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Institute for A pplied Physics National academy of sciences of Ukraine. Current status and development of nuclear medicine in Ukraine. V. E. Storizhko. The need of nuclear medicine equipment in Ukraine calculated according to the WHO recommendations.
Institute for Applied PhysicsNational academy of sciences of Ukraine Current status and development of nuclear medicine in Ukraine V. E. Storizhko
The need of nuclear medicine equipment in Ukraine calculated according to the WHO recommendations Total cost of the necessary equipment Is approximately €900 million
The number of necessary therapeutic procedures for Ukraine according to WHO recommendations
Analysis of the efficiency of the use of equipment for nuclear medicine (based on the results of continuous monitoring in Russia) (1) - Relatively simple equipment - 90% (2) - Medium difficulty equipment - 70% (3) - Complexes of high complexity (HCC) - 30% (4) - HCC with regard to the functionality usage degree - 10% (in the USA and EU – 90%)
Basic principles of hadron therapy Protons 200 MeV 1nA Carbon ions 4800 MeV 0.1 nA • Bragg’s peak • - Better matching of the dose with the target → dose-sparing mode for surrounding tissues • Charged hadrons • - Scanning beam for dose distribution. • Heavy ions • - Better biological efficiency.
Centers for hadron therapy of cancer in Europe In the Institute for nuclear research (Kiev) a center of hadron therapy based on the existing cyclotron is planned.
According to the decision of the State Agency for Science, Innovation and Informatization of Ukraine, the priority directions of the State target scientific and technical program are as follows: • development of innovative technologies for the production of radionuclides for nuclear medicine • development and production of radiopharmaceuticals, new means of their targeted delivery using nano- and biotechnologies and methods of their application • development and production of linear accelerators and cyclotrons for human diagnostics and treatment, new technologies and methods of their application • development and production of accelerator and diagnostic equipment for the newest technologies of nuclear medicine - hadron and neutron therapy • development of the latest nuclear-physical technologies and diagnostic equipment (SPECT, PET, MRI tomographs and hybrid complexes) • development and production of diagnostic equipment and pharmaceuticals on the basis of stable isotopes • development and production of accelerators for radiation sterilization of disposable medical equipment and materials • creation of a new experimental base for diagnostics with high spatial resolution on the basis of focused beams of X-ray and synchrotron radiation, electrons, ions and neutrons • development and production of electronic microscopes and mass spectrometers for medical purposes
IAEA TC National Project • Strengthening capabilities of Ukraine of production of radiopharmaceuticals for health care The project provides for the establishing the complete beginning-to-end cycle of development, production and implementation of main radiopharmaceuticals into the health care system of Ukraine basing on the existing nuclear facilities available in Ukraine. Institute for Applied Physics, NAS of Ukraine. Institute for Nuclear Research (INR), NAS of Ukraine.
Establishment of a diagnostic center of nuclear medicine in Sumy • Pilot project • Aim of the project – creation of a typical regional center of nuclear medicine together with General Electric Healthcare. • Implementation of the pilot project is expected to result in further development of the typical modern centers in every region of Ukraine under developed regulations as well as in creation of own production of equipment and accessories for nuclear medicine. • Project manager– Sumy Regional State Administration, Department of Health • Scientific support– Institute of Applied Physics NAS Ukraine
Conception of a regional center of nuclear medicine • Implementation of innovative diagnostic methods • Commercial Base of the Project • Capacity is 2-3 patient/hour • Equipment of GE Healthcare • Effective processes and technologies • Stage-by-stage upgrade available • Consistent staff training • Compliance with GMP • Localization of diagnostic equipment production
Configuration of a typical regional center for nuclear medicine of General Electric Healthcare
X-Ray Phase Contrast Imaging • Potential medical applications of phase-contrast X-ray imaging systems • Phase-contrast X-ray angiography • Cartilage bone and cancellous bone imaging • Renal and prostate carcinoma imaging • Lung imaging • High-contrast mammography Basic X-ray Phase Contrast Methods In-line phase-contrast X-ray imaging method Diffraction-enhanced X-ray imaging X-ray imaging by interferometer Differential phase-contrast X-ray imaging • Synchrotron radiograph of a rabbit femur taken at 30 keV without the analyzer crystal in place. • Diffraction-enhanced X-ray image for thesame sample[Shu-Ang Zhou, Anders BrahmeDevelopment of phase-contrast X-ray imagingtechniques and potential medical applications // Physica Medica (2008) 24, 129-148]
X-Ray Phase Contrast Imaging • Currently, in IAP NASU a newly formed group is engaged in the processing of digital images obtained by phase contrast technique (particularly, phase retrieval task) relying on the spline based iterative phase retrieval and the nonlinear regularized phase retrieval. • The next step planned is the fusion of imaging information from different sources in one image using the super-resolution method.
Phase-contrast X-ray imaging. Experimental realisation • Crystal interferometry • Grating Bonse-Hart • Analyzer-based imaging • Propagation-based imaging • Edge-illumination • Grating-based imaging • (Talbot interferometry) Required characteristic of radiation for X-ray phase contrast
Accelerators based compact source of quasi-monochromatic X-ray at IAP NASU
ThomX project. X-ray source based on Compton backscattering Source Electrons:- 20-70 MeV (nominal: 50 MeV)- 1nC- 20ps rms Laser:- 30mJ/pulse => 100kW in Fabry-Pérot cavity- 1ps rms
X-ray sources based on Compton backscattering ThomX - Conceptual Design Report