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EDO(N) Community Status Brief

EDO(N) Community Status Brief. EDO(N) Program Background. EDO(N) Program - established in 1997 Produces officers to serve as RCOH/NEWCON CVN Reactor Officers Provides Engineering Duty Officer community with officers qualified to be Major Program Managers or Major Shore Commanders

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EDO(N) Community Status Brief

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  1. EDO(N) Community Status Brief

  2. EDO(N) Program Background • EDO(N) Program - established in 1997 • Produces officers to serve as RCOH/NEWCON CVN Reactor Officers • Provides Engineering Duty Officer community with officers qualified to be Major Program Managers or Major Shore Commanders • Retains SWO(N)s for nuclear duty by providing a career path with fewer at-sea requirements • Developed in conjunction with SWO(N) career path • SWO(N) Community is sole source for EDO(N) accessions • Lateral transfer of up to 10 SWO(N)s per YG (Nominal 3) • EDO(N) NOIP policy modeled after SWO(N)s • Policy provided via Long-Range Nuclear-Trained Engineering Duty Officer (EDO(N)) Officer Personnel Policy Memorandum • Last revision: June 2008

  3. EDO(N) Program Health • EDO(N) Community Health • Average of 3 SWO(N)s per YG have transferred to EDO(N) community • Community strength: 34 EDO(N)s at various phases of career • Since 1997, some inception “drivers” have changed • SWO(N) community healthy & stabilized • Cadre of ED officers with CVN operational experience • EDO(N) RO enhances Reactor Dept in RCOH/NEWCON • SY experience with organization/structure/production timelines • More “transition” experience (e.g. plant testing) • Provides additional nuclear experience to ED community • EDO(N)s fill nuclear related S/Y, planning, acquisition, and design billets

  4. Training Power School / Prototype / Quals / PNEO / XO Refresher / NR PCO Course At Sea experience operating the plant Deployments with Flight Ops, Drills, Casualty Control Special Evolutions – Underway Testing, Major PMS(RM/RC), Sea Details In Port experience operating the plant Maintenance - Homeport / PIA / DPIA / RCOH / NRRO interaction Senior Supervisory Watch for special evolutions & testing Day to Day operations Admin Programs – PMS / RPPMS / LOQM / Check Chem / Matl Hist Audits and Surveillances / Training Leading People Drill Team / Watch Team Divo / CVN Divo / Topside DH / PA / XO / Command at Sea Growing a Successful ROSkillsets PPWO / EOOW PPWO / RDO DIVO / PA 60-70 Months total nuclear experience – 48 months at sea

  5. 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 22 24 20 O4 XO/CO 3rd Shore Window CVN RO Maj Cmd 1st Divo Sea Tour 1st DH Sea Tour CVN Divo Sea Tour 2nd Shore Window XO/CO 1st Shore Tour D H S NPS/ NPTU CVN PA Tour CVN RO 4th Shore Window XOSM Growing a Successful ROSWO(N) Career Path SUCCESS in 1st Divo tour => SWO Pin SUCCESS at 24 months on CVN => PNEO Qual SUCCESS in Topside DH tour => Warfighter SUCCESSFUL PA tour => Nuclear Expertise Two nuke sea tours and one nuke shore tour prior to RO DH Screen PA Screen XO/CO Screen Major Command Screen ARO Screen XO/CO Fleet-up Screen

  6. SWO(N) CommunityRequirements vs. Inventory 87 DIVOs/yr ~29 Nuclear Shore RQTS ~24 Nuclear Shore RQTS 22 PAs/yr 7.5 RO-MTT-NPTU / yr ~1 N9-NRLL / yr

  7. ED Industrial ED Acquisition Nuclear Proficiency Tour Nuclear Proficiency Tour ED Industrial ED Acquisition ED IND ED ACQ Topside DivO Tour CVN Reactor Dept DivO Tour Post Graduate School NPGS or MIT SY CO SOS CO MPM CVN PA Tour CVN RO EDQP Tour NPS NPTU 0 20 2 3 6.5 9 12 14 16 18 23 25 27 5 1st Shore Tour LAT XFER PA Continuation RO EDO(N)Career Path and Boards SWO(N) EDO(N) ARO Community Boards: • Lateral transfer: ~6 YCS, Nominal 3, Maximum 10 per YG • EDO(N) PA Board: 10.5 YCS, Nominal 3 per YG (held on as-needed basis) • Continuation Board: 14 and 15 YCS, Nominal 1 per YG • ARO Board: 15 YCS following Continuation Board (held with SWO(N)s) • RO Board: 17, 18 or 19 YCS, Screen to Requirements EDO(N)s who are descreened remain EDOs and continue to remain competitive for Command

  8. Assistant Reactor OfficerPurpose • Enhance RO’s focus on the execution of propulsion plant operations, maintenance, and training by: • Enforcing the standards, priorities, and departmental philosophy • Providing an experienced quality cut on departmental administration • Supporting external coordination requirements (TYCOM, RPPY, JTG, etc.) • Leverage nuclear expertise of SWO(N) and EDO(N) officers no longer on track to be a Reactor Officer • Would otherwise lose nuclear qualifications • SWO(N)s not screened for CO Afloat • EDO(N)s not selected for continuation and future RO eligibility at 15 YCS

  9. Assistant Reactor OfficerSelection and Assignment • Picked by administrative board (first board in Feb 05) • SWO(N)s following CO-SM, XO-SM, or XO Afloat tours • EDO(N)s following unsuccessful second look for continuation • Nominally 3-4 officers needed each year • FY09 Board • 8 eligible officers (4 SWO(N) and 4 EDO(N)) • Four selects authorized by precept • Board picked 3 SWO(N)s and 1 EDO(N) • Must be under orders to an ARO billet by 30 Sept of year of selection • 30-36 month tour • Financially incentivized • Nuclear COPAY eligibility continues through ARO tour and beyond until reaching 21 YCS or 3 years away from nuclear billet (whichever occurs first)

  10. EDO(N) CommunityNominal Throughput EDQP Prof Tour RO

  11. EDO(N) Program Nuclear Proficiency • 4-year clock requirement between nuclear related assignments • Clock stops post-RO • CVN, nuclear shore, and non-nuclear shore tours sequenced to meet requirement • Engineering Duty Qualification Program divided between tour nuclear/non-nuclear billets • Nominally 18 months in nuclear billet • Minimum 18-month post-PA nuclear shore assignment required before RO

  12. EDQP Billets • SUPSHIP Newport News – Nuclear Power Supt / CVN Overhaul Assistant Project Officer • Naval Shipyard - Ship Construction and Repair Superintendent (Nuclear) / Zone Manager • Norfolk (2) • Puget Sound (2) • Portsmouth • Pearl Harbor NSY – Ship Repair Officer / Assistant Project Supt (Submarines) • SUPSHIP Newport News – Ship Project Officer/CVN Overhaul Assistant Project Officer * • Norfolk NSY – Ship Construction and Repair Supt (Nuclear) / Nuclear Operations * • Norfolk NSY – Ship Construction and Repair Supt (Surface Ships) / Zone Manager (Submarines) * • Puget Sound NSY – Ship Construction and Repair Supt (Nuclear) / Nuclear Operations * • Puget Sound NSY – Ship Construction and Repair Supt (Submarines) / Zone Manager * • SUPHIP Groton – Naval Engineering Inspection Officer / Ship Coordinator * • Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard – Ship Repair Officer / Assistant Project Supt (Submarines) * • SRF Yokuska - Ship Const and Repair Supt (General) * *Filled only if top billets unavailable

  13. Pre-RO Proficiency Billets • COMNAVAIRFOR/LANT N431 – Force Maintenance Officer • COMNAVAIRFOR/LANT N43 – Ship Material Officer • PMS312E – Propulsion Engineer • NAVSEA 05V – CVN Deputy Ship Design Manager • NAVSEA 08P - Assistant Program Manager Carriers • USFF N438A – Fleet Carrier Program Manager • Naval Shipyard Assistant Project Superintendent, Nuclear (APS-N) • Norfolk • Puget Sound • Portsmouth • SUPSHIP Newport News Code 151 – Project Officer for Aircraft Carrier New Construction • SUPSHIP Newport News Code 152 – Project Officer for Aircraft Carrier Overhaul

  14. People

  15. Future Issues • SWO(N) career path review and EDO(N) impact • Manning for CVN-65 decommissioning • EDO(N) RO selection for CVN-72 RCOH and CVN-78 NEWCON • Last RO Board held Aug 2008 • Board required in 2011 • Could also consider board in 2012 • Minor adjustment to board timing to support consecutive EDO(N) Continuation, SWO(N) PA Screening, and ARO Selection Boards • Maximize TAD funding utilization and make best use of limited pool of board members • Use most board members for all three boards

  16. Backup

  17. SWO(N) EDO(N) ED Industrial ED Acquisition Nuclear Proficiency Tour Nuclear Proficiency Tour ED Industrial ED Acquisition ED IND ED ACQ Topside DivO Tour CVN Reactor Dept DivO Tour RO ED IND ED ACQ Post Graduate School NPGS or MIT SY CO SOS CO MPM CVN PA Tour EDQP Tour NPS NPTU 1st Shore Tour LAT XFER PA Continuation RO 0 20 2 3 6.5 9 12 14 16 18 23 25 27 5 EDO(N) and EDO Career Paths URL Standard ED Career Path EDO Warfare Qual DivO Tour/ SWOS 2nd Div-O Tour Post Graduate School NPGS or MIT ED Industrial ED Acquisition ED Industrial ED Acquisition ED Industrial ED Acquisition ED Industrial ED Acquisition SY CO SOS CO MPM STAFF HQ PMS At-SEA EDQP Tour 20 0 2 3 6.5 9 12 14 16 18 23 25 27 5 EDO(N) Career Path

  18. EDO(N) Screening Boards • PA Screening Board • Screen to nominal three officers per YG • One Look: 10 YCS as required • Continuation Screening Board • Screen to nominal one officer per YG • Two Looks: 14 and 15 YCS • Transition: Officers at 16 YCS included in FY08 board and 16 and 17 YCS at FY09 board • Officers at equivalent point in careers • PG School, EDQP tour, and PA tour complete • RO Screening Board • Screen to requirements based on projected RO billets available • Assigned for RCOH and NEWCON • One Look: 17, 18 or 19 YCS • Conducted minimum of every 3 years

  19. AQD Removal Requirements • EDO(N) Requirements: • EDO(N) Shaping Boards (PA, Continuation, RO) • Exceed 4 year nuclear clock. (Excluding RO Served Officers) • 2X FOS CAPT (recommendation required to NAVSEA 08) • Other examples: • PA Alternate • ARO • Medical

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