Dynamic and Opportunistic SA CR Stand/Reg Cognitive Enablers Roadmap and White paper Roadmap and White paper Roadmap and White paper Roadmap and White paper
Members of SE Group The group is formed based on the European FP7 projects in the area of Cognitive Radio technologies • The projects in the inner circle are identified as initial members of SE group • ARAGORN • E3 • EUWB • PHYDYAS • ROCKET • SENDORA • The other projects can be members in future
Benefits to Stake holders • SE Group members: • Potential networking and collaboration with members • Potential future joint projects • Building the critical mass through information exchange with experts • Access to member technical expertise and laboratories • EC: • SE provides the road maps • Future challenges and requirements • State of the art technologies • Standardization and regulation bodies: • SE acts as a liaison between technical stake holders and standardization/regulation bodies • Reduces the standardization time • Gains access to technical experts
SE Current Actions and Status • Submission a paper at 1st CEPT Public Workshop on Cognitive Radio & Software Define Radio (Projects contributed: E3, EUWB, PHYDYAS) www.ero.dk/ • Identifying the sub-groups • Each participating projects is invited to provide the technical input based on the topics • Planning to organize a workshop collocated with ICT Mobile Summit 09, http://www.ictmobilesummit.eu/2009/ • Planning to organize a special session at CROWNCOM 2009, Hannover, www.crowncom2009.org/
SE Potential Targets • Each sub-group produces: • Common technical documents • White papers • Define roadmaps • Inputs from all sub-groups will feed to SE • Organize technical workshops and technical sessions • Collaboration with relevant stake holders (e.g. WWRF-WG6) • SE develops common framework, roadmap, and recommendations to relevant stake holders (e.g. EC) • Recommendation to standardization & regulation • Publication of book (s) sponsored by EC
How We Can Reach those Targets • MUST: active contribution and involvement from all SE group members • Distribution of activities among SE group members • Identifying responsible person of each activity • Defining the timelines for each activity • Expanding the SE group • Identifying the liaison with EC and standardization/regulation bodies
Contact Details Abdur Rahim Biswas BROADWAYS GROUP CREATE-NET, Italy Email: abdur.rahim@create-net.org Wolfgang Koenig Alcatel-Lucent Deutschland AG Bell Labs Germany Email: wolfgang.koenig@alcatel-lucent.de