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Chip Carrier Package as an Alternative for Known Good Die

Chip Carrier Package as an Alternative for Known Good Die. Raymond Kuang . September 08, 2004. Driver for Known Good Die (KGD).

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Chip Carrier Package as an Alternative for Known Good Die

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  1. Chip Carrier Package as an Alternative for Known Good Die Raymond Kuang September 08, 2004

  2. Driver for Known Good Die (KGD) • Applications which require integration of different die technologies in one board (Multi-Chip- Package, System-in-Package, etc) and where the cost of board rework due to bad die is severe. • Major markets are portable electronic products. • The advent of small footprint packages like Chip Scale, Wafer Scale, etc offers a low cost alternative for low end applications. • High end systems which require limited weight and space.

  3. Limitation of KGD • High end KGD for high end application is difficult to obtain. • Limited to small I/O devices due to technical difficulties. • Full screening through the fine bond pad pitch in today’s sub-micron silicon technology is an issue. • Each die size for KGD normally requires custom socket. • Marking for traceability, such as wafer lot, is not possible. • Mil-Std-883 requires traceability for Space Application devices.

  4. Chip Carrier as an Alternative Solution for KGD 17 mm 17 mm Total Thickness : 1.847 mm 256 Bond fingers on edges of package

  5. Chip Carrier as an Alternative Solution for KGD • Advantages: • Designed for high density I/O where bare die testing is not technically and economically feasible. • Testing and Programming the device through the package terminal is reliable. • Voltage and currents are controlled with the use of low socket impedance. • Testing and programming are same as package parts like BGA or LGA. They are cost effective and reliable • Can accommodate many die sizes in one Chip Carrier package outline. • No custom socket is needed for each die configuration. • Can be marked for unit traceability (wafer lot#, etc).

  6. Chip Carrier as an Alternative Solution for KGD… con’t • Features • Small Foot print. • Can be used for both wire bond and flip chip version. • Wire bond version. • Smallest size is around bare die size + 6.5 mm. • Flip Chip version. • Smallest size is bare die size + 5.0 mm. Lead finger for wire bond use Pads for Test/Programming use or BGA connection

  7. Chip Carrier as an Alternative Solution for KGD… con’t • Two terminals available for each signal: • External lead fingers on the top sides – for wire bond from package to MCM use. • Land grid pads at the bottom – primarily for test use. Can be utilized for BGA connection to the MCM board also. • Chip Carrier material can be ceramic, organic or other suitable materials. • Multi-layer build-up substrate to enhance electrical performance and routing for high density I/O applications.

  8. epoxy Method to Integrate into MCM • Wire bond top lead fingers to system board to route out signal. • Chip Carrier must be attached using electrically non-conductive epoxy to system board. Wire bond version Flip Chip version

  9. Solder ball Solder ball Method to Integrate into MCM…con’t • Use the land pads at the bottom of the package. • Chip Carrier can be connected using solder balls and reflow to the system board. Wire bond version Flip Chip version

  10. Manufacturing Issue and solution • Major concern is contamination on external bond fingers that may affect board level wire bonding reliability. • Due to poor handling at assembly and test, and equipment cleanliness. • use of contaminated finger cots in handling the unit, use of contaminated perfluorocarbon bath at gross leak test, out gassing from contaminated burn-in board, etc… • Handling-induced contamination can be prevented by the use of clean vacuum pen to “pick and place” the units.

  11. Manufacturing Issue and solution… con’t • A good control to prevent contamination of accessories like trays/boats, sockets, etc. use in the assembly and test of the parts must be in place. • Use of low power microscope at visual inspection is necessary. • Wet cleaning using Isopropyl Alcohol can be used to remove most surface contamination induced during assembly and test screening. • Recommended to do plasma cleaning prior to wire bonding at Multi-Chip-Module or board level assembly.

  12. Ceramic Land Grid Array Package Ceramic Chip Carrier Bond Finger Reliability at Board Level • Chip Carrier units were exposed to different handling conditions, attached and wire bonded to a ceramic package and aged at 150C environment. A bond pull test was done to determine the interconnect reliability. Gold bond

  13. Reliability Evaluation… con’t • Details

  14. mode 2 Bond pull hook mode 1 mode 4 Au wire CC256 LGA Chip Carrier LGA Reliability Evaluation… con’t • Notes: • Cleaning process • Wet – used Isopropyl Alcohol, and de-ionized (DI) water. • Plasma – used 100% Argon gas • Bond pull Strength test Sample size: • As-bonded: 50-65 wires/unit • Post 500 hrs HTS: 100 wires/unit • Wire bond Strength Pull modes • 1 – break at neck above the ball • 2 – break at wire span • 4 – break at wedge bond

  15. Reliability Evaluation… con’t • The bond strength pull mode were at wire neck above the gold ball, and at wire span. • The absence of gold ball-to-lead finger separation indicates good gold wire bonding to Chip Carrier’s lead finger. • The bond strength measured on samples were above the Mil-Std-883 TM2011 minimum requirement.

  16. Summary • Actel’s near-die size Chip Carrier is a viable alternative for Known-good-die (KGD). It eliminate the challenges associated with handling, testing, and programming of today’s high I/O, high density devices in bare die format. • Chip Carrier can be used in both flip chip or wire bonding format. • A slight deposit of contamination coming from the environment and handling during assembly and test is expected on external bond fingers of Chip Carrier. However, this can be controlled by implementing good handling and cleaning procedure. Thanks!

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